
Beacon Academy: School for the Supernatural

It is based loosely on JK Rawlings Harry Potter. Athena, a 16-year-old orphan, is the smartest witch at Beacon academy. She has surprised her classmates and is known as one of the most promising witches in her class. She faces the trials and tribulation of teenage life, just trying to make her way in a crazy magical world.

Lindsey_Bigelow · Movies
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11 Chs


I do not claim to own ideology or plots created by JK Rowling, in her Harry Potter series. I do, however, own the characters and plots I have worked hard to create in the furtherment of the story.

Don't be a jerk. Don't plagiarize. I will find you.

If you like what you read, please add it to your library so I know this story is worth continuing.

Please like and comment. I am open to suggestions and ideas.