
Be My Prisoner

Long ago, the planets took on the form of humans and started wandering around. Among these was Moon, the embodiment of Earth's moon, and her host planet, Terra, the embodiment of Earth. Moon's loyalty to Terra is undeniable. But there's also a mysterious pull between Moon and Venus, who’s another planetary embodiment. As Moon searches for a way to break the curse on the planets and escape Tory, a small town where they have been trapped, she finds herself drawn to Venus in ways she can't explain. Strangely, Venus has always harbored an unhealthy obsession with Moon, but Moon can't deny the attraction she feels towards him. Perhaps the attention could be good? Moon is torn between her duty to Terra and her growing feelings for Venus. There really isn’t a clean path. As they work together to break the curse, Moon and Venus find themselves drawn to each other more. But what about Terra? Moon feels guilty for the feelings she has for Venus and worries about hurting Terra. Moreover, if her feelings get the better of her, it could be the end for her bond with Terra. The planets could never escape. Venus, however, is determined to pursue his feelings for Moon despite the complications it may cause. Or will definitely cause. As the fog surrounding Tory becomes thicker and time runs out, a choice must be made - will she choose Terra or Venus? Loyalty or love? *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it pls* *Uhh it's one chapter a day* - EVERY WEEKDAY (Bc I dont type on weekends) I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw My name at the top got cut out coz it was too big wahhhhhhhhhhhhh

PilinyTheYounger · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Terra soon disappeared, and honestly, Moon didn't blame her a bit. She would have done the same - but she was worried. Who wouldn't be? Even with Venus's offers, if Terra was gone, she'd be… stuck inside the barrier. Of course, she didn't fully trust Venus. 

Almost on cue, red locks tickled her nose. Moon opened her eyes to see Venus's face, just a few inches from hers. 

"What are you thinking about, hm?" Venus smirked. Moon closed her eyes again, and then she said, 

"What exactly did you do to Terra, Venus?" Almost instantly the smirk slid off his face, so fast that it would have been comical in other circumstances. He stepped back from her and sat down on the nearest chair instead, after brushing some cluttered mess off of it. He rested his elbows on the back of the chair and his head on top of it. 

"I… needed to make sure." He muttered. 

"Sure of what?" Moon echoed. 

"That she was who I thought she was. That day, when I killed Proxima, it was my blood. You probably know that thanks to Mercury. But I needed to make sure that Terra was the Proxima we had been looking for - whether she was strong enough to take on the Sun or not. I… had to get close to her somehow." Venus finally said. 

Moon paled. The only way to measure a planet's power, aside from a rough number, was… 

"Blood?" She yelped, and Venus looked her straight in the eyes for a minute, before nodding. Moon gulped. 

"How much…?" 

Venus shook his head. "It's not what you're thinking, Moon. I knew she was mortal, so I didn't take a lot. Just a few ounces." 

Moon sighed into her hands, peach tea was forgotten. 

"I think she got suspicious after a few months. I wasn't very normal, not compared to a mortal at least." Venus said. Moon was cradling her head in her hands, and then, finally, she looked up. What was done was done, she supposed. 

"What did you find out?"

Again a smirk returned to Venus's features. "It's a relief you're not upset."

Moon patiently waited for him to continue. 

"Terra… Proxima, I suppose we should be calling her now, is more than strong enough to grind the Sun into the dust." Venus said.