
Chapter 8 Little Demon King is Missing

Translator: 549690339

Mo Qiansu didn't want to stay with him any longer, and knowing that the driver wouldn't stop the car without Gu Xuanye's order, she simply pushed the car door open directly.

The driver caught a glimpse of this in the rearview mirror and braked urgently, preventing Mo Qiansu from falling out.

"Young Master, this..."

The driver didn't know what had happened in the back seat, hesitating whether to bring the person back to the big BOSS.

Gu Xuanye watched Mo Qiansu weave through the traffic, her retreating figure resolute and determined.

His deep eyes were a sheet of icy coldness.



The cold wind was biting.

Mo Qiansu, penniless, had her lips turning purple from the cold.

Luckily, she borrowed a mobile phone from a passerby to call her friend Bei Yiyi, who quickly came to pick her up in her car, bringing clothes.

Seeing her standing on the roadside in her wedding dress, looking so wretched that she nearly turned into an icicle, Bei Yiyi couldn't bring herself to scold her.

Knowing that she hadn't married Wei Tianhai, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Mo Qiansu's son, Little Demon King, was almost out of school, so Bei Yiyi drove her there.

However, when they arrived at the kindergarten, the Little Demon King was nowhere to be found!!

"Don't Panic, don't Panic, maybe the Little Demon King was picked up by Auntie Li."

Bei Yiyi helped to make a call to her house to inquire, but Auntie Li said she hadn't picked up the child.

"Xiaoyu, Mo Xiaoyu, come out quickly, don't scare Mommy!"

Mo Qiansu, like a headless fly, frantically searched and called out everywhere.

Although Mo Xiaoyu was naughty like a Little Demon King outside, in front of her, he was usually well-behaved and sensible. He would always wait obediently for his family to pick him up after school, never running off on his own.

How could her son have disappeared the moment that man returned?!

Panic began to surge in Mo Qiansu's heart.

Bei Yiyi stopped Mo Xiaoyu's class teacher to ask.

"Mo Xiaoyu, ah, he was picked up by his father before school was out!" The teacher was very busy and left after speaking.

Bei Yiyi looked at the teacher's irresponsible attitude and nearly wanted to hit someone.


A bolt from the blue.

Mo Qiansu's already pale face turned completely bloodless with fright.

"Qiansu, who is the Little Demon King's father?" Bei Yiyi asked cautiously yet curiously.

She was one of the few friends who knew that Mo Qiansu had a four-year-old son, but she had never mentioned the child's father to anyone, not even her own mother or the Ji Family knew.

Mo Qiansu's lips were tightly pressed together, her mind in utter chaos.

He had just returned to the country, how did he find out about Mo Xiaoyu so quickly?

No matter what, her son was her lifeblood, and she would not allow anyone to take him away!

The Imperial Capital was so big, where could she go to find that man and get her child back?


"Yiyi, hurry, drive to GS!"

The headquarters of the Gu Group's Asia Division was in the Imperial Capital, and the magnificent GS building was a well-known architectural landmark in D Country. Right now, it was her only chance to try her luck there.

"Why go to the Gu Group?" Bei Yiyi was completely puzzled. At that moment, her mobile phone rang, "Auntie Li is looking for you, it seems urgent."

After Mo Qiansu finished the phone call, her complexion looked even worse.

"Qiansu, what did Auntie Li say?"

Mo Qiansu took a deep breath, "Xiaoyu was taken away by Wei Tianhai, he is now at the Ji Family."

The wedding didn't take place today, and presumably Wei Tianhai wasn't willing to let it go, so he kidnapped her son and made a scene at the Ji Family...

Her son being taken by Wei Tianhai made her suddenly angry, but to her, the situation was still better than if the man had taken him...

"This old man is utterly shameless, daring to impersonate my godson's father!" Bei Yiyi was so enraged she could almost vomit blood, her foot slamming down on the accelerator as she sped off.

"How can there be people as shameless as the Ji Family in this world? They owe a mountain of debt, what right do they have to make you marry that old man to pay it off?!"

"I'm telling you, you and the Little Demon King will never be happy following him. Qiansu, you did the right thing by running away from the wedding today!"