
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


We sat there for a long time not saying anything to each other and just calmed our nerves while staring into the now setting sun.

"Hey, so what are you?" Rayla suddenly asks

"I should be the one asking that don't you think so" I said as we both started laughing immediately.

"So how long have you been doing this" She asked.

"I'm not sure exactly may be from before the middle of the school term" I said. "You?" I asked.

"A while before I transferred here?" she answered.

"What are we?" she asked.

"Honestly I don't know but the one thing I know for sure is that trying to find out right now only puts us in more danger" I said while trying to give her a hint that she should not bother searching about it for now.

"How did you know how to kill it?" She asked as if she just remembered something.

"That we'll have to wait for now, as it's better if I explain that at school."

We stood up as we saw the last ray of the setting sun disappear over the horizon, we walked out of our battleground when Rayla asks;

"Hey aren't you hungry?"

"Am starving" I said.

"Let's go have our dinner before going home we can talk later at school" she says while walking forward. "Come on try to keep up" she said now jugging.

"Wait up" I said while picking up my backpack and storing my lighter in my pocket, I flung Connors Bat into the dumpster with the stakes.

"So, what are we going to eat"

After our dinner, we talked while she walked me all the way to the Bus stop.

"Am live about ten blocks from here, so you should go home too"

"Yeah, I live in the opposite direction" she said. "I guess I'll see you at school" she said before walking off in the direction of her house and I watched her walk off sending her off with my eyes.

I got home just past seven in the evening, as I walked into the house and took off my Jacket I bumped into Connor who totally ignored the fact that I just got home while walking around muttering something under his breath

"Hey Connor, what's up?" I asked.

Spinning around clearly surprised he asked

"When did you get back? I didn't notice you coming in"

"Just a moment ago, so what are you looking for?" I asked tentatively.

"It's my bat, I haven't seen it all day" he said looking very worried.

"Oh, I haven't seen it" I said obviously lying through my teeth. "Have you asked Spencer?"

"He says he's not seen it"


"Is Olivia awake?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"She has been in her study all day" I'm don't think she's feeling any better. "She hasn't had anything to eat since you left" he said.

"Ok, I'll go prepare something for her to eat" I told Connor before walking off into the kitchen while Connor continued searching for his missing bat that was definitely not coming back.

I finished preparing some toast for her with some juice and brought them to her study, walking towards her I saw that she was busily typing something on her laptop, obviously that was not made her so busy that she forgot to eat.

"Ayo, when did you get back" she said as I placed the tray of food in front of her.

"Just a while ago, Connor said you hadn't eaten anything yet" I answered.

"Oh, What's the time?" she asked.

"Just past seven" I replied

"I guess I was so busy that I forgot to eat because of this paper" she said as she picked up the toast.

"OK. I'll go take a shower before going to bed don't forget to rest" I said leaving the room.


Upstairs I finish taking my bath and let the whole scene of events playback in my head and I studied and analyzed everything that happened as I tried to deepen my understanding of the whole fight but the one thing that kept me from doing just that was the image of Rayla as she battled. The way she moved the light and flurry movements almost seem more like an illusion and I couldn't help but think about the fact that she was like me.

Despite my new reality I was thankful someone was with me, I didn't have to do this thing all alone like always.

Closing my eyes as I lied down to sleep, for the first time in a long time I felt not all alone like always.