

Volume 1-Kayla has self-imposed a mission to kill her father Volume 2- C&C

DaoistLYYgtV · Urban
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6 Chs

Fairy butcher

Jade shook off her wings and stepped out onto the pedestrian walkway. Another day had been completed and she still didn't know her purpose. She was training in the fairies academy but what kind of fairy would she major? Tooth fairy was too tacky. Flower fairies were underpaid but war fairies would be the best for her. She knew how wars worked and maybe she could make a difference by dissuading them into stopping wars. No one would know.

She didn't like the other fairies as they had no direct contact with humans. The fairies of war were capable of doing and undoing. War fairies were powerful. Many nations and battalions of men had gone to war with only a few whispers.

That kind of power was intoxicating and she needed it.


"Jade Loc, I dub thee a fairy of war. You shall not stray from orders as the final judgement is to be decided by the league of fairies and you are only a messenger to fulfill these decisions"

"I swear thee", she responded.

Jade knew what she was capable of and what she wanted to do. There were certain countries that were not worth existing and she was going to make sure she wiped them out. After all, the human mind is a fickle illusion which could simply trash your whispers if it pleased.

On her first few missions she had delivered as she was asked so as to not raise any suspicions but along the line she delivered a few wrong messages where she pleased.

She told three kings to kill themselves, that wasn't war inducing that was her trying to stop a few wars by eradicating powerless kings to open ways for the powerful ones to invade with ease.

Over a year she had curbed the harsh effects of war by curbing manslaughter. She was half human herself so she was familiar with the feeling of losing a loved one. It was better for weaker countries to be taking at once that slaughtered and still captured. She was doing humanity a favor.


6 human months later she was summoned by the league. Petition against her for dishonesty. The murder cases were becoming a big concern as the expected outcomes were contrary to also her missions.

There was a trial and witnesses and all of the legal stuff in fairy court and she couldn't lie because it was all on camera. The league had installed a camera into her war badge and every other badge without her knowledge. They had been waiting for a good time to strike. She was definitely going to serve time for this, all she had done was undeniable. They would strip her of her badge and take to the dungeons.


6 human years later she is still in prison but she would be let out in a few days. It would mean a new chance at life. In her new life she would have nothing to do with the fairies.