
Beast Driven System

The modern age of human society had undergone an evolution that changed it forever. Mana had arrived on Earth, and with it, came a meteor shower that threatened to reduce humanity to nothing but rubble and debris. Earth's governments were thrown into chaos because of this, and many military units were deployed to protect the masses from what they could only assume to be the end of the world. Using the most advanced arsenal possessed by the various world military governments, the adverse effects of the meteor shower had been controlled to an incredible degree, protecting most of Earth's inhabitants from utter annihilation. There were countries that were destroyed, leaderships and citizens wiped from the face of the Earth. Reconstruction had to be done to bring the demolished landscapes back to their former glory. It seemed like everything had gone back to normal, however, that was far from the case. Months after the meteor shower incident, world renouned scientists dedicated their time to studying these strange crystalline meteorites. Years later, and something ground breaking had been discovered-abilities. These meteorites, they weren't actually meteorites, but crystals. Where they had come from was unknown and still being researched up till today. From the crystals came abilities that changed humanity forever. Those who could afford the crystals were fortuate enough to obtain strange powers from within. Fire, boulder, serpent, and many others. Many more years passed by, and more and more was being discovered about abilities and the crystals they came from. Everything seemed to be heading up after the phenomenon that nearly destroyed the Earth, but not everything was for the benefit of everyone. For many years, most were oblivious to the presence of abilities on Earth. It wasn't until an alien invasion occoured, that the information on abilities was made public. Strong ability users were needed to defend Earth against the Shales. The government, private and public corporations, and many others, they were all monetizing whatever crystals they could get their hands on, using it as a means of earning revenye from the populace. Those who were rich enough to purchase ability crystals could become ability users, while those who couldn't would simply remain as regular humans. Many rich families in the new world were able to obtain strong abilities for themselves and their children; the ones who would continue their lineage and glory once their parents are no more. In order to learn how to defend humanity from the invasion of the aliens, people from the ages of 16 were ordered to attend a military academy by the decree of the federal government of their respective countries. Failure to abide by this law was punishable by jail time. Kayden, a sixteen-year-old from a city known as Black Saber city. Having lost his parents at a very yoing age, he had to live with his single uncle and his cousin. Like many other teenagers his age, he desired to attend military school to learn how to fight against the Shales. However, being unable to afford an ability, his dreams of becoming powerful seemed like they would be crushed, but that all changed the day he had been given a system that allows him to unlock monsters by completing quests. On his path to evolve, he must face multiple challenges, complete quests and go on missions just to grow in strength. For in the current world, only the strong are regarded, while the weak are cast aside and forgotten. That was the general rule, the rule that governed everything that happened. From a crystal, came a power that changed his life. Now, he must do whatever it takes to save the people he loves and cares about. He must make sure that he doesn't loose the people he cares about once more.

Darkvirus_18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Final Preparations (Part 2)

Everyone was doing whatever they could to get ready. In one of the girl's dorm rooms, Madison could be seen having her back against the wall, huffing and panting heavily. She quickly rolled her body to the side, avoiding a slash from her opponent.

"Fast. But not fast enough!" The girl yelled, sending more claw strikes in the air. She was another razor class ability user, similar to Zain, though, not on the same level. Madison was doing hee best to dodge, but, she was finding it difficult to dodge while also sending out attacks.

"Aahhh!" She screamed. One of the slashes had comnected, cutting deep through her flesh, even leaving a cut through her bone. Her body was healing, but more slashes were now hitting her in tbe process. She was being sliced up all over. The thought of dodging jad completely left her mind right after the first slash had connected.

"This girl... She's way faster than the first tine i fought her. She's gotten so much stronger, i can't keep up!" Although Madison had also imprpved during her time at the academy, she wasn't on par with those who could be considered monsters. Her growth was more steady compared to the others. Even the girl she was fighting had displayed growth that was more exceptional to her own, alpowing to her to have the upper hand in their fight.

"I... can't... loose...!" She screamed, her voice hoarse.

A couple minutes later, abd Madison's bldy laid on the floor unmoving, a pool of blood underneath her. She was still alive, though unconscious. Her opponent stood above her, though she was staggering, having been hit a few times with poison. She was also healing herself.

"This girl better keep up her end of the deal for asking me to train her," she said, turning around and leaving the room.

Everyone was training, even students like Steve, Josh, and the students who terrorized others and claimed their ranks. Everyone was getting ready for the next big step in their training, and many wondered what their families would think of them if they didn't do well in the end.

Currently, standing on top of the school building, were two students. Before one could act, the other did so, forming a large spiral of flames in his hand, blitzing towards his opponent. The other student, seeing the attack heading his way, began to concentrate as he activated his ability. His ability, motion inhibition, allowes him to prevent his opponents from moving, a tracker class ability that he had been training with non-stop ever since the inter-student competition.

"Freeze!" He commanded, his eyes glwing wide with power. Josh, with a menacing look on his face, could feel his legs growing heavier by the moment. His attack speed slowed down, abd his legs were starting to feel as heavy as an elephant. He struggled to move, thpugh he was able to apply more energy, he was starting to move faster, but the overall force trying to keep his legs in place was stopping him from movong as fast as he was before.

With the attack slowed down, Steve ran forward, delivering a kick to his opponent. Since his ability would keep hos opponent in place, it meant that he could beat up his opponents for as long as he wished, provided that they couldn't overwhelm his ability to a large extent.

"How dare you?!" Josh yelled, flames erupting from his mouth with a scream. "Take this!" He applied more pressure, trying to break free. He could feel the strain on his legs building up, abd if he wasn't careful, then he might end up rupturing his bone in the process.

Steve had always been relative to Josh, and the same could be said even now.

"Freeze!" He used his ability once more, rushing in with a fist ready to pound. "We won't fall behibd the others!"

That was what everyone hoped. Now, the clock was ticking, and even the board for the academies were contemplating on which planet the students would be sent to for thr expedition course.

In a dinly lit room, the board were having their discussion. A hologram was displayed, showing the various planets the students could be sent to.

"The strongest beasts on this planet are at the King Grade. I would like to hear what you all think about this," one of the members said, pointing at one of the planets on display.

"Do you believe that it is safe to send them there? These students aren't even strong enough to fight Advanced Grade beasts yet. I suddest we send them to that planet," another member said.

"How about we send them to that one? There aren't any beasts up to the King Grade, plus, it seems to be the most havitable planet," another member added.


In one of the staff rooms in the academy, a man was lying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He clenched his fist, shaking his head as a number of thoughts were running in his mind.

'That shale attack...,' he thought, remembering the incident that took place the previous day. 'The board had a meeting with them, yet thry still chose to attack. This situation, it's getting way to dangerous for my liking,' he got off thr bed and waked towards the window. Ataring out, he could see the second year building.

'There is a chance that the second years might also be involved in this. I think i'll have to obtain permission in order to investigate there, as well,' he decided. 'I don't want anything bad to happen to these kids.'


Somewhere in a different country, a latge mansion stretched out for as far as the eye could see. Whoever lived in this place, they were certainly well off, having top of the line structures and buildings. There was top tier security and the overall design and aesthetics gave off a futuristic, yet elegant vibe all at once.

Observing the building from afar, a boy with fiery red hair had a grin on his face.

"Feels good to be home," the boy said, licking his lips. Activating his ability, he propelled himself in the air, travelling the distance and landing right at the front door of the mansion. "I wonder if they miss me."


What Lucas was thinking about was true. All across the globe, attacks were still happening. Lives were being taken, and multiple cities were beibg destroyed. The military was spread thin, doing the best they could to hold off multiple attacks.

Many in the military weren't strong enough to handle even a single alien.

Although there were those who could, many were being held back by the large corporations they worked for. The reason behind this, many had their own interpretations of it, but one that was most common and agreed onnwas the theory that these large organizations wanted to monopolize the edge in warfare they had over others. They wanted other governments abd leaderships to handover power to them, on exchange for swooping in abd saving their lives.

This was the reason why major big families existed in the first place. A lot of these families had soldier who were strobg enough to rival the Shales abd protect a lot of people, and knowing this, they hoard these people and only make them fight if it would benefit the family greatly.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Black Saber city, something strange was starting to take place. In an abandoned building, a strange marking had appeared on the ground, glowing bright blue in color. However, thia wasn't just taking place in Black Saber city. The same thing was taking place in every single city that was attack, away from the eyes of the people

As well, another one had appeared in the arena at the academy.

Back in the martial arts class, a three-way battle qas currently taking place. Swiping his claw, he slashed at his opponent. However, Shawn delivered a kick to hid side in response, sending his body flying and crashing to the ground. Turning his head, he caught a pubch that was coming his way, using his leg to knee his other opponent in the gut.

'I'm glad these two agreed to train with me,' Kayden thought, running forward. The day was almost over, but Kayden still wanted to fight some more. So, he had asked Paul abd Shawn to have a three-way match. So far, each one of them was managing to hold his own, but Kayden was having a harder time doing so, being the weaker one among the three.

"I need to make sure i don't fall behind!" He yelled, punching Paul in his abdomen.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I appreciate everyone who has been reading up till this point. I am glad that you all have my story a chance to entertain you.

We have now arrived at the end of Volume one. What did you guys think about it.

Now, get ready for volume two. I plan for it to be longer than Volume one since a lots of things are going to be happening.

See you all in the next volume, and as usual, thanks for reading:-)