
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt.

Mctunado · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Feels like home

A gentle touch made Liss snap out of her daze, with his hand on her chin he moved her head so she would look at his face.

"Little female, what troubles you?"


Everything is wrong, her annoying faltering voice, her face wet and flushed her expression blank. He expressed concern, just to be dismissed and feeling disrespected.

"Then why do you cry?"

"Because I feel sad."

Liss, who received affection every day while living with the trio, unconsciously leaned toward Feng Huang's chest. Feng Huang flinched, took a step back, and released her chin.

"Are you unhappy here?"

There was never a time Liss was apart from her mother for longer than a week, she never had to deal with such complex emotions so the whole situation was overwhelming.


Was all she could mutter. She had no complaints; she never had any.

"I have no patience for this, little one. Stop sulking at once."

"I'm not sulking. I just have problems of my own."

"What could someone so young worry about?"

She scoffed at his words while wiping her face.

"So you have much to worry about?"

She taunted with a sarcastic voice.

"What insolence"

"Are you carrying the world? How hard is it for you? To you, I was born yesterday but I am alive just as you, what I know, what I believe, and what I feel is just as real. Why do you insist on bickering with me?"

Both were glaring at each other, there was no understanding between them. 

"Who is bickering?"

Feng Huang said in a low menacing tone.

"You are!"

Liss raised her voice despite her fear. 

"You're being childish, if this is your way of creating a reason to send me back, then do so! Feng Huang, you are bullying me."

"So I'm mistreating you because I'm not spoiling you? Do you feel entitled because you're a female?"

"You throw me around as you please and proceed to start arguments."

She snaps, throwing the bundle of plants that she was using as a broom directly at his face.

Even after doing so much—following him quietly, cleaning the house, and staying quiet he showed no kindness. She felt wronged.

"You scare me, leave me behind, and still find fault even if I don't."

She continued to throw things at Feng Huang, a wooden bowl, a bundle of straws, and whatever she could get her hands on.

This left him furious. No one had treated him this way in years. In an angry outburst, he reached the rustic table nearby and threw it against the wall.

It was such a violent move that Liss only heard the loud clash, she screamed frightened beyond words, crouching down while protecting her head with her arms. Without even becoming aware of what happened Feng Huang yanked her arm forcing her to stand up.

Glaring deep into her eyes, his erratic breathing brushed against her ice-cold skin. The girl was terrified, and the orc was enraged. How dare she disrespect him in such a way when even the most precious females bow down to him.

"How dare you."

'Ah, I know this.'

With her arm in a grip and her whole body shaking, her mind became hazy. She felt fear, disappointment, and excitement because she knew what was coming – she was going to be punished.


"Do you have no fear?"

The hand squeezed her arm, and his face was towering over her, only inches away, frozen in place her tears kept falling, she was in pain, she was scared, it wasn't fair.

But that numb state was so familiar it almost felt comforting, yearning for her mother she found solace in another tyrant, it felt like home.


A deafening yell brought Liss's attention back to reality. Wide-eyed, she stuttered jumbled words and apologies. The passing comfort she felt made her nauseous. The pain confused her, and his face was too close.

"I was wrong."

She cried out and Feng Huang finally felt satisfied, this female was getting under his skin and messing with his head. She was as good at aggravating him as she was at making him regret.

"Little one, your lack of understanding about how the world works doesn't excuse disrespectful behavior."

Her trembling body beneath his evoked a forgotten instinct, as he watched her pitiful display of helplessness. There was no anger but he still felt the need to subdue her, waiting to see if she would scream about being a precious female, there was a desire to see to what lengths he could go.

Holding back his expressions his hold on her arm loosened but his other hand rose to the back of her head holding her in place, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"Please, I'm sorry."

Feng Huang felt a thrill running through his stomach as he saw her cowering beneath him. The fortress that was Feng Huang cracked, he was alone for too long and maybe it influenced his emotions. He despised females for their arrogance and entitlement, to Feng Huang, who was an immortal, being someone's mate was the same as shortening his life. 

"Good, you did good." 

Feng Huang cooed in a gentle tone, unable to mask his satisfaction. Liss caught only a glimpse of his face, which was twisted in an uncanny wide grin and low, smiling eyes before he kissed her forehead without letting go of her arm or head. 

"Shh shh, everything is okay now."

Feng Huang whispered drunk in power, while poor Liss was stunned by what she saw. Feng Huang was an ethereal, elegant man, but the man she saw at that moment was a beast. Feng Huang up until now never touched her more than necessary and always kept a respectful distance but right now he had her in his grip, tight.

Reaching her body's limit her vision turned black and her head started to spin.

"I'm... sorry."

She cried softly before passing out. She fell limp in seconds but Feng Huang caught her before she crashed on the floor.


The orc held her drained body in his arms, his reason slowly returned and dread settled in.