
Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Humans are weak. Yet, harm the people they love, and they become fiercer than any demon.~ Unknown. ____________ "Heavenly Sword! Give it up and surrender! There is no longer any way for you to win this!" Sweat fell down his brow as Hiroyuki stood in a sea of enemies. Extremely fatigued from fighting by himself non-stop. The man wondered how the situation could be turned around. Despite being called Heavenly Sword, it was almost impossible to win against an entire continent alone. Yet even in the face of death, he refused to surrender. Hiro forced himself to stand using his swords for support. He then nonchalantly answered. "Can't, I promised my girls I would come home early today. They will be sad if I am late." Suddenly, three gorgeous women appeared beside him, surprising everyone else. The army grew wary as they phased in like ghosts, despite the man being surrounded by enemies. Beautiful, alluring, and overflowing in both power and sex appeal. The women made thousands of boners stand up in respect. "Darling, we had a date! Look at how bloody you are! Why do you need to worry me like this?" "Shush, can't you see he is injured? My love hold still, I will heal your wounds." "Husband. Pain? Rest. We cooked. Lots of food. Eat later. Now, we'll kill enemies." "But, I can still fight, I will take point... " The wives supported him to take a seat. Each beauty then gave him deep and passionate kisses one after another in a display of lust and desire. Three confident voices assured him afterwards. "Darling, so long as you are with me, I will never lose to anyone. Wait for us, rest for now." "My love, your wellbeing is most important. We made your favorites, let's celebrate at home later. please let us take out the rubbish okay?" "Husband rests. Husband strong. But wife worries. Be obedient. Safe. Reward later." It was obvious to everyone how much they loved their husband. Silenced by the passion of his women, the man quietly waited, defeat wasn't even a possibility. After tending to their beloved, the wives turned to face the army surrounding Hiro. The ravishing women then began to unleash power that made the skies quake and the earth shatter. "I count a hundred thousand. As we are all extremely pissed, how about a game to make it interesting? The winner gets to keep darling for an entire Saturday. Deal?" "...Please make it the entire weekend including nights. They laid hands on the man I love the most. Their lives are mine." "Don't bother. Livid. I will win. Weekend sex. Creampies. My rewards. You girls rest. No longer needed." The commander who saw the three women display tyrannical powers grew frantic. Aside from being an unmatched swordsman, his superior told him that the target had a factor even more important to consider. "Listen carefully! When you hunt the Heavenly Sword remember one thing. Do everything possible to separate him from his battle harem. Fight him alone. ALONE! UNDERSTAND?! "If his women are with him, retreat immediately! Do not engage them period!" "But..." *SLAP* "NO BUTS! HIS WOMEN SHOW UP, YOU HAUL ASS! DO I MAKE MYSELF ABSOLUTELY CLEAR?!" Finally understanding the words of his superior. The commander was about to order a retreat. However, something instantaneously blew his head apart. The sounds similar to a watermelon violently exploding forced the entire army to halt. As blood, flesh and brain matter rained around the area of the former leader, a cold voice spoke amid the silence. "One." "Oh, come on! We haven't even started yet!" "Cheating bad. Saint image weeping." "Two." "....." Thus began a one-sided massacre involving 100,000 men against three very vengeful women. This was only one of such stories surrounding the strongest force to ever walk the lands of the Valorious continent. The Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword *Cover Commissioned from suryabaswara516*

Yinghuo_392 · Fantasy
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316 Chs

The Will to Remain Unbroken 3

"Anyway, boy like I said you are in deep shit. I don't know what happened. But you need to leave this city at once, the royalty announced that you tried to rape the crown princess.

"This empire has a belief that transmigrators must not be killed or a catastrophe would befall the kingdom. That is the only reason why you haven't been executed, but you have been branded as a rapist and the entire capital will bar you from using any facility. "

Hiro who heard the unjust accusations suddenly raised his voice in anger. "WHAT? Who the hell can rape Rhyne in this kingdom? Is there any man who can do so? I have hardly done anything aside from spending time in bed."

Krayto shrugged his head as he nodded. "I know, anyone who would touch that Raylene girl despite her condition wouldn't be the type to take advantage of women. Vanessa and Jade also negotiated with the owner of this house to let you stay. But you need to leave quickly, the guards expect to find you in the streets, if you are not, they will look for you."

The transmigrator had no time to be pleased with the actions of Vanessa and Jade, nor inquire about the condition of Raylene. All he could think of is the bullshit of Starfall.

"I need to complain to Rhyne, thank you for everything once I find employment I will come to look for you and pay you back."

Hiro then stood up to head back to the castle. As it was the biggest building in the city so it should be easy to spot. Jade and Krayto who found it hard to say anything remained silent as he left.

Upon exiting, Hiro found himself in the slum area of the city. He quickly spotted the tall spires of what could only be the royal castle. The white European castle had tall spires and an even taller tower. Its majesty was impressive, and its size even more so.

'No wonder, traveling from one end to another took so long, this thing is so huge!'

When people saw Hiro, numerous people stopped and started pointing toward him.

"IT'S HIM IT'S THE TRASH SWORDSMAN!" "HE STILL HAS THE FACE TO WALK AROUND AFTER WHAT HE DID?" "Let's go dear, we will be suspected just by being seen with him." "Leave this place, you fucking rapist!" "How can you even try to assault our crown princess?" "After she took you in! fucking trash!"

A small mob started forming as more people were drawn to the commotion, Hiro who wanted to try clearing his name answered their calls.

"I never tried to rape her! I got knocked out and have been asleep since yesterday! I didn't do anything wrong!"

However, despite his best attempts, the people didn't take his side.

"THAT'S RICH! HAVE SOME BALLS TO ADMIT YOUR CRIMES, TRASH!" "I FEEL ASHAMED FOR BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS YOU! LEAVE!" "Careful, he might try to rape us too. Let's get out of here." "Lady Rhyne is a saint who cares about her people!" "YEAH! She is the only royalty that helps us. Like we would listen to you, trash!" "FUCK OFF YOU BASTARD!"

One of the angry people threw a tomato at Hiro; the red fruit smashed against his forehead, and the juices spattered over his face. The crowd grew silent for a bit only to start throwing anything they could get their hands on at Hiro.

Eggs, lettuce, apples, everything was fair game; some even picked up rocks. Hiro who started to get pelted with the objects shielded his face with his arms. Despite his counterarguments, the mob didn't listen and continued to release wave after wave of projectiles.

Hiro grew fed up and ran away in defeat; cursing under his breath, 'Fuck you shits, I am innocent.' He ran away without minding his direction and the mob followed him.

As more and more people threw stuff, even the bystanders started to join in. Buckets of dirty water, urine, and literal shit were splashed on him when he passed by the deepest part of the slums.

The country was not the most well-developed; the toilet most used, especially in the slums were either buckets or the floor. Thus the disgusting excrement could be found everywhere.

Hiro, who got blinded by the shit and piss that splattered on him started roaring in anger. "I am innocent you fuckers! I didn't even want to go into this world! Your bitch of a princess brought me here against my will!"

One of the vagrants who had a turd in his hands answered him as he threw the human waste. "So you tried to rape her then? You bottom-feeding fucker! Just go ahead and die."

More and more people joined in and the smell started to get unbearable. Hiro knew that debating with the mob was not going to help. Thus he ran towards the castle to complain directly to Rhyne.

Still being pelted by shit, Hiro could not even spare time to be disgusted due to his frustration. He slipped on the way numerous times. The mob slowly left him as the smell coming off the man was enough to put dogs to death just from the scent.

Without anyone to bar his way, most people only commented that some crazy shit-covered vagrant was running around. The feces helped in that it masked his features, or rather no one wanted to spend time checking. Eventually, Hiro reached the castle gates and was stopped by the guards.

"WHOA! DAMN! GET OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKER! I'm gagging from your smell at 10 meters away."

The transmigrator who tried to come near was forced to stop when the guards started to lower their spears and assumed combat stances.

"You shit-covered hobo, I am not asking again, get away from here. Merchants use this path; I will impale my spear into you if you come closer. Take a hint and leave!"

Hiro then shouted for everyone to hear. "I am the transmigrator summoned by the crown princess, I am Hiroyuki Mitsurugi! Get Rhyne to come out here! I am innocent!"

The other guard who heard his words countered. "If that is the truth then get out of here before I really stab you. You only get to keep your head as it's against the law to kill a transmigrator. LEAVE YOU, SHIT-COVERED RAPIST!"

The transmigrator felt like pulling his hair; since he couldn't enter he started shouting to call out Rhyne instead. "RHYNE! I AM INNOCENT! RESCIND THE CHARGES! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

A guard who found Hiro annoying left to get their latrine bucket and threw the contents at Hiro! Splashed again with shit and piss anew, Hiro was forced to keep quiet to stop the fecal matter from entering his mouth.

There came a point where nothing fazed people anymore. This is a certainty when misfortunes occurred one after another without stopping. Hiro who already arrived at that point silently stood in place. Only for the voice, he hated most to echo in the air.

"I have to admit this is quite a good look for you; you know being trash and all. Covered in such disgusting stuff must make you feel better? Did you roll with the swine in their pens before coming here, trash?"

Hiro then looked towards the condescending face of the white knight of the Starfall battle harem, the husband of Rhyne and her second in command.


Hi All,

New book made in WN Cocktail Format. This is part of the Initial 30 chapter release, please support it if you want more chapters.

see you in the Next Chapter.

To God be all the glory honor and praise.



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