
Bastard to District Fantasy

The world's first superhumans emerged from a distant past, and their legacy has shaped humanity's evolution. Their powers enabled our ancient ancestors to build complex structures, hunt for food, and discover new, innovative ways of living. But as humanity grew, they faced great evils that sought to control the world. The enigmatic hero who stood against these threats remains unknown, but on March 12, 1996, a previously unaccounted for squad, made an anonymous appearance at the frontlines. Could this be the moment when the descendants of the world's first superhumans revealed themselves, intervening in the persistent conflict between the United States of America and China?

Revisor · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Upon learning of the incident, Captain Martinez imposed a punishment on Sapients, requiring him to undertake a week-long task of cleaning the entirety of the camp building where they resided. In addition to this, Sapients was suspended from residing within the camp premises, necessitating him to spend a week in the nearby forest tent. Despite the punishment, Sapients' intense animosity towards Kurtis remained unabated, as he screamed into the night sky after the first day of his disciplinary action.

MARCH 20, 1996 Disgruntled, Sapients abandoned the mop, launching it with a kick towards the storage room before slamming the door shut. He then proceeded to the common area, a designated space where soldiers socialized and engaged in recreational activities. This was typically where Sapients would spend time with his intimate associates. However, as he approached the entrance to the room, he felt a hand firmly placed on his right shoulder, preventing him from opening the door. It was Kurtis who requested to speak with him.

Although initially reluctant, Sapients accorded Kurtis an opportunity to speak his mind. They settled on the steps located at the backdoor to the camp building where Kurtis recounted his journey towards becoming a soldier. At the outset, Sapients appeared disinterested, but as the tale unfolded, he could discern the pain and anguish in Kurtis' story. At the tender age of eleven, William Kurtis was falsely implicated in the killing of three individuals. A manipulated video presented him as the perpetrator, leading to a five-year stint in a detention facility where he was subjected to continuous maltreatment and bullying.

After a period of five years, a decision was made that the footage had been fabricated, leading to Kurtis' release. Despite the wrongful conviction, those involved failed to acknowledge their role and refrained from offering any form of apology to Kurtis. The gravity of the situation further intensified when a medical practitioner revealed to him that his biological parents had withdrawn their interest in readopting him due to the emergence of another child who exhibited more potential. In response to this news, Kurtis maintained an inscrutable expression, often resorting to self-harm by using his own chain to inflict pain on his face.

Kurtis experienced a pivotal turning point in his life when he was enrolled in a boarding school located in Florida. There, he encountered a girl his age whose encouragement and motivation propelled him to reach for the stars. Time passed, and just as Kurtis was approaching his 18th birthday, the school officials made a cruel decision to conscript all parentless students into the military.

This included Kurtis' beloved companion. However, due to the recent unexpected appearance of the anonymous squad at the frontlines, Kurtis' presence at the military was no longer necessary. As Kurtis introduced himself to Captain Martinez, she recognized the potential value of Kurtis' abilities in future missions and thus mandated that he stay for at least one more year before departing "home."

With a heavy heart, Sapients rose to his feet, averting his gaze from Kurtis, as he commenced an apology for his transgressions. Turning back around, Kurtis observed tears streaming down Sapients' face as he disclosed his own experience of being abandoned at a young age and the attendant emotional pain that he endured. This explained the reason behind his shift in demeanor. Sapients had always believed that he was the only one to have suffered such torment, but hearing Kurtis' story assured him that he was not alone. Proposing that they establish a friendship, Sapients received an affirmative response from Kurtis.

End of Vol 1.

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