
Beast Tamer: Start New Beginning

Awakening to a startling realization, Zhan Wei finds himself transformed into a mischievous middle school boy. Little does he know that his life is about to take an unexpected turn as he is thrown into a high-stakes simulated exam. Despite being a graduate from the prestigious 985 group, he can't help but feel a growing sense of trepidation. What kind of exam awaits him? Curiosity piques as he faces seemingly impossible questions: What is the enigmatic final form of the elusive "Stinky Loach"? Which far-flung planets have humans colonized? Welcome to the enthralling realm of "Beast Tamer," where Zhan Wei embarks on an exhilarating journey from obscurity to mastery, wielding a unique power to control and communicate with extraordinary creatures. Join him as he navigates a world brimming with thrilling exploits, unexpected alliances, and the relentless pursuit of unparalleled power.

Blue_Foxx · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 45 Entrance examination (Part 3)

On the field, Zhan Wei took out a dark green triangular pair of sunglasses from his backpack and put them on Spark.

This was the color and style that Spark liked the most.

After training for so many days, wasn't it all for today's exam? For such an important battle, it was only natural to go all out and bring out a secret weapon from the very beginning.


After Spark put on the dark green triangular sunglasses, it raised its head and made a cool expression, instantly exuding a different aura.

"The rules of the battle are 1v1. Send out your respective beasts and listen to my command to engage in the battle. Once one side falls or loses the ability to fight, they will lose the qualification to continue the battle," Sunbo also said.

This type of competition, where there was no predetermined order of attack, was a popular format nowadays. It emphasized catching the opponent off guard and also tested whether the beast tamers chose to observe the situation or take the initiative.

"To face me in the first round, you can only say sorry first!" Lu Liangye said with his mouth, but his expression and tone were not in line with his words.

Zhan Wei: "..."

This person really deserved a beating.

With his pre-match remarks, a pale blue-colored pet beast appeared in the white starry array.

Its mouth was yellow, surrounded by a white collar on its neck. It had a pair of forelimbs and tail fins, standing on the ground supported by its tail because it had no hind legs.

It was a water-type pet beast called the Water Ring Carp.

"It's actually a Water Ring Carp. The boy is in trouble. Not to mention his strength, his attribute is already restrained."

"Do you have confidence in facing the Water Ring Carp?"

"...Even my ground-type pet will be restrained. Oh God, please don't let me encounter him in the next round!"

Several candidates in the stands were discussing intensely.

Zheng Yin sighed, sympathizing once again with the boy on the field.

Such luck...

Just then, Sun Boyi gave the command to start the battle.

"Approach and confuse it to solve it directly," Zhan Wei commanded first.

In the next moment, Spark charged forward.

Not bad speed.

Sun Boyi evaluated in his mind.

Solve it directly? How to solve it?

Lu Liangye listened and wanted to laugh; in fact, he really laughed out...

"Haha, use a water gun to prevent it from approaching."

The entry-level water gun was only about 2 meters long, but the water gun sprayed by the Water Ring Carp reached a distance of 5 meters, clearly reaching the proficient level.

Spark easily dodged it.

In a moment of distraction, Spark transformed into two.

The Water Ring Carp was stunned, not knowing which target to aim at.

The two Sparks quickly surrounded the Water Ring Carp from the left and right, revealing their fangs enveloped in flames.

"Wrap yourself in a water ring," Lu Liangye calmly commanded.

"Is this fire a little too big?"

Li Yang, who had some knowledge, raised a question.

"Is it? I'm nearsighted," the handsome young man squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the field.

Li Yang: "..."

The fangs of Spark, which were engulfed in flames, were already biting the water ring, and they didn't cancel each other out as they would in normal circumstances. In the next moment, the water ring was shattered, and the fangs viciously bit the head of the Water Ring Carp.

"Ring!! Ring!!"

The Water Ring Carp let out a cry of pain.

"How is that possible?! Water Ring Carp!" Lu Liangye lost his composure and anxiously called out to Water Ring Carp.

On the other side.

"It's a Fire Fang at the Proficient level," Qin Wen said.

"Fire Fang Dog is impressive. It seems like it was trained before the contract," Zheng Guoping sighed.

"This Fire Fang Dog hasn't been with him for even two months," a man with his back turned, who had been silent all this time, said.

"How is that possible?" Zheng Guoping looked incredulous.

"Don't you even believe the vice principal?" Qin Wen glanced at him.

Zheng Guoping was speechless.

Vice Principal Liu Yao was invited to their school. He was not just an A-level breeder but also a senior researcher who had received the Tung Yu Award.

He worked at the Pulinshi Advanced Research Institute, and if it weren't for the principal relentlessly going to his house for a couple of months relying on their elementary school classmates' relationship, he probably wouldn't have considered coming to a Shengshui Beast High School.

When he said the Fire Fang Dog hadn't been with him for even two months, it naturally meant... it hadn't been two months.

Zheng Guoping looked at the field with a strange expression. The Water Ring Carp had already fallen to the ground, and the Fire Fang Dog looked proud after releasing the Water Ring Carp.

Although its eyes were covered by the emerald green sunglasses, the way its mouth curved, its chest puffed out, and its head held high as if afraid that others wouldn't know it had won...

Is it really less than two months for this Fire Fang Dog?

The Water Ring Carp on the field had already fainted.

As Sun Boyi announced the result, Zhan Wei walked in front of Lu Liangye and said, "I'm sorry."

Lu Liangye: "...!!"

Zhan Wei picked up Spark and sat down in the stands.

Even before training Spark, he dared to take it to the entrance of the Shengshui Beast High School and challenge high school students, and won all three games.

Now that Spark's strength was worlds apart from before, and the opponent was a middle school student who had just contracted a beast and hadn't even taken the entrance exam.

How could he lose?

Winning was normal.

As soon as Zhan Wei sat down, he couldn't help but yawn.

The other examinees looked over with shocked and admiring eyes.

The victory was so clean and decisive!

Not everyone can achieve such a relaxed victory, especially when it goes against the opposing attributes.