
Chapter 7 I'll Just Pretend I Was Bumped by a Pig

Translator: 549690339

Gu Xuanye's deep eyes, dark and intense, warned hoarsely, "You were destined to be my woman for life four years ago! Since you've forgotten, I'll make you remember little by little now!"

Layer upon layer of white gauze was lifted, falling without impediment upon her fair and delicate skin.


Mo Qiansu suddenly arched her back, squeezing her legs tightly together.

Gu Xuanye paid no mind to her resistance, having lost his reason in anger, only wanting to claim her as his own.

It was the case four years ago, and it's the same now!

Gu Xuanye, carrying hate and annoyance along with suppressed feelings deep in his heart, ignited the frenzy within him, tightly embracing her as both succumbed.

He emphasized over and over the intimate relationship between them.

Mo Qiansu's eyes were reddened, biting her lip in humiliation and stubborn defiance, enduring the disgrace and the stubborn mist of tears. Her brain spun with dizziness, as if thrown into an abyssal pit, not knowing where she was, like a helpless fish at the mercy of others…

The car, not knowing where it was headed.

Nor how many traffic lights it had passed.

In countless late nights, when Gu Xuanye could not bear the torment and pain, he had called her name over and over...

Ranran, I always thought you were doing well...

I should have come back earlier...

"Ranran, don't marry someone else, you are my woman!" From beginning to end.

"Heh..." Mo Qiansu's gaze was filled with despair as she forced a mocking smile, "I will never acknowledge myself as your woman. Do you know why?"

Gu Xuanye looked up at her, his eyes complex.

"Because, just like that night four years ago, in my eyes, you are nothing but... a criminal!" She bit down hard on the last three words.

Gu Xuanye's spine shuddered fiercely.

His chest heaved, almost thinking he was hallucinating, "Mo Ran, dare you say you've never liked me?!"

"I haven't!"

"I don't believe it!!"

That night, they had been so perfectly suited, pleased. Not just in body, but it seemed their souls had also found a lifelong understanding.

He didn't believe she had no feelings for him at all!!

"The reason something happened between us that night four years ago was all thanks to your sister! She fancied Jing Chen and wanted me to leave him, so she drugged my drink, which led to our night... If you don't believe me, you can call and ask your dear sister if she did that disgusting deed!"

"Also... I have never liked you! Yes, the reason I approached you was purely to upset Jing Chen..."

Mo Qiansu was as heartless and outspoken as she could be.

That night, his sister had indeed drugged her drink, and she had long known it...

And she had not approached him just to upset Jing Chen... What really happened, however, didn't matter anymore.

"Shut up—"

Gu Xuanye's temples pulsated.

His whole body was tense, and his rage surged.

Every word she spoke was like a sharp knife, cutting through all the perceptions in the bottom of his heart.

Had he been wishfully thinking all along?!

"Furthermore..." Mo Qiansu straightened her skirt and took a deep breath, "As for just now, I'll consider it being accosted by a pig, and I won't hold it against you. Mr. Gu, please have some self-respect in the future!"

"...!!!" Gu Xuanye's expression changed abruptly, a vein throbbing on his forehead.