

"In the kingdom ruled by Adric King, three brave princesses, Rose, Anna, and Liya, stand by their father's side in a war initiated by Edric King. With unwavering courage, they fight valiantly. However, when tragedy strikes and Adric King falls at the hands of Edric King, the princesses are consumed by grief, causing them to lose focus on the war. In their vulnerable state, they are captured by Edric King's soldiers. Now, they must find a way to regain their strength and overcome their captors. Will they rise above their sorrow and reclaim their kingdom? Discover the resilience and determination of these princesses in this gripping tale of love, loss, and redemption."

Lahari_Joglekar · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Safety Return

King Arthur approached the majestic King of the Sea and respectfully greeted him, "Oh My Grace, Oh My King. I am King Arthur, the ruler of the Fleauran Kingdom. I am truly honored to meet you." The King of the Sea, impressed by King Arthur's bravery, replied, "Me too, Arthur. I have never encountered a man as courageous as you. What brings you before me today?"

With utmost respect, King Arthur made his request, "My lord, I humbly beseech you to grant me permission to obtain the mysterious plant." The King of the Sea, recognizing King Arthur's noble intentions, agreed to his request. Overwhelmed with gratitude, King Arthur expressed his heartfelt thanks to the King of the Sea for his generosity and support.

As King Arthur exited the palace, he was greeted by the patient Sea Serpent, who had been waiting outside. King Arthur joyfully shared the news that the King of the Sea had granted him permission to acquire the mysterious plant.

Together, King Arthur and the patient Sea Serpent emerged from the underwater realm. As they reached the surface, King Arthur turned to the Sea Serpent and expressed his sincere appreciation for its guidance and companionship. "Thank you, noble Sea Serpent," he said with a warm smile. "It was truly an honor to meet you and share this remarkable journey. Your presence has brought me strength and courage." The Sea Serpent, understanding King Arthur's words, nodded in acknowledgment. With a final farewell, King Arthur set off on his boat towards the mysterious island,as mentioned by the royal physician, Dr Jonathan, held the promise of a cure for his beloved son Aldrich's illness. A boat, arranged by the man he had encountered before entering the underwater realm, awaited him. He had brought the island map with him, which was given by the King of the Sea. With a mix of anticipation and determination, King Arthur stepped onto the boat and set sail towards the island. The sea breeze brushed against his face as the boat glided through the gentle waves.

After a peaceful boat ride, King Arthur finally arrived at the mysterious island. With determination in his heart, he set foot on the island and made his way towards the location of the Mysterious plant. Next he found the place of the Mysterious plant.

As King Arthur went near that and plucked few flowers of the Mysterious plant, a mysterious voice resonated through the air. It was the voice of the Forest God, speaking with a deep and ancient wisdom. "King Arthur," the voice reverberated, "you have acquired the sacred Mysterious plant. But heed my words, for its power comes at a great cost. When the time comes, you shall be called upon to sacrifice yourself in exchange for this precious gift. Ponder this decision once more, noble King, for the path ahead is not an easy one." The voice of the Forest God lingered in the air, leaving King Arthur to contemplate the weight of his choice. King Arthur's heart was filled with a deep understanding of the gravity of his decision. With unwavering love for his son and a strong sense of duty as a King, he knew he couldn't bear to see his son suffer. The years of longing for a child had made the arrival of his son even more precious, and King Arthur was determined to do whatever it took to save him. In a resolute voice, King Arthur responded to the voice of the Forest God, saying, "I understand the weight of this choice and the sacrifice it demands. However, my love for my son knows no bounds, and my responsibilities as a King drive me to find a way to protect him. I cannot stand idly by and watch him perish. My love for him surpasses my own life, and I am prepared to offer myself in exchange for his survival." With a steadfast resolve, King Arthur made a vow to himself. Until the day of his destined sacrifice, he would provide his son with the finest education and training, ensuring that he would grow up to be a formidable warrior, renowned throughout the kingdoms. King Arthur's love for his son would become a beacon of strength, guiding Aldrich to overcome any obstacles that may come his way. The Forest god replies, "Do as you wish my son" and it goes away.

So, after King Arthur plucked the mysterious plant, he carefully cradled it in his hands, feeling its power and potential coursing through his veins. With a heart full of hope, he made his way back to the shore where his loyal soldiers and trusted Minister eagerly awaited his return.

As King Arthur stepped onto the boat, the wind gently tugged at his cloak, as if bidding him farewell from the island that held the key to his son's salvation. The sails billowed with anticipation as the boat glided through the shimmering waters, carrying the weight of King Arthur's determination and the precious plant that held the promise of healing.

Back at the shore, his soldiers stood tall and proud, their armor glinting in the sunlight. They had been anxiously awaiting their King's return, ready to stand by his side and support him in his quest to save his beloved son. Among them, his Minister, wise and loyal, offered a reassuring smile, knowing the weight that King Arthur carried on his shoulders.

As the boat gently docked, King Arthur stepped onto the solid ground, his eyes meeting those of his soldiers and Minister. There was a sense of unity and purpose in the air, as they all understood the significance of the mysterious plant in King Arthur's hands. The King's determination and love for his son had brought them all together. But the King Arthur kept the knowledge of sacrifice to himself.

What other obstacles might come into play in the next chapters?

For this answer Stay tuned for the next chapters.😊