
Beast Tamer: Start New Beginning

Awakening to a startling realization, Zhan Wei finds himself transformed into a mischievous middle school boy. Little does he know that his life is about to take an unexpected turn as he is thrown into a high-stakes simulated exam. Despite being a graduate from the prestigious 985 group, he can't help but feel a growing sense of trepidation. What kind of exam awaits him? Curiosity piques as he faces seemingly impossible questions: What is the enigmatic final form of the elusive "Stinky Loach"? Which far-flung planets have humans colonized? Welcome to the enthralling realm of "Beast Tamer," where Zhan Wei embarks on an exhilarating journey from obscurity to mastery, wielding a unique power to control and communicate with extraordinary creatures. Join him as he navigates a world brimming with thrilling exploits, unexpected alliances, and the relentless pursuit of unparalleled power.

Blue_Foxx · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 25

He still remembered when the senior in his school, one of the only two students who had a contract with a Fire type pet, took out his Flame Armor Rat in an attempt to let his junior sister touch it, but the Flame Armor Rat spewed flames at him as soon as it came out.

The person was fine, but his hair got burnt, and he shaved his head bald. He still wore a hat every day.

Unlike this Fire fang Dog, it would obediently stand there even in such situations.

Zhan Wei didn't understand and said, "I'm its pet breeder, isn't it normal for it to listen to me?"


Spark nodded, indicating his agreement with the Beast Tamer's words.

Hedgehog Head looked at Spark uncertainly. Was this well-behaved demeanor a part of its natural personality?

"Can I touch it?" Hedgehog Head asked.

"Chen kang, don't be impulsive," Tiang Liu advised.

The fact that Senior Chen had become bald was already known throughout the school. He didn't want Chen Kang to become the second bald student in the school.

"It's fine, go ahead and touch it," Zhan Wei shrugged.

Back at the Beast Base, before they formed a contract, Spark was willing to let his touch it.

Chen Kang's heart stirred as he crouched down, looking at Spark and reaching out his hand.


Spark friendly displayed its sharp teeth.

Chen Kang quickly pulled back his hand, afraid that Spark would bite him the next second.

"Let's just fight instead. I don't need any secrets. Just tell me how you usually train Spark," Chen kang said as he stood up.

"Alright," Zhan Wei agreed.

Although it had only been 3 or 4 days since Spark followed his, he had gained some insights into training.

Seeing their decision, Tiang Liu stepped forward and said, "I'll be the referee this time."

Zhan Wei nodded.

Chen Kang summoned his own beast.

Zhan Wei looked at the extraordinary creature in front of his in silence.

A brown insect-type beast, about 10 centimeters long, wriggled on the ground, resembling a dogtail grass.

It was actually a Cotton Worm...

Cotton Worms are mostly green in color, and rarely brown. This cheap and common beast is generally not favored by ambitious Beast Tamers.

However, it has various evolutionary forms, and currently, five different attributes of its evolutionary forms have been discovered. Among them, its evolution form, Blizzard Flutterby, is a rare Ice-type beast, which instantly increases the value of Cotton Worm by several tens of times.

But all this value depends on its evolution form.

Zhan Wei had read in a book that besides silk production and impact attacks, Cotton Worms couldn't learn any other skills.

Wasn't this just giving her money?

"You go first this time," Zhan Wei said.

He was afraid that Spark would end the battle in a flash with a single spark...

Chen Kang naturally knew what Zhan Wei was thinking. Every time he brought out the Cotton Knotworm, the opponent always let him attack first.

This kind of disdain, this feeling of not taking him seriously, always benefited him in battles.

Normally, the Cotton worm could evolve from March to May, but his Cotton Worm had dragged on for nearly a year, all to lay a solid foundation for its perfect evolution.

With this solid foundation, his Cotton Worm was no longer comparable to ordinary Cotton Worms! He even achieved a good ranking of 39th in the high-level beast battle.

"Cotton Worm! Show him your strength!" Chen kang shouted forcefully, raising his hand.


The Cotton Worm opened its mouth and a bright white thread shot towards the Spark at high speed.

The speed was so fast that Spark was bound by the thread before it could even move.

Spark struggled to break free but couldn't.

Zhan Wei frowned. It seemed that the speed training of the Spark needed to be prioritized.

"Give it the final blow!" Chen kang continued to shout.

The Cotton Worm's body emitted a faint white light, and its body of about 10 centimeters soared towards the Spark!

Its speed was much faster than the impact of the Spark just now.

After observing the distance for three seconds, Zhan Wei gave the command, "Fang of Fire."

A splendid flame instantly destroyed the white thread, accurately biting the approaching Cotton Worm.

"Jie!!!" The Cotton Worm let out a miserable cry.

Two seconds later, its eyes turned white, and it fainted.

"Zhan Wei wins," Tiang Liu announced.

"Cotton Worm!" Chen Kang rushed over and hugged the fallen Cotton Worm.

After confirming that the Cotton Worm had only fainted, he put it back into the beast control manual.

"Why?" Chen Kang raised his head, his eyes reddened as he looked at Zhan Wei and asked.

"Why?" Zhan Wei asked in return.

He didn't understand. Wasn't it normal for the Spark to defeat the Cotton Worm? Why was he reacting so strongly?

"Why did the Firefang Dog easily break the Cotton Knotworm's thread?" Chen Kang stared at Zhan Wei, unwilling to accept it.

His Cotton Worm's thread was incredibly strong, and once it bound the opponent, they could hardly break free, even if they were strong. It would take a considerable amount of effort.

How could it be so easily broken like it was just playing around?

"Well," Zhan Wei thought for a moment, "Don't you know that the Fire element counters the Bug element?"

Chen Kang: "..."

"Perhaps you haven't battled against a Fire-type beast yet?" Zhan Wei realized the truth.

Chen Kong: "!!!"

Attribute restraint is common knowledge, and Chen Kang naturally knows it.

However, he had never fought against a fire-type beast before. There were only two brave individuals in the whole school who dared to contract a fire-type beast as their first companion.

Both of them were in their second year, and there was none in their year.

Are attribute suppressions so strong? Chen Kang felt depressed. He still can not understand why his beast got defeated.