
Be my scars

When Bella lost her parents to the hands of death at a tender young age, she's struck hard into the reality of having to live on her own, with a step mother and a half sister who seemed to be down on earth just to add more miseries to her life. Everything seemed to change when she met the gorgeous, famous man who'd belittled her on their first encounter at the restaurant she worked at. Jason Garrix is the type of man who would make you stop to look again when you cross him on the streets. He's powerful and intimidating but knows what he wants when he sees it. Jason gets Bella weak in her knees, leaving a lustful want in her spine after every encounter. But Bella feels her life is finally getting together when she gets signed as the most paid model by a woman who has had a long history with Jason in the past. Bella leaves the shadows of her step family into the shadows cast by Jason's love and all the secrets in between.

Rofia_Yusuf · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter five

I hadn't given much thought to what the girls standing around were saying as I stared at him walk towards us. I hadn't given much thought to why he was walking my direction either and I also didn't give much thought to why everyone stopped to gape at him only to whisper to the person next to them and then go awe.

He is dressed in a tailored black suits, fitting his tall Lean body in all the right places, his biceps popping from his right arm as he tucked his right hand into his pants side pocket. He wore dark shades and as he got closer, a long smile flirted on his thin liplines.

His wavy chin length cinnamon hair paths on the center, giving him the appearance of that hot guy you'd see on a favorite movie and wish to meet someday.

Jade takes off her glasses and exclaims tenderly "that's Jason Garrix!"

My gaze move to her. She knows him?

He walks right to my front and stops, his taller body towering over mine as he looks down at me and I tilt my chin up to look him in the face too, both hands in his pants pockets now.

He still had his amused cheek to cheek smile on his lips that almost made me wanna cower.

He continued to stair at me and I stared back, watching his honey and caramel mixed eyeballs. The time must've stopped cause I had no idea Jade was here anymore neither did I pay attention to the people watching us. At that moment, it was just him I saw.

As he continued to mutely smile at me, he rises a brow at me and I almost smiled too but I started hearing Jade's voice on the background angrily calling my name.

I try to look away for a second but he recaptures my eyes in his as he said "I found you at last, Love"

I gasp either from surprise or from.... a bigger surprise. Who is this man? I could feel my chest heave and I swallow moisten my now dried throat.

"Love?!!" Jade yells again " hey, excuse me" she says to Jason.

He finally stops smiling and turns to Jade " do you have a problem?"

"Uh yeah!" She yells for a moment, then adds "I'm sorry.... Are you... I mean, you're Jason Garrix right?"

My heart was still in acceleration as they exchanged words. My attention wasn't anywhere near them.

He remains silent for a while before replying "you do not know me and you didn't meet me today"

Then out of nowhere, he captures my hand into his bigger ones and yanked me forward, causing me to fall into his hard chest.

I didn't know whose gasp was louder. Mine or Jade's..

I thought these type of effects only happened in the movies.

"Come on" he says to me before pulling me with him, yanking me to follow him.

I still couldn't find my vocal cords. It was like my will to speak left me behind and ran away in his tormenting presence.

Jade must've been rendered speechless by his actions too cause I don't hear a word from her as we approached his car. Or maybe everything happened so fast that no one knew when which one happened before the other.

He pulls his backseat door open and lets go of my hand.

"Get in" he commands.

I stair at him, finally feeling the air rushing into my lungs.

"Why would I go anywhere with you?"I ask him, then mentally yelled at myself. I should be slapping him for a reply.

"Rest assured I wouldn't mind causing a scene here by carrying you into this car, love"

"Don't call me that! And who the hell do you think you are! I barely know you!"

He closes the little distance between us, causing me to fall back on the car seat. He pushes my legs in and sits next to me before shutting the door.

"What's the meaning of this?," I speak before the car ignites "why are you abducting me from my school? Do you have any idea how illegal this is?!"

He laughs hard before replying "abducting? Illegal? Why do you talk to casually to me?"

"Why not? Are you the president or something? Even the president doesn't go around abducting girls from their school premises"

He chuckles and replied "you'd be surprised what presidents do, Love. But I'm sorry about that okay?"

"If you're sorry then let me out of this car now"

"That's why I'm sorry, I'm not letting you out anytime soon till we get where I want us to get. So you better sit tight and try to relax"

"Let me out! I am going to scream!"

"Why be my guest, love. These windows aren't fake voice proof." he winks at me.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out of it. Nothing made sense enough to change his mind. I've just been abducted from my school. What worse could happen? Possible scenarios of his actions clouded from the many books and serial killer shows I've seen plays on my mind. This is all how it starts. Girl meets a completely sweet, easy going, handsome and not to mention gorgeous man who drives his car around afterwards stalking her only to abduct her from the road on an ungodly night to an abandoned cottage house in an abandoned town and abuse her with countless rapes and tortures till he finally kills her.

Fear overwhelmed me as I sat there, realization of the possible dangers of being in this car hitting me hard.

I turn to face him and moved far away till my back hit the side window and he turns to look at me.

"Relax" he says.

I start to shake my head " let me out, please"

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise"

"Let me out!" I start hitting the tinted black window with my palms "let me out!!"

"Hey, hey, stop that" he moves closer, his body pressed against mine as he trapped my two hands and held them down.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

'Look on the good side, Bella,' my inner voice said to me, 'you'd finally meet your mom and dad. This is something you've been such a baby to do your whole miserable life!'

I blink hard and a tear slide down, causing him to jerk away.

"Hey I'm sorry. Hey" I felt his hand touch my hair and he moved it away from my face.

"Get your hand off my hair" I warned him and he did immediately.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" he says " I'm not gonna hurt you, I swear" his voice comes out deep and smooth.

He places a firm knock on the tinted glass separating us from his driver and the car slowly came to a stop.

I sit still.

He scoots closer and tried to see my face which was hidden behind my now loose hair.

"Are you okay?"

Concern and fear edged his voice.

If he'd asked me this on a different situation. If he'd perhaps met me on the road side probably suffering from one of my deadly cramps and asked me that same question in that voice, I'd have thought he's got to be the most caring man in the world. His voice said it all. But this is a totally different situation and whatever pain I felt this moment, he caused.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry cause we aren't stopping just yet"

He knocks on the glass again and the car starts moving.

I pull my hair back and look at him. he's now facing forward.

"What do you want from me?"

"I was rude the other day at your restaurant," he doesn't look at me "I just wanna talk. Only this had turned into something totally different from how I'd pictured it"

I watch his side chin showing a bit from his long hair. It wouldn't hurt to believe him, would it? No.

I wipe my tears with the back of my wrist and settled into the chair.

I could swear I saw a little smile appear under his hair as I gave him a quick look before falling behind him on the seat body.

The car pulls to a stop and he steps out, holding the door till I got out before his driver shuts it close.

I look around my surrounding to find myself standing in front of a fancy three storey restaurant. If it isn't a restaurant, then judging from the pink bear toys hanging off the second floor's glass walls, one would mistake it for a kiddies stall.

"Come on" he says and pulls my hand. I don't retaliate this time and I let him walk me in. There is no better news than the realization that you aren't going to die after all.

The first thing I notice is the translucent mirror floor of the room. Then the blackness of the shiny oval tables sitting in a patterned manner across the spacious room.

Revolving bulbs spread golden lights across the room, giving the room a summer's touch. It was late in the afternoon but the dimness in here almost makes one forget the time. It was calmness in person.

A woman walk us to an empty table at the corner, before the window. I reluctantly sit down as he whispered into the woman's ears much to my irritation and she smiles sweetly before cat walking back to where ever she'd came from.

He watches me again, a smile on his lips. Which I ignore. Then it hit me that he'd just seen me cry in his car and that he had every reason to mock me right now.

"Well?" I urge him to speak.

"I'm really sorry about earlier," he holds his smile "I didn't mean to scare you"

"You didn't scare me. I was just being dramatic"

He laughs now and replied "you're such a baby, love. I mean, crying?"

"Like I said, I was just being dramatic"

"Then I'd have the Oscar delivered to your house tonight" he sounds so amused, the shame started to slowly eat me whole.

"My pain makes you happy right?"

"It just amuses me, love"

"Don't call me that"

"Its suits you as though you invented the term yourself"

My cheeks burned.

"For your good performance today, I'm treating you to a delicious meal" he speaks amidst laughter, my heartfelt shame as thick as a body circulating me.

I try not to show him that I'm bothered and just shrugged. The last thing I wanna do is break into another cry in front of him. He'd never have the luxury to see that again.

The woman earlier walks back with another man who puts our foods in front of us.

She wouldn't stop smiling at him and I couldn't help noticing. It was so obvious anyway.

She walks away with her partner, leaving a smile on Jason's face.

Whatever. I mentally shrug and looked down at my food. Surprisingly, it was a white plate of spaghetti with something looking like a flat wet meat on top of it.

My expectation wounded.

"I thought you said you were bringing me something special" I ask him

"I didn't say that. I said I'd... "

"Treat me to a delicious meal, I know. Its what I said. What's special about spaghetti?"

"Your taste buds would tell you that, love. Shall we?"

I pick up my fork and take a spoonful into my mouth only to googgle hard. He must've seen the look on my face cause his lips curl into a smile.

"This is really good"I said honestly.

"I'm glad you agree, Love. They serve the best"

I nod and slowly eat up.

"You dress up really beautifully, I must say" I look up to find him looking at me.

"Um thanks"

"But I think that you look magnificent on your work dress"

I give him a pointed look and he retracts his words.

"I'm sorry, this isn't the pervert side of me talking"

"So you do know you're a pervert"

"Every man is, love. We just show it differently."

"What do you want?" I didn't wanna use his name. He still looked like a respectable man after all. Even though he looked like he was in his late twenties.

"I wanted to apologize about the other day. I'm sorry I said all those things to you. I was just drugged by your intense beauty"

"Um..... Thanks?"

"And I... Wanted to have a talk with you"


"Why do you work there?"

"Why not?"

"Can you just tell me?"

"No, I don't even know you"

"Then let's be friends"

He said that so casually like it was supposed to sound normal coming from him to me.

After a second, I open my mouth to speak but his phone started ringing from his pocket.

"Excuse me" he said to me and I gave him the i-dont-care-what-you-do face. He retrieves his phone and picked it.

"Yes?" he says into his phone and I watch his face turn into a frown as the seconds turned into a minute. "I'll be there"

His last statement makes my heart crack a bit. So now he's gonna leave. I don't wanna care. I do not care.

He disconnects the call and looks back at me.

"Yeah, yeah I know. You got to go" I speak before he could say a word, feigning tired "sitting here with you was getting really boring anyway"

He just smiles. A different smile. This time he's not amused, there was rather something else I couldn't quit figure out or give a word. Behind that smile, he looked pissed. Something that had to do with the call he just had.

"You're right. I'm sorry. But we'll do this again. Its just.....this is quite urgent."

I just nod, holding my lips into a line so he doesn't think I'm upset. 'More like he doesn't NOTICE I'm upset'

"I'll let Kevin drive you back to school when you're done"

I just nod, processing the fact that Kevin is his driver. He was hot too.

He starts to rise up but stops mid way and said "I didn't catch your name"

"I didn't say it" I replied sternly. His lips twist into a smile again and he leans in to whisper in my face "oh you'll tell me your name, " his gaze held mine "and you'd be screaming mine after it"

If I didn't slap myself for not replying or stabbing my heart when I get home for thinking too fast and too far about what he just said then I must be loosing my mind.

I watch his back as he walked out of the doors, thankful that he hadn't stayed to watch my cheeks flush pink.

I could hear my heart pounding after him, before I angrily tossed the napkin on my plate.

Why didn't I say anything?.