

"In the kingdom ruled by Adric King, three brave princesses, Rose, Anna, and Liya, stand by their father's side in a war initiated by Edric King. With unwavering courage, they fight valiantly. However, when tragedy strikes and Adric King falls at the hands of Edric King, the princesses are consumed by grief, causing them to lose focus on the war. In their vulnerable state, they are captured by Edric King's soldiers. Now, they must find a way to regain their strength and overcome their captors. Will they rise above their sorrow and reclaim their kingdom? Discover the resilience and determination of these princesses in this gripping tale of love, loss, and redemption."

Lahari_Joglekar · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Beneath The Waves

King Arthur's eyes gleam with intrigue as he contemplates the sea serpent's question. "What lies beyond our kingdom's boundaries?" he muses. "It is a realm of untold adventures, where mysteries and wonders await the brave souls who dare to venture into the unknown. It is a place where new lands, cultures, and treasures await discovery.

The uncharted territories hold the keys to ancient secrets and untold adventures. I am filled with curiosity and a sense of adventure, eager to explore and unravel the enigmas that lie beyond our familiar realm."

King Arthur envisions vast landscapes, adorned with breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant civilizations yet to be encountered. He imagines encountering new cultures, with their own unique traditions and customs, and learning from their wisdom and knowledge. The allure of unexplored territories, each with its own hidden treasures and ancient artifacts, beckons him.

His imagination takes flight as he envisions embarking on daring quests, battling mythical creatures, and unraveling the enigmatic puzzles that guard the secrets of the past. King Arthur's heart swells with the thrill of the unknown, the anticipation of uncovering long-forgotten histories and unlocking the wisdom of ages past.

The Sea Serpent, in its mind, ponders the situation with intrigue and disbelief. "Hey, how is this possible?" it wonders. "No one has ever answered my question before, and they were swiftly devoured by me. How can King Arthur be so brave as to face me head-on?" it muses. The Sea Serpent, in a deep and powerful voice, tells King Arthur, "King Arthur, your bravery and confidence are truly admirable. You have shown that you are worthy. I give you permission to come underwater with me."

King Arthur, feeling grateful, responds to the mighty Serpent, saying, "Thank you, mighty Serpent. I am honored that you trust me and I will accept your offer with humility."

The Sea Serpent, in a stern tone, adds a condition to King Arthur before they venture underwater. "King Arthur, remember that you must not engage in conversation with any other creature beneath the waves. If you break this rule, you shall face the consequences." King Arthur, understanding the gravity of the Serpent's warning, promises with utmost sincerity, "I promise the, mighty Serpent, that I shall abide by this condition. I will not speak to any other creature during our underwater journey."

After making their solemn agreement, King Arthur and the Sea Serpent descend into the depths. As they venture further into the underwater realm, the vibrant colors and mystical creatures captivate their senses. The water envelops them, carrying them deeper into an enchanting world that few have ever witnessed. They see a beautiful coral reef. It's full of colorful fish and strange creatures. The water looks magical, like it's glowing. King Arthur marvels at the beauty of this hidden world, his heart filled with wonder and awe.

King Arthur remains steadfast, keeping his promise to the mighty Serpent, ensuring that their journey remains uneventful.

Finally, King Arthur and the Sea Serpent get close to the palace of the King of the Sea. The palace looks really big and beautiful. It's made of shiny pearls and has pretty designs made of coral. They can hear lovely music coming from inside. King Arthur feel excited and respectful as he gets ready to go inside. King Arthur turned to the Sea Serpent and asked, "Oh Mighty Serpent, why aren't you coming inside?" The Serpent replied, "You don't require me now. My job is done. Go ahead." King Arthur agreed and entered the palace. It seems like the Sea Serpent had fulfilled its purpose and King Arthur was ready to continue his journey alone.

As King Arthur entered the palace, he found himself surrounded by silence, yet a voice echoed through the air, saying, "King Arthur, welcome to the Underwater." In his mind, King Arthur wondered, "Who is speaking? Where is that sound coming from? Could it be the King of the Sea?" He remembered the words of the Sea Serpent, how it had told him that the King of the Sea would not be visible to anyone from outside. King Arthur realized that if the King were to reveal himself, his presence would be overwhelming. With this in mind, King Arthur knew he needed to greet the King respectfully.

Will the King of Sea Grant the permission to King Arthur to obtain the mysterious plant?