
Beast Tamer: Start New Beginning

Awakening to a startling realization, Zhan Wei finds himself transformed into a mischievous middle school boy. Little does he know that his life is about to take an unexpected turn as he is thrown into a high-stakes simulated exam. Despite being a graduate from the prestigious 985 group, he can't help but feel a growing sense of trepidation. What kind of exam awaits him? Curiosity piques as he faces seemingly impossible questions: What is the enigmatic final form of the elusive "Stinky Loach"? Which far-flung planets have humans colonized? Welcome to the enthralling realm of "Beast Tamer," where Zhan Wei embarks on an exhilarating journey from obscurity to mastery, wielding a unique power to control and communicate with extraordinary creatures. Join him as he navigates a world brimming with thrilling exploits, unexpected alliances, and the relentless pursuit of unparalleled power.

Blue_Foxx · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 1

Grade 7, Class 37 of Phoenix Ridge Junior High School.

"In this mock exam, everyone's progress is clearly visible, especially Zhan Wei, who ranked second in the entire grade. He was only 2 points away from a perfect score. Everyone should learn from him."

"Most of the classmates are doing well, but there are a few students who are not motivated and ended up scoring zero, bringing down the class average."

"I won't said the names, but I hope this student will take responsibility for himself. With only 21 days left until the high school entrance exam, such a result won't even get you into an ordinary vocational school, let alone Qingfeng High School."

The homeroom teacher, Li Xiaojun, scanned the position on the far right, third row from the back next to the window. He saw a boy sitting upright, with a straight posture, giving the appearance of a model student.

His mouth twitched involuntarily. What's with the act? It's you he's talking about!

Of course, Zhan Wei knew that the homeroom teacher was referring to him, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't the Zhan Wei from this world.

He had just transmigrated a few days ago and hadn't even adjusted yet when he had to take the mock exam.

But it was just a mock exam in junior high school, so he wasn't afraid. After all, in his previous life, he was a top student who got into a prestigious university.

As soon as he received the exam paper, he was dumbfounded.

"What is formed by the awakening of the human brain domain?"

"What attracts Heart Scales to extraordinary creatures and what role does it play?"

"What is the final evolutionary form of the Stinky Loach?"

"What are the planets that humans have migrated to?"

What...what are these questions?!

In the end, he had no choice but to choose the longest option for the three long and one short questions, and the shorter option for the three short and one long questions. He filled in the blanks randomly for the fill-in-the-blank questions and left the essay questions blank.

In the past two days, Zhan Wei had adapted to his new body, and the memories of the previous host also came flooding back. He had a general understanding of this world.

It was a world dominated by beast control. Since humans discovered their ability to control beasts, it had been 32.05 million years of development, forming a fully matured beast control social system.

Although it was called the era of beast control, not all humans could control beasts. Humans could awaken their beast control manuals through magnetic wave stimulation in their brain domains by the time they turned fifteen.

Although the era of beast control has developed for millions of years, humans still cannot awaken the Beast Control Manual with a hundred percent certainty.

As for last year, only 73% of the candidates in the national entrance exam awakened the Beast Control Manual, while 27% of the candidates did not awaken it. Even if some of them were academic geniuses, they were destined to be unable to enter a Beast Control High School.

Those who cannot control beasts can only become mediocre and spend their whole lives in the lower social class.

It is a harsh reality. If you cannot control beasts, you might not even be able to do manual labor like bricklaying.

Why would anyone use human strength to carry hundreds or even thousands of kilograms of bricks when there are extraordinary creatures that can do it effortlessly and quickly?

Even serving dishes is the same.

Even if the salary is several times higher, restaurants would rather hire extraordinary creatures to serve because it attracts more customers.

In this world, which is completely different from the previous social norms, Zhan Wei, a middle school student approaching the entrance exam, feels an urgent pressure!

In the past, knowledge changed destinies, but now, controlling beasts changes lives.

Although he has the memories of the previous host, the original host was academically weak!

His grades consistently ranked third from the bottom in the class, and in last month's mock exam, he improved and ranked fourth from the bottom.

However, that was because on the day of the previous exam where he ranked last, he had diarrhea and had to forfeit two subjects.

The entrance exam is in 21 days, and he doesn't even expect to enter a prestigious high school. He would be grateful just to be able to attend any high school now.

Zhan Wei listened attentively to the teacher's lecture, taking notes and even continuing to read the textbook after class, displaying a sprinting attitude reminiscent of the final push before the college entrance exam.

"Zhan Wei, the teacher was talking about you, right?" Zhan Wei's desk mate Li Ming whispered, leaning in closer.

This wasn't a question but rather a confirmation. Although the teacher didn't specifically name anyone, Zhan Wei was the one who openly took notes on a zero-point test paper without bothering to conceal the score.

Zhan Wei nodded.

In Zhan Wei's memory, he had a good relationship with his desk mate. They would eat together and hang out outside of school.

The main reason their relationship was so good was that Li Ming was also a poor student.

Last month, when Zhan Wei had a stomachache during the mock exam, Li Ming took his place as the fourth-to-last student in the class.

"Wow, I see you even answered the multiple-choice questions, and yet you didn't get a single point. This difficulty level is comparable to others scoring full marks." Li Ming raised his thumb in admiration.

Zhan Wei choked and couldn't respond. Could he really be blamed for this? If anything, he could blame that multiple-choice question with three long options and one short option!

"How many points did you get?" Zhan Wei asked.

"263, an improvement of 98 points from last time," Li Ming replied proudly.

Truly a poor student. Despite taking two extra subjects, he only gained 98 points.

But Zhan Wei could only silently complain about this in his heart. After all, they were both poor students, and it was better not to hurt each other.

"You did well."

Zhan Wei's words weren't entirely insincere. Although he thought his desk mate's grades were a bit lacking, compared to his previous level of around 200 points, it was clear that Li Ming had made progress during this period.

"That's right, my mom has been constantly keeping an eye on me lately..."

Before the sentence could be completed, the person sitting in front of Li Ming turned around nervously and said, "Is it true that Dai zhi from Class Nine got accepted into Harmony Height High School?"

Li Ming sighed, "If it's being spread around like that, it's probably true."