
Bastard to District Fantasy

The world's first superhumans emerged from a distant past, and their legacy has shaped humanity's evolution. Their powers enabled our ancient ancestors to build complex structures, hunt for food, and discover new, innovative ways of living. But as humanity grew, they faced great evils that sought to control the world. The enigmatic hero who stood against these threats remains unknown, but on March 12, 1996, a previously unaccounted for squad, made an anonymous appearance at the frontlines. Could this be the moment when the descendants of the world's first superhumans revealed themselves, intervening in the persistent conflict between the United States of America and China?

Revisor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


MARCH 21st, 1996. As Chester enjoyed his morning meal while tuned into the news, his attention was drawn to a report detailing a helicopter malfunction triggered by excessive onboard weight. This malfunction resulted in a loss of stability, leading to a tragic collision with a neighboring skyscraper on the 87th floor of a 125-floor structure. This impressive building soared to a height of 980 feet and accommodated a daily workforce of more than 3,000 full-time office professionals.

While savoring his chicken, Chester's meal was interrupted by an unexpected bone, coinciding with the early commencement of a scheduled meeting signaled by the ringing bell. He promptly disposed of his meal, tilting the tray with the food into an accessible waste receptacle.

Chester proceeded toward the meeting room and crossed paths with Kurtis, exchanging greetings before entering the designated space. Shortly thereafter, Captain Martinez joined them, taking her seat with a sigh, and placed her wrists on the table, intertwining her fingers.

She engaged in a discussion with Chester regarding the recent news he had witnessed on TV, concerning the accident in Jersey City. Clearing her throat once their conversation concluded, she swiftly assigned a team for an urgent rescue mission, comprising Chester, Kurtis, Ravie "Kudra" Moore and Senya "Amarinth" Winters.

Ravie Moore possessed the ability, "Elemental Harmony," rated at 5.39, which enabled her to temporarily manipulate the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. On the other hand, Senya Winters possessed the power of "Rattle," with a rating of 4.26, allowing her to vibrate objects she touched, facilitating the movement of heavier items.

Kurtis, having not yet crossed paths with these two individuals, was introduced to them by Chester. During the introduction, Chester shared anecdotes, recounting a near mountain accident involving Ravie's inadvertent large-scale Earth Manipulation and Senya's habit of pranks involving floor vibrations to simulate earthquakes in order to scare the squad as a whole.

Despite their unconventional pasts, Kurtis extended greetings to them as they had peeked his likings. Moments later, Captain Martinez re-entered the room, having conveyed information about their mode of transportation, an ice cream truck with a military makeover. Senya couldn't help but giggle upon seeing it.

They all embarked on the vehicle, receiving Captain Martinez's well-wishes for a successful mission. As the truck accelerated with a distinct wheel screech against the concrete, Kurtis initiated a discussion regarding the rescue plan. Ravie and Chester joined in, while Senya, with her head out of the window, reveled in the wind against her smiling face. Observing her, Chester couldn't help but sigh inwardly, a tinge of disappointment lingering in his thoughts.