
Be the Madam in a Wealthy Family

As someone who was sent to the heavens by her companions, Leng Sa realized that her life was still full of variables. She was engaged! She was turned down from her engagement! She was getting engaged again! She was about to marry a pervert?! Master Leng indicated that the only way to deal with a pervert was to fight! There was nothing that could not be resolved with a beating. If there was, she would beat them up twice! As a man who had undergone a drastic change and had his fiancée stolen by his younger brother, Fu Fengcheng thought that no one was in a worse state than him. Until he married a woman named Leng Sa. Young Master Fu's daily routine—get beaten up, bicker, take revenge, and beat his younger brother up! Young Madam Fu's daily routine—eat, play, bicker, beat her husband up! Fu Fengcheng, "Marriage is just a temporary solution. I won't fall for you." Leng Sa, "That's exactly what I was thinking. A handsome man has so much to be proud of. Why should he bow down to a tree?" Fu Fengcheng, "What?! Hold up, let's talk about this!"

Feng Qing · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

20. The dignity of the academy!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After the news of her broken engagement, Leng Sa's popularity at school seemed to have improved. It could be that she was too low profile in the past, and as the victim of this gossip—it was enough to pique the interest of the entire An Xia community, making more people notice her. "Leng Sa!" After school in the afternoon, as she packed up her things to leave the classroom with Bai Xi, several girls she didn't know surrounded her.

Leng Sa asked, "What's the matter?"

The leading girl said, "Leng Sa, are you going to perform at next month's school anniversary?"

Leng Sa shook her head, "No, I'm not."

The others weren't surprised. Leng Sa rarely participated in school activities during her two years at the school. Apart from a few classmates who were close to her and Bai Xi, she was largely unknown. The entire Yong City knew she was Fourth Young Master Fu's fiancee, but few knew her personally.

After all, with First Young Master Fu around in the past, Fourth Young Master could only be considered a rich young man from a prominent family. People's attention was focused on Zheng Ying—the future First Young Madam Fu—and those who were more sociable and active.

Leng Sa had a cold personality, didn't like to socialize, rarely participated in activities, and had good grades but no outstanding talents. Privately, many people discussed that the only thing she had going for her was her pretty face and luck.

"Don't," the leading girl quickly stopped her, "I heard Zheng Ying from the School of Business is also going to participate. Leng Sa, we, the School of Liberal Arts, fell behind the School of Business last year. We can't afford to lose again this year!" It was often said that students of the Arts were gifted, but they couldn't compete with the neighboring School of Business. Wasn't that embarrassing?

Bai Xi was a little surprised. "Zheng Ying is participating too? Isn't she…"

The girl said, "Well, she doesn't do anything else, but she plays the piano well."

Bai Xi pursed her lips and muttered under her breath, "She's just alright."

Leng Sa didn't understand, "Even so, what's the use of looking for me?" How did these people figure that she could represent the School of Liberal Arts to defeat Zheng Ying?

The girl chuckled. "You're good-looking."

"…" Leng Sa was speechless. The girl quickly said, "Alright, alright. We plan to organize a dance performance. We need a good-looking lead dancer."

Leng Sa pinched the space between her eyebrows. "I think… the most important thing for a lead dancer is to dance well."

A slender girl squeezed her way forward. "I can dance. I'll teach you!"

"I don't…" Leng Sa was interrupted before she could finish talking. "Leng Sa! Do you know what Zheng Xian's group and those from the School of Business are saying about you? They're saying that Fourth Young Master Fu broke off the engagement because you have nothing else except your looks! We can't let them tarnish the reputation of our Literature Class Two! You can't let us down!"

"That Zheng b*tch still dares to make things up?!" Bai Xi immediately exploded.

The girl continued, "You know, no matter what others think, there will always be a few idiots who believe what they say. The boys at our school can't bear to blame Zheng Ying when they see her looking pitiable, how could they? Leng Sa, are you not going to do anything? Think about Zheng Xian, think about Zheng Ying, think about Fourth Young Master Fu."

Leng Sa looked at them with confusion, "Are you all so enthusiastic just for the honor of our class?"

There was silence in the classroom for a moment, and then the leading girl suddenly chuckled, "No, we're doing it for women and the dignity of the School of Liberal Arts! We must let those b*tches know how outstanding our school is! The woman who was originally chosen is the most excellent! During the school anniversary, we'll invite other schools to visit. We can't let someone… stand out alone!"

This fierce determination not only surprised Leng Sa but also made some male students who hadn't managed to leave yet, grab their bags and hurry out.

"That's right!" Seeing the determined look on everyone's faces, Leng Sa couldn't help but laugh. She had to admit that while there were many annoying people in this era's schools, there were also many interesting and likable ones.


"It's okay if you can't dance; I'll teach you! You have a good figure and you're young; a crash course will make you look great!"

"You don't like dancing? No problem; I'll teach you to play pipa! My teacher is a renowned pipa master from the South!"

"I can sing! Let me hear what style of song suits you!"

"I'll write a script for you; we can perform a play!"


In the end, Leng Sa and Bai Xi managed to escape from the crowd looking somewhat disheveled. The price was that Leng Sa agreed to participate in the rehearsal for next month's school anniversary program, as per the Entertainment Committee's request.

Both of them exchanged glances, their foreheads covered in cold sweat.

Girls were terrifying.

"Sasa, are you going to participate?"

Leng Sa nodded, "I already agreed, and I find it quite interesting. Didn't you agree too a while ago?"

Leng Sa's minimal involvement in school activities over the past two years wasn't due to her looking down on others or deliberately distancing herself. She was genuinely busy with her matters. On the other hand, she also had to consider her grandfather's heart condition and her father's knees. Now… it might be fun to relax a little.

Bai Xi felt like crying without tears. She had agreed because she was afraid those girls would eat her up if she didn't.

"Do you want to learn the piano? I can… well, maybe not. My piano skills are just average, and I can't teach you much in such a short time," Bai Xi said with concern. If she lost to Zheng Ying at the school anniversary event, it would be worse than not participating at all.

Leng Sa said, "Dancing."

"D-dancing!" Bai Xi pulled Leng Sa over and took her to a corner. "Aren't you afraid your grandfather will break your legs? And the Fu family… Let me tell you, even though the Fu family is like this now, Madam Fu is still very conservative. No matter what event she attends, she refuses to wear modern formal gowns. Haven't you noticed? Zheng Ying's family is said to be Westernized, but her clothing choices have been quite conservative over the years. Although she participated in a lot of activities, mostly playing the piano or reciting poetry which are quite boring. Do you think she enjoys them? I heard that Zheng Ying learned ballet when she was young, but she hasn't danced since her engagement to First Young Master Fu."

Leng Sa shrugged, "What about Warlord Fu?"

Bai Xi hesitated for a moment, "Warlord Fu probably won't… Fu Family's third concubine studied abroad, and I heard she met Warlord in the dance hall."

Leng Sa said, "Well then, it's fine. I'll just enjoy myself."

"Aren't you afraid that your future mother-in-law will find trouble with you in the future after your marriage?" Bai Xi asked worriedly.

Leng Sa thought for a moment and said, "I don't think… I'm afraid. I'm not cut out to be a virtuous daughter-in-law. I'll let Madam Fu adapt first. If she regrets it later, she can still change. Otherwise, we can all be miserable in the future."

Bai Xi scrutinized Leng Sa from top to bottom, making sure she wasn't joking before nodding, "Alright if you're sure about it."

In reality, dancing was one of the skills Leng Sa could pick up quickly.

As a former rich second-generation heir, her childhood was filled with various extracurricular activities. She knew how to play the piano and violin, and she had learned a bit of zither. She had dabbled in painting and other hobbies, although most of them had been neglected after she entered the Fox Den. Besides, she only had basic proficiency in these skills, and she probably wouldn't stand much of a chance against Zheng Ying. Moreover, Leng Sa felt that if she was going to participate, she might as well make a big impact

The Fox Den's motto: Go big or go home!