
Beast Taming: Aeria’s Monster Academy

Synopsis: Elara, a shy girl with a mysterious past, enrolls in the prestigious Zenith Academy, where humans forge bonds with magnificent monsters. Struggling to find her place amidst brilliant rivals and a hidden darkness within the academy's star pupil, Elara discovers a secret chamber and bonds with Sparky, a mischievous gremlin with surprising abilities. A cryptic entity called The System awakens within Elara, offering guidance and unlocking unique potential. Together with Sparky, Elara uncovers a sinister plot to manipulate an ancient monster god and consume Aeria's magic. Facing betrayal, unexpected alliances, and thrilling challenges, Elara must embrace her connection to ancient monsterkind and unlock the true power of The System to save Aeria. World: Aeria, a floating continent where humans live in harmony with diverse monsters, but only after rigorous training at the prestigious Zenith Academy. At Zenith, students unlock their potential and forge bonds with these magnificent creatures. Characters: Elara: A shy, determined new student with a mysterious past and a latent connection to ancient, powerful monsterkind. Kain: The academy's star pupil, charismatic and skilled, but harboring a hidden darkness. Sparky: Elara's first monster, a mischievous gremlin with a knack for tinkering and unlocking hidden pathways. The System: A mysterious entity bonded to Elara, offering cryptic guidance and unlocking unique …………..etc etc ……….., System elements: Monster Fusion: Elara discovers the System can combine two monsters' abilities, creating powerful, temporary hybrids. Hidden Skills: The System unlocks unique skills in Elara and her monsters based on their experiences and challenges. Monster Evolution: Through dedicated training and overcoming trials, Elara's monsters can evolve into even more formidable forms. ……….more to unlock and waiting……… upto 7+ chapter pertime release check out my insta @novelnewbie https://www.instagram.com/novelnewbie?igsh=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ==

Novel_Newbie · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Shadows and Secrets

The library, with its towering shelves and hushed reverence, had always intimidated Elara. Tonight, under the cloak of moonbeams filtering through stained glass windows, it felt positively unnerving. She trailed behind Seraphina, whispering gargoyle secrets leading them through a labyrinth of dusty tomes and towering stacks.

"Whispers say the hidden chamber lies beneath the forbidden section," Seraphina hissed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "But first, we need to bypass the Archivist. That grumpy owl won't take kindly to unauthorized snooping."

Suddenly, a raspy voice echoed through the silence. "And what business do you two have sneaking through my domain after dark?"

Elara froze, her heart hammering against her ribs. A grumpy owl indeed, perched on a high shelf, its beady eyes fixed on them like glowing coals. His feathers ruffled, and a beak clicked ominously.

Seraphina, ever the quick thinker, stepped forward with a dazzling smile. "Oh, Archivist Hawthorne, simply admiring your exquisite collection under the moon's ethereal glow. Whispers say it grants wisdom, you see."

Hawthorne hooted skeptically. "Whispers are fickle things, child. Especially in the dead of night."

"Indeed, indeed," Seraphina agreed, batting her eyelashes innocently. "But who can resist the lure of forbidden knowledge? Especially when it concerns, hmm, let's say… a certain lost griffin feather known to hold immense magical potential?"

This, Elara realised with a jolt, was a complete fabrication. But Seraphina delivered it with such conviction, Elara almost gasped in admiration.

The owl shifted on his perch, his eyes narrowing. "A griffin feather, you say? And what would two fledglings like yourselves even do with such power?"

Seraphina leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Oh, we have grand plans, Archivist Hawthorne. Plans that involve thwarting a nefarious plot, rescuing a damsel in distress, and perhaps even saving the academy from an unimaginable foe."

Elara could barely contain her laughter. Seraphina was spinning a web of fantastical lies with the skill of a master weaver, and the owl, surprisingly, seemed to be buying it.

"Hmmm," Hawthorne hooted, stroking his chest feathers thoughtfully. "Intriguing, indeed. Very well, young ones. Tell me more about this plot, this damsel, this… unimaginable foe."

And so, under the watchful gaze of the owl, Elara and Seraphina embarked on a hilarious, improvised tale of daring rescues, perilous quests, and whispered secrets from the gargoyles. They embellished, exaggerated, and outright invented fantastical scenarios, painting themselves as reluctant heroes with destinies intertwined with the fate of Aeria.

As the minutes ticked by, Elara realized she wasn't just acting anymore. She was caught up in the thrill of the story, her adrenaline soaring with each fantastical detail. And to her surprise, the owl seemed genuinely captivated, his skepticism slowly giving way to curiosity.

Finally, Hawthorne hooted, a low rumble that echoed through the library. "Enough," he declared. "I have heard your tale, and while I remain unconvinced of your supposed heroics, the glint in your eyes tells me you're onto something. Very well. The passage lies behind the bust of the Forgotten Mage. But remember, fledglings, knowledge is a heavy burden. Handle it with care."

With a final, knowing glint in his eyes, the owl spread his wings and took flight, leaving Elara and Seraphina blinking in the afterglow. They exchanged an excited grin, the weight of the owl's trust replacing their earlier nerves.

Armed with a fabricated narrative and newfound confidence, Elara and Seraphina approached the Forgotten Mage's bust. Behind it, hidden in plain sight, lay a narrow, dust-covered passage. The whispers from the gargoyles buzzed in Elara's ears, urging her forward. The hidden chamber of secrets awaited, promising answers and the potential to rewrite their roles in the tapestry of Aeria's Monster Academy.

**End of Chapter 3**

The secrets are out, the stakes are raised, and Elara and Seraphina are on the verge of uncovering something truly extraordinary. Where will the hidden chamber lead them? What dangers and truths lie in wait? The possibilities are endless!