
Battle of Grammar LitRPG

In a world where language has the power to create and destroy, Dam Son is an entity brought to life by a powerful sacrifice. As he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind his existence, he must face daunting challenges and navigate a strange, scripted world. With a unique blend of LitRPG and fantasy, ‘Battle of Grammar’ will take readers on an epic adventure filled with magic, danger, and the power of words. (A/N) Join my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/AuthorsDread Other works: Ghoul Metropolis Tomb Riders Rubik's Man: I'm Rich and You're Dead The Siblings Who Swallowed The Moon

AuthorsDread · Fantasy
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81 Chs

The Mountain Invasion  

The students fell flat on their faces atop Jin Hennessy's mountain. They lost their equilibrium because it was their first time traversing through a wormhole crafted with purely Natural Verb Force.

"Get up!" Jin Hennessy rushed them to their feet to commence his interrogation. "What have you brats gotten yourselves into, you especially, Dam Son?"

Sugar Bun spoke up, "Master Jin please don't blame Dam Son, it wasn't his fault. Those guys back inside that underground base kidnapped him for those coin thingy I believe. When we found out, we did our best to rescue him. Didn't you see the note I left by the liquor shed?"

"What note?" Jin Hennessy glanced to where his liquor shed was and indeed there was a note floating around there. "So you did. How could I've noticed it when I was sober?" While talking. Jin Hennessy picked up a bottle of wine that he had left near the base of a palm tree. You don't have to guess what he did with it; he gulped down every lost drop. "Ah, refreshing. Now then…"

"Master Jin, I don't think that this is over. Those menacing characters will surely chase after us because of the Abyss Scrip that I have in my possession."

"Hmm, your arms?" Jin Hennessy just now realized that Dam Son had an extra pair of arms. "When did this happen?"

"It was the Black Kismet Coin. It had an unpredictable effect." Dam Son was still unaware why he had been gifted with an extra pair of arms when what he wanted was to escape the underground base with his friends. In retrospect, he had truly desired more arms during his intense mountain climbing training. (View chapter-39 for reference) The Black Kismet Coin must have reacted strongly to that previous desire.

"I told you not to carelessly use that damn Kismet Coin!" Jin Hennessy gave Dam Son a harsh scolding. As they listened in, Xuan Li and the others weren't entirely sure what a Kismet Coin was and why Dam Son had one that was enough to attract the attention of the dangerous Vage Gang. "This is my last warning brat, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Master Jin." Dam Son had no other choice but to comply for now.

Finished waxing off his other disciples, Jin Hennessy's eyes drifted to the oddball in the crew. "Who are you?"

Vor Eyes went ahead and introduced himself to Jin Hennessy then offered his gratitude. "Thanks for saving us back there. If it weren't for your intervention, I don't know how we would have made it out of there alive."

"Your gratitude is accepted, however, I doubt those thugs will give up so easily. They are a very tenacious bunch, especially their abysmal leader."

Just as Jin Hennessy suspected, a loud explosion sounded in the sky. Looking above, Jin Hennessy along with the students saw many forming blue portals. Over 100 thugs garbed in dark raiment came through. Ahead of them were two outstanding figures, one being Tor Eyes himself and the other being Boss Vage.

Glancing below, Boss Vage quickly identified an old foe of his. "Jin Hennessy, it's been a long time since we've last seen each other this close hasn't it?"

Jin Hennessy responded, "It has, so how have you been my old adversary?"

"I didn't come here for any minor re-acquaintance." Boss Vage sounded angry. "You have what is mine, I suggest you hand that kid over before things get messy."

Jin Hennessy glanced back at Dam Son before retorting, "No can do. These brats are my disciples. It is my duty as their master to protect them."

"Very well you old fool. I was hoping to resolve this without resorting to drastic measures, but you've forced my hand. Men! Heed my decree! Capture that brat with the sapphire suitcase."

"Yes, boss!" Within the next instance, Boss Vage's subordinates who numbered in the hundreds began their advance toward Dam Son.

Perceiving their approach, Jin Hennessy cursed an expletive shortly before thrusting his big toe upwards. "As long as I'm here, you can't do anything to harm these brats."

"Shut up old man! It's already passed your era of existence. You can't possibly take all of us on."

"So you doubt this old man's skills, eh?" Saying this, Jin Hennessy coated his big toe in ample source of Natural Verb Force. Tor Eyes caught on to what was about to happen and told his comrades to evade. "Too late!"

Jin Hennessy slashed the air diagonally twice with his frightening big toe. The few men who rushed him head-on got blown above the clouds. He could have easily cut them to pieces but he refused to stain his students' memories with such brutality, hence he only incapacitated them.

"Who else thinks that this old man is weak?" Jin Hennessy boasted.

With displeased creases to his brows, Boss Vage responded, "Damn you old bastard. It appears that your strength hasn't waned. Since that is the case, I shall take you on myself." Boss Vage took a gander at his most trusted subordinate, "Tor Eyes, you know what to do."

"Yes, boss."

"Then don't fail me." A loud bang graced the atmosphere due to Boss Vage's Tome coming into existence. His Guide possessed a mighty aura that caused many students and teachers inside Raixom Academy to be alerted.

"Now, Hell Rug!" Tor Eyes flipped his Blue Kismet Coin a couple of times to generate, moreover, amplified the endurance of a protective dome that he commanded to surround the entire mountain.

"Trying to box us in? How many times do I have to tell you that this child's toy can't keep me captive?" Jin Hennessy was just about to send out a deadly toe kick to shatter the dome, however, Boss Vage interrupted him by generating an advanced slow field where he was.

"Your opponent is me, old foe." Boss Vage didn't have to go below to close the distance between Jin Hennessy. He simply had Tor Eyes use his Blue Kismet Coin to teleport Jin Hennessy above. Afterwards, Tor Eyes teleported downwards exactly where Dam Son was.

"I got you now brat!" Tor Eyes' sudden appearance startled the students immensely, before they could react properly, they witnessed Dam Son getting bashed into the pool filled with Sea of Verbs.

"You again bastard!" While Tor Eyes' focus was on Dam Son, Xuan Li attacked him from behind with a high sweeping kick.

"Futile." Tor Eyes easily grabbed Xuan Li's leg and tossed him into a nearby palm tree.

"I won't forgive you, brother!" Next, it was Vor Eyes who rushed his own kin.

"I won't dirty my hands on you. Begone from my sight." Tor Eyes utilized a simple Wind Trail Script to blast his brother away.

"That's your brother!" Though he was scared, Sugar Bun also went on the offensive.

"Annoying turtle." Tor Eyes got tired of being distracted from his main objective, thus he flipped his Blue Kismet Coin to summon the scattered gang to handle the small fries while he captured, Dam Son.

"Don't worry Tor Eyes. We got these brats!" Xuan Li, Sugar Bun and Vor Eyes found themselves being quickly surrounded by violent thugs; Jin Hennessy was nowhere close by to protect them. He was too busy being occupied with Boss Vage above.

"Jin Hennessy! This is your overdue retribution!" Boss Vage cycled through the many powerful pages of his 1-metre tall Tome. He called out his Library which popped up a dozen gelatinous storage boxes. In the next moment, the boxes started coming asunder; various types of strong Word Beasts burst out.


Taking notice of the hyper bloodlust swarming around Boss Vage's summoned beasts, Jin Hennessy made his neck crooked and said, "Is that supposed to scare me?"

"No, this is…" Instead of commanding his beasts to assault Jin Hennessy directly, Boss Vage made them unleash several ranged attacks towards the mountain peak where the kids were present.

Jin Hennessy became livid. He had to quickly dash in front of the ranged attacks to deflect them outside the dome. "You bastard, your men are down there as well!"

"A small price to pay for my ambitions." Boss Vage chuckled. "You act tough Jin Hennessy but your weakness is still the same. Nothing has changed in all these years. How long can you stand guard for?" Asking this question, Boss Vage commanded his summoned creatures to attack the mountain again. Jin Hennessy became busy trying to deflect all the attacks.

Below, Dam Son burst out of the pool feeling reenergized. The Sea of Verb's nutrients revitalized him almost to his peak condition. Having control over four arms, he fearlessly rushed Tor Eyes with his Natural Verb Force soaring.

"Having an extra pair of limbs and you think you are my match? Ridiculous!" Tor Eyes released another series of frost petals at Dam Son. This time, Dam Son didn't shy away, he brought his 4 arms together and compressed a large quantity of Natural Verb Force to form a sphere.

"NVF Bomb!" When Dam Son Natural Verb Force exploded, it blew away the remaining frost petals. He quickly closed the distance between Tor Eyes and engaged him in a fierce battle of fists. Their heated exchange of blows caused great damage to Jin Hennessy's abode.

"Don't get cocky punk!" Tor Eyes stopped Dam Son's fast-moving fists that were causing him a bit of harm by trapping him inside a slow field. He then proceeded to teleport Dam Son in mid-air where there was more exposure, moreover, summoned his Kismet Beast. "Hell Rug blast him to cinders!"

"ROAR!" By its master's command, Hell Rug popped out of a portal close by Dam Son with a maleficent Word Beast Bomb ready to unleash.

"Not this time." Dam Son formed two mini NVF Bombs between his four palms. Giving them a quick compression, he clapped his hands which caused a minor explosion that veered him off course from getting blasted by Hell Rug's Word Beast Bomb. While he was free-falling, his sapphire suitcase flew to his rescue. "Thanks, Suit."

"Damn rodent, why don't you just give up?" Tor Eyes was pissed at how difficult it was for him to capture a junior who wasn't even using any Powered Scripts. "I'm done playing Mr Nice Guy. Time to end this once and for all."

Tor Eyes decided to stop chasing after Dam Son since he was already tapped within his dome. Instead, he located the azure Abyss Script inside his Guide then applied it to his Blue Kismet Coin. His particular Abyss Script could amplify a certain explorative quality of the Blue Kismet Coin. When he finally got around to flipping it, a huge crack in space began to form inside the dome.

"Domain Creation, Riftopia!" Everyone inside the dome felt the gruelling effects of many expansive portals coming into existence, even the inhabitants outside the dome were affected. An innumerable amount of sapphire rifts were forming all around the mountain, I'm not even sure if there was any mountain left. Every rift displayed various environmental anomalies. Some of them even sucked in a few members of the Vage Gang. Surely but slowly, they were absorbing everything around them.

"What the hell is going on?" Dam Son was baffled by the wide array of sceneries he was viewing through the many cracks present. Some had a wide expanse of lava, others had a forest of dust. He was simply mind-blown by everything going on.

"Where the heck are we?" Xuan Li along with Vor Eyes and Sugar Bun were unlucky enough to get sucked into a rift that had a swampy environment replete with vicious crocs the size of a tanker. They had to combine their efforts not to get eaten alive.

"This place is insane! How do we get back to the academy?" Shouted Xuan Li in major distress.

"There's a portal up there. I think it might lead us back to the academy." Suggested Vor Eyes.

"What if it doesn't lead us back? Then we might be stuck in an unknown dimension forever!" Stated Sugar Bun worryingly.

The area that Vor Eyes pointed to was actually attached to a huge gator monster's jaw, thus they had to get through it without getting eaten first.

"This is going to be a tough one."

'Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!'