
Battle Of The Realm - Zenneth Realm (Zeo Arc)

Zeo was raised by both adopted parents, not realizing the responsibility he would hold after the Shadow Clan's destruction when the clan protective mechanism suddenly disappears, enabling his father enemies to take advantage of it. Not realizing his father's intention, Zeo starts on the path of vengeance, which may affect the future of Zenneth or perhaps destruction itself. Zeo will have to choose later on to become a protector or a destroyer

DarkSin · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Entering the Spirit World

Zeo woke up from sleep feeling excited and confused because his surroundings were still dark. He shouts for a servant guarding outside his room, asking for the current time. What surprised him is that it is only past 3 hours of his sleep, but inside his dream, he felt like time has passed for a few years, which frightened him. Suddenly, he heard some familiar voice inside his head. "Young One, don't be alarm, your friendly neighborhood Phenax here . Fast meet me inside your spirit world; there is something I have to show you".

Zeo feels lost in entering his spirit world because he never has proper spiritualist training. Phenax came out of his head in the form of blackbird , "Hey, Young One , what is taking you so long to enter ? The things that I want to show you are critical". Phenax looks very piss cause he thought the child in front of him was still young and purposely trying to prank him.

"Phenax !! Why you don't you come out sooner, I tried to communicate with you, but I don't know how; I don't know how to enter my Spirit World. Don't forget that I am not taught spiritualism due to my condition". Phenax felt sorry; this was his first contract, so he always dreamed of his host being perfect. Even though he is the Primordial Spirit of the Void, he feels useless not being able to guide his first host for this. "Young One , I think you need to consult your Elder Kinta regarding this,I am sorry I cannot help you regard this because I am also inexperience regarding this". Zeo felt like an achievement, one of the most powerful spirits in Zenneth is as stupid as him, but he never voices it out, only quietly giggling. He went back to sleep happily as he could not wait for the next day to arrive.

Every morning, it is routine for Elder Kinta to practice his martial arts combined with his spirit technique in front of his yard. When Zeo approached him, he felt Elder Kinta's surroundings becoming hotter, so he decided to wait until the elder finished his training. Once Elder Kinta stood up straight and took a deep breath, everything turned back to normal. "Uncle Kinta, tell me about the move you perform just now".

"This is Flame Guard, the skills that I received from the Elder Spirit of Fire I contracted, so what brings you here to me willingly? Are you perhaps gaining interest to learn martial arts now ". Kinta is a person who always thinks positively, the vibe he gives always makes people think of him as a close friend.

"Guess what, smelly Uncle , I contracted my first spirit, its name is Phenax, the Primordial of the Void. But I cannot enter my spirit world to see his sanctuary after we are contracted".

"You contracted what? There is no such thing as Spirit of the Void, there are only 6 types of spirit in Zenneth, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, Wind and Lightning , and the rarest of them all is lightning. Are you becoming more delusional cause u cannot train to become a spiritualist? Forget about that. Let's start with our martial art practice".

"Zeo, just ask your uncle how to enter the spirit world; it is very crucial for your training; I can teach you spiritual martial arts that were enlightened to me when I contracted to you". This surprise Zeo, it is just a rumor that when contracted with high ranking Spirit, there is a chance that spiritual martial arts come with it.

"Uncle Kinta, just tell me how to enter the spirit world. I will self-study martial arts; you can check up on me later after you tell me. This is a promise of a gentleman". Zeo was taught by Kinta that any promise can sometimes be break but the promise of a gentleman absolutely needs to be fulfilled. If not , no woman is willing to marry him in future, which makes Zeo scared of the future. Manners maketh man.

"Alrite, alrite, you better keep the gentleman agreement. The most crucial thing is to feel the mana inside you. This step only was taught after you can feel spirits around you, but I will skip the first step as it's impossible for you". Elder Kinta put his hand on Zeo's chest and channel some mana to him. Warm sensation flowed through him, invigorating the cells of his body, the cells of his body screaming with joy, and his body felt so light. "Concentrate Zeo, close your eye and sit cross-legged. Focus at the center of your heart, search for this same sensation, then guide this feeling into your head."

If not because Zeo is unable to sense the spirit, he supposes to be the genius of the Shadow Clan because of his excellent concentration and comprehension, which is crucial for a spiritualist. He successfully felt the warmness inside his heart, carefully guiding it to his head , suddenly he enters back to the nothingness from the last night. At the center of the nothingness, he saw Phenax waiving at him using his wings. "Phenax, I did it. Is this my spirit world? Why there is nothing here".

"Void is nothingness , but from the void creation was started , it depends on your own fortune to find treasure to fill this void to aid you in spiritual prowess, I will explain more later. Since you have learned how to enter the spirit world , I can teach you spiritual martial arts later. So off you go back to your Uncle Kinta". "But Phenax, I don't know how to exit here". Both stare at each other stupidly for a few minutes. "Do not ask me regard this. Yeah I am stupid like you as you are my first host. Hmm, perhaps knocking you off is the solution ", Phenax shows an evil smile , then teleports next to him, knocking him off using his tail. "I hope I am not wrong, but this is kinda satisfying".

When Zeo opened his eyes, he saw Kinta just take his hand off his chest , the warm sensation he received was gone, but he can feel the lingering warmth inside his heart like it was there the whole time. Without mana stimulation, there is no way he will know of its existence. "Thanks, Uncle Kinta, I need to go back to my room to do something, "Zeo ran as fast as possible, leaving his uncle in questioned.

"What is wrong with that child's head? Perhaps he becoming crazy, not accepting his fate. But Big Boss Sia says he is the future of Zenneth , argghhh, that's why I hate to think regard twisted things ". Kinta walks towards the wine cellar to look for medicine to cure his headache.