
Be a Good Master and Cultivate!

"18, 24, 15, 34… How come all the genius disciples are all below the minimum?" Fu Yang commented as he looked through all the results from his Aptitude Seeking Mirror. A year ago he discovered a Mystic Realm and became the inheritor. Together with his discovery, he found a cultivation book that could help him reach the Emperor Realm. Unlike other cultivation books that needed swords, vast energy, intelligence, etc. His Cultivation book needed him to find disciples. However, the minimum threshold was 70 of Aptitude Value from the Aptitude Seeking Mirror. Although the Cultivation Book gave him a chance to soar, he remained stuck at the First Nascent Realm since the time he discovered the Mystic Realm. "Now, it seems like I can't resume cultivating without getting myself a disciple first." _____ Hello, guys! I am the author of this novel, Shateralyn! This is my first time ever writing a novel, so I accept criticism on my work. If you want more frequent updates every week, it goes as follows: 50 Power Stones= +1 Chapter per week 50 Golden Tickets= +1 Chapter per week 1 Dragon= +2 Chapters 1 Castle= +5 Chapters 1 space= +8 Chapters 1 Gachapon= +10 Chapters To be released following week *** You are welcome in my discord server! Here's the link: https://discord.gg/zRVt9t98dn

Shateralyn · Eastern
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56 Chs

A quasi 3-Star Sea Monster Beast

While chaos was ongoing in the Heavenly Cosmic Sect, Fu Yang continued meditating in his cabin room.

However, his meditation was abruptly interrupted by urgent knocks on his door.

"Elder Fu! Elder Fu! We need your help!"

Hearing the distress in the crew's voice, Fu Yang immediately knew that something bad had occurred.

Fu Yang opened the door to hear what the crew had to say.

"What happened?"

Upon Elder Fu's inquiry, the crew showed him a tablet displaying the Radar used by the ship.

"Elder Fu, there's a Sea Monster Beast approaching, just 10 kilometers away! According to the Radar data, it's a 3-Star Sea Monster Beast!"

When the crew finished speaking, Fu Yang fell silent for a moment. He was unsure if his current strength could take on such a powerful beast.

'A 3-Star Sea Monster Beast... I'm not sure if I can defeat it while also protecting the ship...'

"Let me speak to the Captain."

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Fu Yang needed to discuss the matter with the ship's Captain. As a Captain sailing on the Veir River, the Captain must be an expert of some sort.

The crew guided Fu Yang to the Command Room where he could meet with the Captain and discuss the necessary measures to face such a formidable creature.

Upon entering the Command Room, all eyes turned towards Fu Yang.

Feeling the weight of their gazes, Fu Yang coughed to alleviate the tension in the room.

In secret, he took out his Aptitude Seeking Mirror. This would allow him to gather data on the people inside the Command Room.

Moving the mirror around, Fu Yang focused on the person with a slightly higher aptitude value.

Name: Yao Ming

Age: 55

Aptitude: 34

'With a 34 aptitude and at his current age, Captain Yao must be at the Nascent Realm!'

Having checked multiple people's information with the Aptitude Seeking Mirror, Fu Yang could already deduce their cultivation realm. Upon reading the Captain's data, he had a hunch about the Captain's cultivation level.

Although he could use his spirit sense to determine their cultivation, doing so in this situation would be rude. They were not in a life-or-death situation; they could still survive with the ship's protection mechanisms. Probing their cultivation would be prying into their secrets and potentially making enemies.

"Captain, is it true that a 3-Star Sea Monster Beast is approaching?"

Despite already hearing the details from the crew member, Fu Yang wanted to hear it directly from the person in command. Someone with strength similar to his own would have a more accurate assessment of the Monster Beast's power.

"According to the data, it seems to be as strong as a Normal 3-Star Monster Beast, but I believe it is at most a Quasi 3-Star Monster Beast."

Hearing that it was a Quasi 3-Star Monster Beast, Fu Yang let out a sigh of relief.

With two Nascent Realm Cultivators on board, it would be relatively easy to fight the Monster Beast while also protecting the crew.

'I will protect the crew and let the Captain handle the battle. But... how can I say it without sounding afraid of the fight?'

"Then... will the Captain be—"

Before Fu Yang could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a crew member monitoring the Monster's movements.

"Captain! The Monster is just 2 kilometers away from us!"

Hearing the crew member's words, commotion erupted in the Command Room.

"2 kilometers?! Why is the Monster Beast swimming so fast?"

"It must be an agility type of Sea Monster Beast!"

"Does anyone here have a Flying Bike?"

"Yes! Fighting the monster in the air would be the best option!"

Listening to the discussion among the people in front of him, Fu Yang's eyes twitched. It seemed he would be the one to fight the Monster Beast.

Fu Yang took out his Flying Bike from his spatial ring and showed it to the others.

"I have a Flying Bike, so... I think I will be the one to confront the Monster?"

As soon as Fu Yang revealed his Flying Bike, the executives in the Command Room fell silent and looked at him with eyes full of expectation.

After all, he was an Elder from the Heavenly Cosmic Sect, and it was expected that he possessed many life-saving artifacts or talismans for emergencies.

Having him fight the Beast was a safer bet than risking their own lives.

"Right! With Elder Fu on our side, that Monster is nothing!"

With the Captain's praise, the decision was solidified—Fu Yang would be the one to engage in battle.

'It seems I will be fighting the Sea Monster Beast after all.'

Fu Yang stored his Flying Bike back in his spatial ring.

Upon reflection, he realized that the Captain hadn't sounded the alarm. Most likely, they didn't want to alarm the passengers with such information.

Causing panic on the ship would be the worst outcome, so Fu Yang understood the Captain's decision.

Arriving on the deck, he dove into the Veir River and retrieved his Flying Bike.

Sitting on the bike, Fu Yang pedaled quickly toward the Monster's location.

When Fu Yang saw the Monster's head breaking the water's surface, he manipulated the air around him using his Air Manipulation Skill, drawing the Monster's attention away from the ship.

His goal was to lure the Monster away from the ship.

As the Monster was hit by a strong gust of wind, it raised its head to identify the source of the disturbance.

Seeing Fu Yang hovering above, it immediately shifted its attention towards him.

With his plan successful, Fu Yang steered the bike in the opposite direction of the ship.

Once the distance was sufficient, he halted and faced the Monster.

"It's a 2-Star Giant Carp. It's not yet a 3-Star Monster Beast, but it's as strong as the weaker ones. Captain Yao's judgment was correct."

Facing a 2-Star Giant Carp, Fu Yang was confident in his ability to defeat it. He believed he could handle any 2-Star Monster Beast with ease, even if they possessed the strength of a 3-Star Monster Beast.

Steadying himself on his Flying Bike, he channeled energy into his hands to prepare his strongest long-distance attack skill—Star Crescent Fall.


When he unleashed his attack, Fu Yang did not anticipate that the 2-Star Giant Carp would dodge.

"What the—?"

Suddenly, he remembered the discussion in the Command Room. This Sea Monster was of the agile type, so naturally the 2-Star Giant Carp would dodge a direct attack aimed at it.

Infuriated by Fu Yang's sudden attack, the 2-Star Giant Carp retaliated with a Water Squirt from its mouth.

However, the attack was too weak to affect Fu Yang. It merely drenched him with water.

Using his air manipulation, Fu Yang quickly dried himself.

"Sigh, I guess I'll have to engage in direct combat with this monster."

With his decision made, Fu Yang stored his Flying Bike in his spatial ring and let gravity carry him toward the Giant Carp.

As he descended upon the confused 2-Star Giant Carp, Fu Yang secretly prepared his Cosmic Fist.

When Fu Yang was near the Monster Beast, the 2-Star Giant Carp opened its mouth, ready to devour him.

But the 2-Star Giant Carp would be left disappointed, as soon as Fu Yang's fist touched its tongue, a powerful force surged from his fist, causing vibrations throughout the Carp's body. In an instant, the Giant Carp exploded.

"It's a shame I couldn't defeat you in a more honorable manner. You could have been a nice meal for my disciples."

Leaving those words behind, Fu Yang retrieved his Flying Bike and returned to the ship. His task was complete, he could finally return to his cabin and resume his meditation.