
Be my scars

When Bella lost her parents to the hands of death at a tender young age, she's struck hard into the reality of having to live on her own, with a step mother and a half sister who seemed to be down on earth just to add more miseries to her life. Everything seemed to change when she met the gorgeous, famous man who'd belittled her on their first encounter at the restaurant she worked at. Jason Garrix is the type of man who would make you stop to look again when you cross him on the streets. He's powerful and intimidating but knows what he wants when he sees it. Jason gets Bella weak in her knees, leaving a lustful want in her spine after every encounter. But Bella feels her life is finally getting together when she gets signed as the most paid model by a woman who has had a long history with Jason in the past. Bella leaves the shadows of her step family into the shadows cast by Jason's love and all the secrets in between.

Rofia_Yusuf · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter six

Jason's P. O. V.

"The universe will turn your whole life upside down, just to talk to you. And it will hurt, and hurt, and hurt and then one day it won't"

There was nothing more accurate than that piece.

With it I've strived and survived.

And at this point I'm not about to let it all go because my bastard of a father says so.

I've strived so hard to keep the 'Netherlands' up and going and now some idiot called my father wants to take it all away from me. Then he's in for a lot of surprise.

Sitting on the long oval table in my conference room, I watch the faces surrounding it. Older and younger men who are only here for the benefit of my money. Young ladies who only cares about me in my presence but speaks otherwise on the outside.

Sitting there, sunk hard into my chair, Watching Kane do his presentation on the board, my mind traveled far into the back of my mind, venturing into pasts I've long left behind, tormenting and torturing me every time.

Today, August 7th.

I find myself sighing loudly, calling the attention of my meeting members. But I didn't care. I continued to think hard.

On this day three years ago, I was going to be faced with the biggest shock of my life and just a few minutes from now, I had not even the slightest clue. It still hurt every time, for the scar in me always seemed to re open every time.

No one should ever have to experience that. No one. I've learnt and thrived. And I'll never let anybody take what's mine from me. Not even my disgrace of a father.

"Jason?" Kane's call finally breaks off my thoughts and I look back from the window I had no idea I was staring at to the faces looking at me from the table.

"Um..... If that's okay with you, we'd love to move to the next agenda" he adds.

I had not the slightest idea what they just talked about but I knew some team were going to China in two days for a conference meeting and I needed to look into that.

"What else are we looking into?" I ask him.

"The travel to Korea next week. It's a documentary for our TV show, the meeting i n China by Vidia's team, the new moll project our architectures want us to review and..... "

"Cancel all of that today," I cut him off, looking at Vidia sitting on my right " have your team go to China asap. Have Sean prepare your flight"

That said, I rise up and walked out, leaving everyone utterly speechless. Not that anyone could question my decisions anyway.

Stepping into my office room, it felt like the floor got deeper. My head was spinning.

My door swings open and Kane walked in, his presentation papers still in one hand.

"What the hell, Garrix?" he said, one hand on the door and the other flung out into the air.

I turn around to face him, getting pissed by the minute.

Kane was my best friend. And my personal assistant. We'd been friends since business school and we'd became more of partners in my company than our work ethics dictated.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing seemed to come out.

Shutting the door, Kane walks towards me, dropping the papers on my table.

"What happened in there, Jase? You were practically lost in there and they all saw that"

"I've just... got a lot on my head lately"

"You're still thinking about that day aren't you? Its today, isn't it? August 7th"

I just looked away, more angry at myself now for being so transparent on this matter. What the hell did that day do to me?

"Come on, Man. I thought we're way past this"

"We?, "I look back at him " there is no we on this, Kane and you have no idea how I feel" I turn my back to him and add "the least you could do is leave me alone"

There's silence and I internally prayed he'd go but instead I hear the sound of my chair being occupied and I turn to see him sitting on it, eyes trained into thin air.

He stays that way for a minute before finally breaking the silence.

"Listen, Man. We're brothers. We've always been and your problems are my problems and we can either face it together or you find a way to get rid of me, alright? Now I know this isn't easy. Come on, Jase, how many obstacles have we overcame together? Ten? Twenty? Telling me to leave you alone right now is like letting you take all the glory for all the shits we been through"

My lips curl into a corner lip grin and I replied "and there are more shits ahead, brother"

"That's what I'm talking about, Man. Now what's August 7 that you can't get over? There's a lot of better dates. There's gonna be August 20,September 1st, December. Febuary 14th?"

I laugh lightly at his remark, getting at what he's insinuating.

"Who knows?," he opens his arms "there could be a beautiful, hot version of August 7th, waiting right across the street for us"

"How about we find out?"

"Let's head out to the clubs shall we?"

"You know I wouldn't say no to that"

I laugh and walk out, a wicked smirk on my lips, Kane following suit.


"You did not tell me we're coming to a restaurant" Kane whined in pain as we settled on the table on the center of the room. What pained him most was the position we were seated. Kane hated being the center of attraction and obviously wasn't a fan of crowds.

"When I said 'delicious' kind of clubs, what's more delicious than food after the thing called women?" I gave him my ripper smirk.

"You're so unbelievable, Garrix. Can we at least take the booth?"

"You hideously evil little man, look at you all shy. I wonder how you get all those hot things walking in skirts wrapped around your fat little fingers"

"We learn from the best, we learn from the best" he grins from ear to ear.

"I'll tell you what.... " Leaning over the table to Kane, my eye catches the image of a tall yet petite woman walking out from the back room. My eyes had traveled so fast, I almost missed her but because she's so hard not to notice even in the dark, I had to retract my vision back to her.

She looked beautiful, it felt unreal.

Being the pervert that I am, my eyes travel from her slim pale neck to her well exposed chest. I resist the urge to keep looking and gnawed at the small, innocent face instead. She has to be a half breed of the Asians. Her evident pitch black baby hairs smudges over her fore head, the rest held on a messy bon just behind her head.

I unintentionally swallow saliva, caught in time as I continue to watch her walk loosely towards the counter. Everything happened in such slow motion, the way she walked absent mindedly behind the counter, I could swear that was the sexiest movement I'd seen a tired lady do.

I look down and break into a short laughter as I see the other blonde waitress walking towards us, a thought occurring to me . So much one sees in a second. So much the world could give you in just a second..

"Tell you what?," I repeat "I'm walking out of here with that woman behind the counter in my arms"

He turns to check out what had caught my eyes and replied "okay the hot waitress coming this way is really smoking hot but as for your lady at the back, she doesn't look like someone you'd sway right here and now"

"Watch and learn, brother" I give him a smirk.

"Good evening gentlemen," the blonde stops, a waitress's smile all over her face " what can I get you"

"Your friend over there, if you don't mind" I speak pointedly behind her with a smile, stopping Kane from speaking first in his plan to prevent my plan from happening.

She turns her head just half of the degrees to confirm who I'm referring to and back to me again, smile unchanged.

"You need her to get your orders?"she asks.


"Sure" she replies and turn back.

Kane begins to shake his head in disapproval but I don't mind. He knows how I get when I'm excited and probably just scared of how I'd get if I don't get what I want.

I watch her get to the counter and talk to the black haired. Unlike the excited blonde, she looked rather pissed for being disturbed.

She's just tired.

Then she looks up after a series of conversation with the blonde towards us, a frown thrown my way.

Well that's a first.

She drags a menu book from the counter like it weighed pounds and starts heading towards us. I quickly pick up the drink a waiter had served us on getting here and start drinking.

Now that she's closing in, I'm starting to question my true intention of asking for her service, my heart accelerating in my stomach. Yes, it must've dropped.

"Good day gentleman "her smile was a charmer "are you ready to order?"

"In fact yes" I reply quickly, Kane ignoring us like he always did but it was just what I needed.

Her smile doesn't seem uncertain as I begin to question her.

My eyes roam her chest again as she start to list the number of dishes available, things I already knew but took the pleasure in hearing it from her again.

She doesn't have her name tag on. Now that's a shame.

She excuses herself to get our food.

as soon as she turned her back to me, my smile faded. I'd frozen for a second while talking with her....

"You sure you know wha' you dealing with? You were speechless for a second" Kane's voice interrupts my thoughts.

..... That never happened before.

I do the thing I do best in the feet of defeat, i chuckle loudly.

I watch her walk back out with a waiter who serves us our food. I'd felt a spank of jealousy as she served Kane instead of me.

The moment she sets to leave, I said the only thing that came to my mind "I didn't catch your name" And I knew Kane was going to talk about my silly excuse of conversing style for the rest of our being.

She stops but remains silent. She looked rather surprised about something but I didn't stop there. I pressed further,and she starts replying me but over the short time I was able to stir up a shameless conversation that could've earned me a slap if she wasn't a waitress.

I saw the anger in her eyes and then she starts to speak more casually to me. Nobody ever did that but instead I felt sorry on the inside . I hadn't asked her here to offend her.

And in the end...... I never got her name. That's a first.

"That wasn't bad at all, Garrix " Kane brings me back.

"Shut up and eat your food" I reply him, losing the little appetite I'd walked in with.

I knew there was gonna be a next time to this. This was an unfinished business and Kane's quiet snickering didn't help at all. This felt like loosing at one's game.

But either ways, I felt my mood ten times better.