The Garuda's members told by Udin and Gusti, what was cleansing meant. When the Udin and Gusti told them, there a spark dissatisfaction in their heart of Garuda's members.
Of course, the dissatisfaction only grew in the heart of people who were not a spy. They felt their trust betrayed by the doubt from the big boss, Randy.
They looked at the big boss, currently which was discussing something with Gusti and Udin. They thought Randy was discussing what the punishment would the 'Spy' received later.
Gusti and Udin told them, the big boss had not decided the punishment yet. They kept looking at the big boss' expressionless which changed to a solemn expression as the discussion went on.
After a while the discussion finished, the big boss stepped forward. The displeasure to the big boss was still the heart of Garuda's members.
Even though the big boss put a solemn expression, it didn't intimidate them. But what the next happened was, changed their view to the young big boss.
"Randy's Purging! Begin!"
As the voice echoed in the hall, the displeasure in their hearts was gone, replaced by an unknown feeling. Afterward, their hearts were pounding furiously which made them nervous.
The Garuda's members didn't know what feeling was this, but now, somehow they felt nervous as they looked at the big boss. Now, they didn't even dare to look at the big boss directly.
The easy-going big boss' image within their mind replaced by the current image, imposing. But still, they didn't know how could this happen. After the big boss' voice "Randy's purging! Begin!" reached their ears, this feeling appeared while the dissatisfaction and displeasure were gone.
Even Zhen Yi also surprised. Even though the feeling was not as intense as the Garuda's members' feeling, but there was a spark of it emerged within her mind.
Udin and Gusti? There was no surprised in both's expression, but from their eyes could be seen admiration and respect were there as both were looking at Randy.
Meanwhile, Randy was looking at the Garuda's members below the platform, he satisfied as he looked at the Garuda members' reaction.
'The trick works,'
But he also grew nervous. It was his first time for him to act like this. Even though he wanted to put an easy-going image at them, but he should have an air of a leader too to lead this over hundred people.
Furthermore, with an occasion like this. He should act properly as their leader.
"Presumably, Udin and Gusti have told you guys what is the purpose I gathered you here, right?" Randy's voice echoed again.
Even though Randy's tone was the same as before, but compared to the first, this voice lacked the bearing from the first time he spoke.
With this, the nervousness Garuda's members reduced a lot, and they lifted their head which earlier they didn't dare to, looking at Randy at the top platform.
"Yes!" A few people answered Randy.
"Good, so there is no need for me to tell you guys what is my purpose here," Randy nodded his, maintained his solemn expression.
Afterward, a white scroll appeared in Randy's hand. It was the same scroll given by Wisen, the list that Randy took from Wisen last night.
"As the agenda name, I will purging Garuda guild as I found a few individuals with their selfish desire sold my guild's information for money," Randy stopped here, scanned the Garuda's members, looking at their reaction before continuing,
"And here, in my hand is the list those a few individuals," Randy wiggled the scroll to the right and left as he showed it to them.
Garuda members' gaze darted toward the scroll. The Garuda's members thought in the scroll was a name and the proof of those individuals who became spies as Udin and Gusti mentioned it earlier.
The dissatisfaction and displeasure to Randy reduced a lot as they felt their friend was wrong. But if the punishment was harsh, they still, will protest to the big boss. Even a few of them decided to quit from Garuda if the punishment for those spies was getting kicked out of the guild.
But from how the big boss named the meeting, their friends' punishment most likely getting kicked out from the guild. Thinking here, the dissatisfaction and displeasure which already reduced a lot, back again. Of course, they had their own reasons they had a thought like this.
First, there was no deep tie between them and Garuda as the guild just been established for half a month. So, there was no need for them to betray lost a friend for the guild. Worst, they would establish a new Garuda later.
Second, even though their friends were becoming a spy for other guilds for money. Who was in the wrong was the big boss as those guilds were the big boss' enemy, not theirs. Even by joining Garuda, they felt they were risking their lives as the big boss' enemy was Dragon Dynasty, but what they got was a doubt from the big boss.
Third, the big boss was too young to become their leader, and they thought Randy was not fit to become their leader. They thought Randy was only a teen who just graduated from his high school. It was just they didn't say it out because of Udin and Gusti respected him. Even though he had the power, he still didn't to become their leader. Why they had this thought, it was because they compared Randy to Dragon Dynasty and Eternal Shogunate's guild leader.
At least, it was the thought crossed in Garuda members' mind after heard Randy would do a cleansing in Garuda.
As their thought was wandering, they heard Randy's voice again. This time, it was the same as the first time; the voice was bringing a mysterious feeling and swept away others feeling.
"All right! I will give you a chance! Admit your wrong and maybe I will give you leniency…" At voice, Randy's voice was loud which later became calm and indifferent.
Again, the dissatisfaction and displeasure feeling toward Randy were gone, replaced by the unknown feeling. But somehow, their heart shook and their body shuddered as they heard the calm and indifferent tone which voiced by Randy.
They lowered their head, didn't dare to look at Randy. The nervousness came again, and their hand started sweating. Especially for the spies. At first, they felt guilty as last night Udin and Gusti told them about cleansing.
They were becoming a spy was because of their greediness despite the big boss already gave them the best treatment compared to other guilds. Now the big boss found out about them became a spy for other guilds. The spies knew this problem would implicate the others.
But, after hearing the calm and indifferent tone of Randy's voice just know. The spies somehow frightened. After hearing that, they remembered the big boss' action in the Ascension Tournament which killed people more than one, the roar that sounded to the whole city.
They didn't know why they remember this after hearing Randy's calm and indifferent voice. After remembering that event, they could not help but frightened.
"Oh, so you want me to call your name one by one before you want to admit?" Randy's calm and indifferent voice sounded. From the way he spoke, they could feel a disappointment.
Just as Randy wanted to open the white scroll, there was a movement from the Garuda's members. Randy stopped and looked at below. One by one, they were getting out from the lining and move forward with their head lowered, didn't dare to look at their friend, let alone looked at the boss and the big boss.
Randy counted the people who move forward, totaled thirteen people.
"Eh!?" He surprised and started to count again. Thirteen people.
Another chapter for streak release.
Muahahaha, this is streak release mean. you will get a chapter every hour ^^ enjoy the waiting (while the author sleeping) ^^ Author's torture ^^
Note: This is timer release, not manual, hopefully there will be no error or bug from inkstone ^^
Thanks for the read, supports, and gifts ^^