
Be the Madam in a Wealthy Family

As someone who was sent to the heavens by her companions, Leng Sa realized that her life was still full of variables. She was engaged! She was turned down from her engagement! She was getting engaged again! She was about to marry a pervert?! Master Leng indicated that the only way to deal with a pervert was to fight! There was nothing that could not be resolved with a beating. If there was, she would beat them up twice! As a man who had undergone a drastic change and had his fiancée stolen by his younger brother, Fu Fengcheng thought that no one was in a worse state than him. Until he married a woman named Leng Sa. Young Master Fu's daily routine—get beaten up, bicker, take revenge, and beat his younger brother up! Young Madam Fu's daily routine—eat, play, bicker, beat her husband up! Fu Fengcheng, "Marriage is just a temporary solution. I won't fall for you." Leng Sa, "That's exactly what I was thinking. A handsome man has so much to be proud of. Why should he bow down to a tree?" Fu Fengcheng, "What?! Hold up, let's talk about this!"

Feng Qing · Urban
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40 Chs

19. You still have a long way to go.

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The one who spoke was Madam Feng. Her youngest son was the one who was going to be castrated. With all three men in the family having their legs broken, how could she continue living? As a result, the woman who was once timid and afraid to speak can no longer contain her emotions. Both Wei Changxiu and Warlord Fu looked at her. She desperately tried to shield her husband and sons, crying profusely, tears streaming down her face, "Warlord, please understand. Ahwu is Madam's biological nephew. How could he possibly commit such a thing? He's a good boy, he was framed!"

Warlord Fu wasn't interested in this kind of mother's blind affection for her son and turned to Wei Changxiu, saying, "You can take them away, just spare their lives."

"Warlord?!" Madam Feng was finally becoming hysterical, crying out in a shrill voice, "The Feng family is Madam's family. Wei Changxiu's blatant disrespect for the Fu family is a clear sign that he's not taking the Warlord seriously. He is condemnable!"

"Shut up!" a stern voice commanded.

The person who spoke wasn't Warlord Fu or Wei Changxiu; it was Madam Fu, who entered with Fu Yucheng.

When Warlord Fu saw Fu Yucheng's appearance, his expression darkened once more. His appearance was truly unsuitable for receiving guests. His face was swollen and bruised, not to mention a slightly limp leg. Although not too severe, for the legitimate heir of the Fu family, this was rather embarrassing.

The corner of Wei Changxiu's mouth twitched. Showing some respect for Warlord, he covered his curled lips with the ivory folding fan in his hand.

Both Madam Fu and Fu Yucheng were well aware that his appearance wasn't suitable for meeting guests, but she had no choice but to bring him along.

Warlord Fu held Madam Fu in high regard when it came to family matters, but he never allowed her to intervene in external affairs. If she wanted to have a say in front of him, she needed to bring their son into the equation. As for Fu Yucheng, he simply believed that this was what he deserved as the sole legitimate heir of the Fu family.

Warlord Fu was a very self-centered person. In the past, with Fu Fengcheng around, none of the children could stand out in front of him. Moreover, Fu Fengcheng was exceptionally capable and the rightful eldest son. While other Fu family members might enjoy luxuries, the only recognized young marshal of the Fu family by the public was Fu Fengcheng.

With Fu Fengcheng crippled, Fu Yucheng was eager to establish his position within the Fu family.

As for Wei Changxiu, he was a person of significant importance.

"Sister?! Sister, help!"

Madam Fu coldly glanced at her brother, sister-in-law, and nephew on the ground, then approached Wei Changxiu and slightly bowed, saying, "Mr. Wei, I am embarrassed with what the Feng family had done."

Wei Changxiu stood up and stepped aside. He closed the folding fan in his hand and smiled. "You must be joking, Madam Warlord." It was obvious that he refused to trivialize the major issue.

Warlord Fu furrowed his brow as he looked at Madam Fu. He believed her thoughts were unrealistic. If it were his Fu family's daughter who had suffered this way, he would've already taken care of the situation by annihilating those responsible. Wei Changxiu was being quite polite already.

Warlord Fu spoke sternly, "Enough, I've discussed this matter with Mr. Wei. As a woman of the household, you don't need to interfere."

Madam Fu lowered her gaze and humbly replied, "May I inquire how Master and Mr. Wei have reached an agreement?"

Wei Changxiu reiterated, and Fu Yucheng interjected, "Mr. Wei, the incident has occurred. Even if we were to kill them, it would be of no use. Why don't you take a step back? Why damage the relationship?" Wei Changxiu's gaze landed on Fu Yucheng for a moment. He gave an ambiguous smile before looking away.

Facing Madam Fu, Wei Changxiu at least responded, but when it came to Fu Yucheng, he didn't bother uttering a word.

Fu Yucheng's eyes darken slightly, "Mr. Wei, if you have any requests, please feel free to voice them. After all, the Feng family is connected to the Fu family by marriage. Can't we resolve this peacefully?"

Wei Changxiu looked directly at Warlord Fu, who said, "Alright, Nephew… I'll get someone to send these people over to you later. As I've said, just spare their lives."

Wei Changxiu immediately put on a smiling face, "Just and fair, as always, Warlord. I won't disturb you any longer. Goodbye."

Warlord Fu nodded. "Old Four, send Boss Wei out."

Fu Yucheng nodded silently and gestured to Wei Changxiu. He chuckled and nodded. "Thank you, Fourth Young Master."

As they exited the main hall, the atmosphere between them became somewhat chilly. Fu Yucheng stared at Wei Changxiu and said in a serious tone, "Mr. Wei, sometimes… excessive arrogance isn't a good thing."

Wei Changxiu was taken aback for a moment before he suddenly laughed.

He glanced to the side and saw Xu Shaoming pushing a wheelchair towards them from not too far away. He leaned slightly closer to Fu Yucheng and whispered, "Fourth Young Master, do you know what Fengcheng would say today if he were here?"

Fu Yucheng remained silent. He continued, "He would say… if you dare to touch a single strand of their hair, I'll have my people flatten every shop belonging to the Wei family in the Six Southern Provinces." He patted Fu Yucheng's shoulder and added, "Do you understand, Fourth Young Master? You're still far behind from Fu Fengcheng."

With that said, he ignored Fu Yucheng and left with a light laugh.

When passing by Fu Fengcheng, he briefly halted, nodded, and didn't say anything further.

"First Young Master?" Xu Shaoming assisted Fu Fengcheng.

Fu Fengcheng thought for a moment and said, "Let's go back."

"First Young Master isn't going to meet the Warlord?"

Fu Fengcheng said, "No need."

"Yes." Xu Shaoming turned the wheelchair around and headed back the way they came from.

Fu Yucheng watched the two figures departing ahead with a gloomy expression. With his bruised face, he terrified quite a few passing servants.

In the hall, Madam Fu ignored the Feng family members who had fallen to the ground. She sat down and looked at Warlord Fu. "Master, we can't do this."

Warlord Fu impatiently responded, "What can I do when the Feng family has committed such a despicable act? Tell Wei Changxiu that these are my brother-in-law and nephews. No matter what wicked deeds they've done, you can't touch them?" Madam Fu was embarrassed to be criticized by her husband so mercilessly.

"Warlord." Madam Fu said in a low voice, "These people have disgraced you, but… but no matter what, they are still Fengcheng and Yu'er's external family. If you do this, how can the two brothers face others in the future?"

Warlord Fu sneered and said, "If Ahyan encountered a similar situation, would you say the same?" Ahyan was the Third Young Lady Fu—Fu Anyan. She was 24 years old this year and had married overseas. Madam Fu had two sons and a daughter, with Fu Anyan being the only daughter.

Madam Fu's face instantly turned pale. "Warlord, how can you say that?!"

Warlord Fu fell silent. He loved his daughter just as much and certainly didn't wish ill upon her.

"Enough, don't concern yourself with this matter. I have my plans."

Madam Fu gritted her teeth and said, "Is the Warlord in such a hurry to put righteousness before family? Give me a few days at least. Perhaps the Wei family…"

Warlord Fu interrupted, "Do you think you can convince Wei Changxiu?"

Madam Fu was silent, but her eyes were full of stubbornness and persistence.

Warlord Fu waved his hand, "Fine since you're so confident, I'll let them stay for seven days."

Madam Fu heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Master."

The Feng family members on the ground also heaved a sigh of relief, their tears barely held back.