
Be My Prisoner

Long ago, the planets took on the form of humans and started wandering around. Among these was Moon, the embodiment of Earth's moon, and her host planet, Terra, the embodiment of Earth. Moon's loyalty to Terra is undeniable. But there's also a mysterious pull between Moon and Venus, who’s another planetary embodiment. As Moon searches for a way to break the curse on the planets and escape Tory, a small town where they have been trapped, she finds herself drawn to Venus in ways she can't explain. Strangely, Venus has always harbored an unhealthy obsession with Moon, but Moon can't deny the attraction she feels towards him. Perhaps the attention could be good? Moon is torn between her duty to Terra and her growing feelings for Venus. There really isn’t a clean path. As they work together to break the curse, Moon and Venus find themselves drawn to each other more. But what about Terra? Moon feels guilty for the feelings she has for Venus and worries about hurting Terra. Moreover, if her feelings get the better of her, it could be the end for her bond with Terra. The planets could never escape. Venus, however, is determined to pursue his feelings for Moon despite the complications it may cause. Or will definitely cause. As the fog surrounding Tory becomes thicker and time runs out, a choice must be made - will she choose Terra or Venus? Loyalty or love? *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it pls* *Uhh it's one chapter a day* - EVERY WEEKDAY (Bc I dont type on weekends) I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw My name at the top got cut out coz it was too big wahhhhhhhhhhhhh

PilinyTheYounger · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Moon was left at a loss. 

The Sunny Accident. There was only one person who could or would have that nickname. The Sun. She had given Ae and Phae direct orders? That hadn't happened since the planets had come down to earth. Then… Did she know? Moon pondered this potential revelation for a minute, and then she made up her mind. That was her host planet. The Sunny Accident was going to get an earload from her. Venus undoubtedly would too, but furthermore, there was still a decent amount she didn't know. 

And, after all, she had the advantage of time. She had known before the Sun had. But currently, there was only one option left: Supernova. 

Supernova was never seen and never heard. He was simply always near the Sun, like a persistent shadow, a blindfolded marionette. He was one of the only individuals that would go up against the Sun - aside from Proxima. In the early stages, everyone had tried time and time again to waver him into double-crossing the Sun, but they had only been met with a wall of disappointment. 

But… maybe something had changed over three years?

Moon was currently carrying a vial of water, wearing a large, dark cloak while tiptoeing through a dark foyer. She had traced the source of the orange ink - which had been relatively easy - she simply asked the pen maker of the village where he got his ink, and he had pointed her to a large hill, at the top of which rested a large castle. It was the foggiest there, funny because she presumed the Sun lived here, but she had snuck in through a back door and was now winding through the unfamiliar labyrinth of columns and pipes. Moon stopped in her tracks when she heard voices. Someone's voice in particular. A familiar noise. 

Venus's voice. 

"I can't. You promised." Venus said. 

"I didn't promise anything. Besides, that freak is useless anyway. You can have any other moon in the solar system - they'll all be yours after Proxima dies anyway." Came another deep voice, Supernova's. 

"She's going to hate me if I kill Proxima." Venus's voice… cracked? Moon now leaned her ear against the door and tried to listen as best as she could. 

"It doesn't matter. There will be plenty of times." The voice now took on a more ringing, metallic tone, which bounced off the walls easier and was thus easier for Moon, who was still crouched against the door, to hear. 

"Don't you dare?" Came Venus's voice, now not angry, but more surprised and a bit fearful. 

"But, you could be invisible. No one would know." Supernova's voice, now a low whisper, but still ringing. 

Invisibility and teleportation - Supernova's powers, since Supernovas moved at around 25,000 miles per second. Invisibility? But for what? To kill Proxima? And why was that something only Venus could do, and not the Sun or Supernova himself? 

"It's because you're the only one who can do it. You're our little pawn. Aren't you," Supernova paused to lower his voice a bit more. 
