
Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Humans are weak. Yet, harm the people they love, and they become fiercer than any demon.~ Unknown. ____________ "Heavenly Sword! Give it up and surrender! There is no longer any way for you to win this!" Sweat fell down his brow as Hiroyuki stood in a sea of enemies. Extremely fatigued from fighting by himself non-stop. The man wondered how the situation could be turned around. Despite being called Heavenly Sword, it was almost impossible to win against an entire continent alone. Yet even in the face of death, he refused to surrender. Hiro forced himself to stand using his swords for support. He then nonchalantly answered. "Can't, I promised my girls I would come home early today. They will be sad if I am late." Suddenly, three gorgeous women appeared beside him, surprising everyone else. The army grew wary as they phased in like ghosts, despite the man being surrounded by enemies. Beautiful, alluring, and overflowing in both power and sex appeal. The women made thousands of boners stand up in respect. "Darling, we had a date! Look at how bloody you are! Why do you need to worry me like this?" "Shush, can't you see he is injured? My love hold still, I will heal your wounds." "Husband. Pain? Rest. We cooked. Lots of food. Eat later. Now, we'll kill enemies." "But, I can still fight, I will take point... " The wives supported him to take a seat. Each beauty then gave him deep and passionate kisses one after another in a display of lust and desire. Three confident voices assured him afterwards. "Darling, so long as you are with me, I will never lose to anyone. Wait for us, rest for now." "My love, your wellbeing is most important. We made your favorites, let's celebrate at home later. please let us take out the rubbish okay?" "Husband rests. Husband strong. But wife worries. Be obedient. Safe. Reward later." It was obvious to everyone how much they loved their husband. Silenced by the passion of his women, the man quietly waited, defeat wasn't even a possibility. After tending to their beloved, the wives turned to face the army surrounding Hiro. The ravishing women then began to unleash power that made the skies quake and the earth shatter. "I count a hundred thousand. As we are all extremely pissed, how about a game to make it interesting? The winner gets to keep darling for an entire Saturday. Deal?" "...Please make it the entire weekend including nights. They laid hands on the man I love the most. Their lives are mine." "Don't bother. Livid. I will win. Weekend sex. Creampies. My rewards. You girls rest. No longer needed." The commander who saw the three women display tyrannical powers grew frantic. Aside from being an unmatched swordsman, his superior told him that the target had a factor even more important to consider. "Listen carefully! When you hunt the Heavenly Sword remember one thing. Do everything possible to separate him from his battle harem. Fight him alone. ALONE! UNDERSTAND?! "If his women are with him, retreat immediately! Do not engage them period!" "But..." *SLAP* "NO BUTS! HIS WOMEN SHOW UP, YOU HAUL ASS! DO I MAKE MYSELF ABSOLUTELY CLEAR?!" Finally understanding the words of his superior. The commander was about to order a retreat. However, something instantaneously blew his head apart. The sounds similar to a watermelon violently exploding forced the entire army to halt. As blood, flesh and brain matter rained around the area of the former leader, a cold voice spoke amid the silence. "One." "Oh, come on! We haven't even started yet!" "Cheating bad. Saint image weeping." "Two." "....." Thus began a one-sided massacre involving 100,000 men against three very vengeful women. This was only one of such stories surrounding the strongest force to ever walk the lands of the Valorious continent. The Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword *Cover Commissioned from suryabaswara516*

Yinghuo_392 · Fantasy
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316 Chs

The Will to Remain Unbroken 2


Strength Derived from Pride

Rank [C] Skill Type: Passive Level: 1

A skill from the library of Spirit-based masteries. Grants a medium increase to STR and increased pain tolerance proportional to the level of pride felt by the skill holder. Defined realities will invoke stronger effects.

Defined Realities: 1. Empty 2. Empty 3. Empty | Reality Rearm available: 1

Unknown – Strength Derived from Pride [C] – Unknown


Sight Beyond Vision

Rank [C] Skill Type: Passive Level: 1

A skill from the library of Mana-based masteries. Grants the ability to see objects that do not exist in the same realm. Grants moderate enhancement to vision.

Mutation derivative: Grant increased learning abilities from watching sword-based masteries.

Grants active skill:

Inspect [D] Lvl 1 – an active ability that allows the skill holder to view the status screens of being and objects of the same rank or lower. | Cost 1 MP |CD 1 sec

Inspect Potential [C] Lvl 1 – an active ability that allows the skill holder to view the future available paths for targets of the same rank or lower. | Cost 2 MP |CD 1 sec

Farsight [E] Lvl 1 – an active ability that allows telescopic vision to increase by 50 meters per level. | Cost 1 MP/3S |CD 30 min

Unknown - Sight Beyond Vision [C] - Unknown


Wrath of the Vengeful

Rank [B] Skill Type: Passive Level: 1

A skill from the Aura-based masteries. Grants a great increase in offensive skills when facing a target marked for vengeance. The host will never faint nor lose consciousness in the presence of a marked target.

Legacy of Vengeance - winning against marked targets grants a permanent increase in stats and clears marks on a target. Stat increase is determined by the difference in level. Stats vary per victory.

Mark of Vengeance - Casts an invisible mark on a target's soul. The Skill holder will sense the target's soul regardless of distance. Is automatically cast to enemies that defeat the host. Cost 5AP/A CD 40 minutes

Skill prediction – ability to predict when the opponent will execute a skill. Cost 1 AP/A |CD 10 sec

Unknown – Wrath of the Vengeful [B]– Unknown


Beauty's Bane [D] Lvl 1

Rank [D] Skill Type: Passive Level: 1

A skill from the Spirit-based masteries. Grants a great increase in resistance from charm attacks. Any and all mind control effects below rank [A] will be nullified.

Mutation: When aroused or excited the brain's responses to lust and desire will be deactivated by the skill. Increases INT by 10% for 24 hours every trigger.


"…. Aren't these a bit OP? They sound simple but under the right situations, they can be pretty powerful. I need to study them more. Also doesn't [Beauty's bane] make me a eunuch? Still being immune to mind status effects is amazing."


When Hiro looked up for the first time he saw two figures in the room with him.


The first of the two appeared to be an old man, Hiro recognized him as the man that gave him directions when the transmigrator got lost at the smithies.

"Ojisan, you're here! Have you been here since earlier?"

Hiro tried to hope that they only arrived, but got the answer he didn't want to hear.

"If you are asking if we heard you shouting and laughing like a crazy piece of shit, then yeah we saw the whole thing."

The old man grinned and while his mouth was hidden by his magnificent beard, his amusement could be seen even just from his eyes. Hearing his words though, the transmigrator remembered the other person besides the ojisan.


A small child looked towards Hiro despite not having eyes. Yes, the one present could only be the young child that got blasted into Hiro's path just yesterday.

"Hello, please forget what you just heard. I will give you treats if you do."

The ojisan then started laughing at the exchange, he laughed so hard he even started to tear up. While wiping his eyes the old man then stood up straight as he started to explain.

"Anyway, introductions are in order. I am Krayto Alabarda, and this young miss here is Jade. You have to thank her, she is the one who nursed you to health and stayed with you throughout the night.

"Jade is one of the most powerful mages in this city. Despite her looks, she is already 16 years old, so refrain from treating her like a child."

The young mummified girl who went by the name Jade then spoke in a robotic voice while she looked towards Hiro. "Hear your cry. Grief. Sorrow. Pain. Are you okay?"

Hiro's heart warmed up a bit when he learned that the bandaged girl in front of him nursed him to health. On top of her being concerned about him.

'Yeah, people come in all sorts of shades, some are bad undoubtedly. But just like how there are plenty of assholes. There are plenty of good people. Jade is one of those who care for others.'

Hiro then tried to stand up from the bed he sat on and bowed in front of Jade. "Jade, thank you so much for helping me. I will repay this favor in the future."

Krayto walked towards Hiro and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I won't comment about what I heard, but don't go about saying anything you like or you will get hanged for treason. Also aside from Jade, you need to thank two others, a maid from the palace named Vanessa, and a blacksmith striker named Raylene.

"Vanessa found you half-dead in the latrine area of the stables. Raylene carried you all the way here. But enough about that, you have bigger problems right now boy."

Hiro knew of Vanessa, the maid who had metal prosthetics for arms. He would need to visit the smithies to find Raylene. But other than needing to think about what he needed to do now, Hiro had no other business.

After the way Rhyne ended things between them, he had no need to return. So the first thing that needed to be done is find a way to make money and then a place to stay.

'Come to think of it what do I do with my mission now that Rhyne won't even speak with me? Ah, need to focus on the present.'

"I will look for both of them later, I am already acquainted with Vanessa. But I don't know who Raylene is. she must be kind if she randomly helped me."

Krayto shook his head as he answered. "You already know her, Raylene is the corpse-looking girl with a skull mask that hangs around the smithies.

"The first time I saw you, you were helping her with an antidote. By the way, she said 'With this, I cleared my debt.' Raylene also brought Jade here."

Hiro grew amazed at how coincidences occurred, how likely it was that the three people he ran into the second day would be the ones to save his life. Karma or something similar must exist in this world.

The transmigrator confirmed that helping others out in their time of need returned when one needed it most. Krayto who saw Hiro making stupid smiles, coughed and continued his explanations.

Hi All,

New book made in WN Cocktail Format. This is part of the Initial 30 chapter release, please support it if you want more chapters.

see you in the Next Chapter.

To God be all the glory honor and praise.



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