
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt.

Mctunado · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Strength cultivators

"Thank you, Semion, you are a treasure" The alien jumped up with relief, smiled and hugged the orc's neck. "Shall we go?"

Semion's ears began to burn and he visibly blushed, with the little ball in his arms he left the house and walked away. Liss, an alien of modern times, was already accustomed with being picked up and carried around, and didn't even ask where they were going.

The house was further into the forest but still in the city, Semion explained to Liss that this is because they tend to be destructive when they train, the three are already high level beasts that have attained a soul beast mark, Semion showed his two black arm rings which meant he is a 2 ring soul beast and the highest level is a 4 ring soul beast.

Thinking of a house of three bachelors, one would expect chaos, but it was tidy, Semion put the alien on a pile of hides.

"You must be hungry, I'm going to hunt, wait for me here"

Semion left, leaving Liss alone with her thoughts. After funcioning on adrenaline and survival instinct for so long, her body finally relaxed and she was visibly tired.

The makeshift fur bed she was lying on top of was warm and cozy, calming her nerves, so she fell asleep.





Ishid saw Semion's convoy in the city and knew that the orc mood would be terrible, so he went home early. Every time Semion went to exchange for females, when he was back, they trained day and night for almost a week after his return to relieve stress.

"Semi... huh?"

There was a female on the house.

'What in the world happened.'

He went closer prepared to pick her up and throw out of his territory but halted, she had Semion smell all over her which irked him as they were supposed to focus on cultivating strength not finding a mate.

Thinking, 'This is my house,' Ishid sat down next to the female and waited for something to happen, while in the meantime he watched her chest rise and fall in her sleep.

Semion came back and saw Ishid next to his little female and felt uneasy, Ishid was the definition of lone wolf but you never know.


"Semion, why is there a female here?"

"I found her lost in the woods, she wasn't exchanged at the leopard tribe."

"But why here?"

"She doesn't want to find a mate, the tiger king offered a house for her but as she doesn't have a mate she would probably die of hunger"

"She can just find a mate tonight"


Ishid was rendered speechless, Semion was clearly pursuing her.

"What I mean is, she doesn't want, she want to find love. I'm just helping her."

Ishid curiosity picked, for Semion to come back in a good mood and even show interest in a female she must be interesting.

"I don't mind, have you seen Levi?"

"No, he must still be at the city"




Liss's sleep was disturbed by the sound of nearby voices. As soon as she opened her eyes she immediately was taken aback. A fair-skinned man sitting cross-legged was right in front of her 'OH MY. WHY IS THIS FOR SHOW' Even with a hide over his waist it failed to do the job, leaving all his lower glory exposed. 

The normally calm girl hastily sat up with a deep blush on her face.

The man had short black hair and gray eyes, seeing his beautiful face Liss forgot the past situation. Dazed she couldn't help compare the man to a mirage.

"Hello, excuse my intromission, my name is Liss," Liss said lowering her head as a greeting. 


Ishid made eye contact leaving the alien light-headed, at that moment liss swore that if he said that the sky was green, she would preach that the sky was green.

"Come here, Liss"

Semion had a frown on his face, anxious about what could happen, Liss went in his direction not wanting to cause trouble. In arms reach Semion grabbed the little female waist without much patience to be gentle or even explain, from the sudden pull, Liss lost her ground and crashed into his chest.

"Oh my, I'm sorry Semion."

Without a word, Liss was dragged out of the house and sat on the ground under Semion's instruction.


He said handing a leaf with a big chunk of meat

 "Thank you"

As if a predator eyeing his prey, Semion stood close watching the alien take a bite.

"Which tribe are you from?"

Ishid questioned, leaning on the door frame making his three silver soul beast rings visible.

Liss thought that as she is a human, saying so wouldn't make sense, and it is easy to get caught up in a lie so she decided to say that she grew up in seclusion.

"I don't know, I've always lived alone"

Ishid went closer with a menacing look

"You, a female, living alone? How did you survive."

Liss acknowledged that it was a stupid move but how could she explain that she knew this place but wasn't from here? 

'What did mom say when they asked this.'

"I've always lived in a cave, they brought me food and water"

Still in that frantic train of thought she wondered what to say if they asked about her clothes, meanwhile Semion was touched, the interpretation of her words was that she was kidnapped when she was still a female cub by ferals that were waiting until she reached maturity to mate with her. That was too sad, wanting to comfort her he swiftly sat her on his lap and hugged her.

"Poor thing was imprisoned by ferals, is this why you were so afraid when you saw me on the riverside?"

Liss pitifully nodded her head looking sad on the outside but was cheering on the inside, there would be no possible way to confirm this, even if she didn't understand what ferals are, they must have this habit.

"Did you have your estrus and run away?'

"No, I ran away because I was scared"

'What's estrus? Do ferals eat people with this estrus?'

Ishid was wary of females but he wasn't heartless, this female stayed quiet until talked to and that pleased him. The prospect that she was a feral child bride meant that up until now her life must have been hard. With this thought a sign left his lips while he sat next to them.

A thought of leaving Semion's embrace passed through her head but Semion was her savior and her only ally, the conclusion was that if she didn't want to get kicked out she should, once again, compromise. But every glance at Ishid her gut had a funny feeling, to the point of thinking that if she had to be in someone's embrace she would rather...

'What a deviant thought. Is this why mom longed for this place?''

"You got a mate, Simeon?"

Liss's body reacted as never before, the surprise of hearing a deep husky voice from behind reduced Liss to a puddle. As a little girl with her first love, she thought that fate brings people together from far apart.

Back on earth, Liss rarely interacted with boys and the only man that she once had a relationship with was her father. The stimulus of attraction was new to her.

Looking up Liss met eyes with a burly man with brown hair and clear golden eyes, robbing the alien of her air. 

"She is not my mate" In a blink Liss was hanging, her only support being the man's hands on her armpits, Liss felt uncomfortable but still found it funny.

Levi was set on discovering what was happening, his crude behavior this time was purposeful to earn a reaction.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Liss."

Well, jokes on him. The female introduced herself first! Levi's stoic face successfully hid his surprise at the view, an innocent beauty with skin as white as rabbit fur and eyes the blue of soul gems awoke his predator instinct, an ugly feral instinct.

Liss's armpits were ticklish, a little movement of the man's hands made her giggle.

"My name is Levi, are you Ishid mate?"

"No, I'm not"

Levi had IQ but his EQ was nonexistent so his body heard his urges and nothing seemed wrong. Levi swiftly lowered one hand and grabbed her butt, raised her in a sitting position, and passed his free arm under her legs giving enough support to her bottom to force her upper body to lay in the gap between his arm and chest locking her in a position similar to a mom with her baby.

"So why are you here?"

Semion came forward to explain the situation and gave great emphasis to the part of finding love. In an arm cage, Liss paid attention to the explanation, to her the focus on finding love came across as a warning.

Liss's gut was screaming telling that those men were trouble.

'All I hope is that none of them force themselves on me.'

Hey guys! Finally weekend, somethings will end up changing but the plot wont. Thank youuu and I love to see your comments.

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