
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

TOS · Sports
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19 Chs

League Preperation.

The first day of training at Hirosaki High was all about conditioning, and it was grueling from the very beginning. The players, Takeshi included, gathered on the court, and Coach Kenji's assistant took them through a rigorous warm-up. Then they began with a series of sprints and defensive slides, emphasizing speed, agility, and endurance.

Takeshi felt the burn in his legs and lungs as he pushed himself to keep up with his more experienced teammates. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and his chest heaved with every breath. The entire team ran tirelessly, the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished court echoing through the gym.

As they continued running suicides, suicides, and more suicides, Takeshi's legs began to feel like lead. His body screamed in protest, but he was determined to keep up. The veterans set the pace, motivating the newer members with their relentless effort.

Coach Kenji watched closely, his stern expression unwavering. He occasionally shouted instructions and words of encouragement to keep the players going. The discipline and dedication required for this level of conditioning were evident, and Takeshi was starting to understand the intense commitment it took to be part of Hirosaki's first-string team.

Takeshi's physical prowess was undeniable, but the level of intensity during the training session was taking its toll on him. As the session drew to a close, he felt exhaustion creeping in, a sensation he wasn't accustomed to despite his impressive athletic abilities. His friend, Yasuda, was having an even tougher time, his stamina pushed to its limits.

The upperclassmen, particularly the third-year players, displayed a level of resilience that came from years of grueling training. They appeared fatigued but were managing it far better than the newer players. Their experience was evident in their ability to endure the physically demanding drills and sprints with greater ease.

Takeshi couldn't help but admire their tenacity and mental fortitude, realizing that he had a long way to go to reach their level of conditioning and endurance.

As they left the gym, Takeshi's muscles were aching, but he was determined to improve and adapt to the intense training regimen. The first day had been a challenging introduction, but it was just the beginning of his journey with the Hirosaki High basketball team.

A while later, Takeshi trudged through the back door, fatigue etched into his features, and his father, who had been cooking in the kitchen, couldn't help but notice his drained expression.

His father looked up from the stove, concern in his eyes. "Takeshi, you look exhausted. How was your first day of practice?"

Takeshi, still trying to catch his breath, managed a weak smile. "It was intense, Dad. We did a lot of conditioning drills. This body is not used to this level of training." 

As a former professional, he participated in much more intense workouts than this. However, his 15-year-old body hasn't accustomed itself to such a high level of training. Still, he thinks that he might adapt to it before the end of the week.

His father nodded in understanding. "I can imagine. You'll need to get plenty of rest to recover. Dinner will be ready soon. Afterward, make sure you get a good night's sleep. Your body needs it."

Takeshi appreciated the concern of his father, who had always been supportive of his athletic endeavors. "Thanks, Dad. I'll do that. I want to be at my best for the next practice."

With a reassuring pat on Takeshi's back, his father returned to the stove, ensuring that a hearty meal would be ready for his hardworking son.

As Takeshi went up the stairs, the small restaurant's kitchen returned to its original state, a bustling hub of activity, and Hiroshi, Takeshi's father, was meticulously juggling various tasks. He'd just sent a plate of sizzling tempura to a satisfied customer when one of his employees approached with an order slip, both of them sharing fatigued expressions.

Hiroshi accepted the slip and scanned the details with a knowing sigh. He then looked up at his employee, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Seems like we're picking up, huh?"

His employee gave a hurried nod, clearly overwhelmed. "Yeah, boss. Maybe it's time to think about hiring more hands, especially during the busy hours."

Hiroshi nodded in agreement. "You're right. I've been considering it for a while now. We'll post some job openings and see if we can find some extra help, especially during the peak hours."

With that decided, Hiroshi and his employee shared a brief, tired chuckle, knowing that running a successful restaurant often meant adapting to its growing demands.

The quaint little restaurant that Hiroshi had run for years had always been a beloved local gem. Known for its delicious dishes and warm ambiance, it was a favorite among the regulars who knew they could count on an incredible dining experience. But something extraordinary was happening now, something beyond Hiroshi's wildest expectations.

Sara, the enthusiastic YouTuber with a taste for hidden culinary treasures, had somehow found her way to Hiroshi's humble establishment. She meticulously documented her entire dining experience, from the mouthwatering presentation of the dishes to the inviting atmosphere that surrounded her. The resulting video was a heartfelt testament to Hiroshi's passion and dedication.

And then, the wave hit.

The video was a viral sensation, reaching a staggering 4.7 million views in a little over a week. The power of social media had given Hiroshi's restaurant newfound attention, with throngs of people eager to experience what Sara had so vividly shared.

The restaurant, once bustling but comfortably sized with its twelve tables, was now bursting at the seams. Dinnertime had become a hectic spectacle of satisfied patrons, and lunch wasn't far behind. What was meant to be a cozy, intimate dining experience now felt like a bustling marketplace of good food and even better company. Hiroshi beamed with pride as he saw new and familiar faces, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of impending change.

The once-manageable team of four waiters and two skilled cooks was struggling to keep up with the increased demand. Hiroshi, with his apron stained from hours at the stove, found himself coordinating in a whirlwind of activity. The customers were enjoying their food, but Hiroshi couldn't help but feel like he was on the edge of a culinary abyss, one he wasn't quite ready to plunge into.

However, it wasn't just about managing the growing demand. The space, too, became a matter of concern. The restaurant's cozy interior was part of its charm, but the ever-expanding crowd now required more room. Hiroshi's thoughts turned to the adjacent houses. What if he could buy them and transform the lower floors into an extension of his beloved restaurant?

But Hiroshi wasn't one to leap without looking. Just like his son, Takeshi, he was incredibly smart and knew that wise decisions were made with consideration and the right advice. So he decided to seek the counsel of professionals who understood the intricacies of restaurant expansion and interior design.


As Hiroshi deftly moved through the bustling kitchen of his restaurant, his thoughts were consumed by the whirlwind of change that had swept into his life. The little eatery he had nurtured for years had transformed into a bustling sensation, thanks to Sara's YouTube video. It was a delightful predicament, but it brought with it a significant question that loomed in Hiroshi's mind.

He couldn't help but reflect on the money he had managed to set aside over the years. A little over $200,000 was safely tucked away, a financial cushion he had built with great care. This sum, initially earmarked for Takeshi's education and any unforeseen challenges the future might present now beckoned with a new purpose.

The idea of expanding the restaurant had undeniable appeal. The adjacent houses, if acquired and thoughtfully renovated, could provide additional space for eager customers. It was a chance to bring more people into the fold, sharing his culinary artistry with a wider audience. But it was a decision that didn't come lightly, and it carried its own set of uncertainties.

The very essence of his responsibility as a father weighed heavily on Hiroshi's mind. Takeshi's future was his top priority, and the funds set aside were meant to secure that future. Using this money for restaurant expansion was a choice that would inevitably influence what lay ahead, both for himself and, more importantly, for his son.

He knew that expansion could be a wise investment, a way to elevate his restaurant and provide even better opportunities for Takeshi. It might enhance the family's financial stability in the long run. On the other hand, the uncertainty of the restaurant business and the potential risks of expansion couldn't be ignored.

For now, Hiroshi's kitchen was a haven of sizzling pans, aromatic spices, and the rhythmic clatter of culinary craftsmanship. But outside, in the quiet recesses of his thoughts, a complex decision loomed. Hiroshi had always approached his business with care and precision, and this pivotal choice was no exception.

It was a dilemma that required careful consideration, possibly involving discussions with financial experts, business advisors, and even Takeshi himself. Hiroshi knew that the coming days would be a balancing act between securing his son's future and nurturing the newfound culinary journey he had embarked on, a journey full of flavor, potential, and opportunity.


Sara, the intrepid food explorer, continued her culinary journey, tasting her way through the diverse flavors of the country. Seated at a restaurant table, camera rolling and food awaiting her discerning palate, she couldn't help but be struck by a subtle sense of disappointment.

The dishes laid before her were undoubtedly good – flavorful and thoughtfully prepared. The culinary offerings held their own in the grand tapestry of cuisine she had encountered. Yet, in the back of her mind, Sara couldn't shake the memory of a unique dining experience from a little over a week ago.

It was Hiroshi's restaurant, tucked away in a small corner of the country. The flavors that had graced her taste buds there were something beyond ordinary. Every bite seemed to have whispered secrets of culinary artistry, and the satisfaction she had felt had transcended the mere act of eating.

As she continued to sample the fare before her and provide her thoughts on camera, Sara knew that the contrast was impossible to ignore. Hiroshi's restaurant had set an incredibly high bar, both in terms of flavor and overall dining experience. It wasn't just a meal; it was a journey through taste, a culinary adventure.

Although she continued her food review professionally, she harbored a private vow. A return to Hiroshi's restaurant was inevitable. The prospect of savoring those exceptional dishes once more, and perhaps uncovering new culinary treasures, was an irresistible pull that she couldn't resist.

For now, her quest continued, each plate providing a unique chapter in her gastronomic exploration. But in the back of her mind, Hiroshi's restaurant remained a beacon, a place to which she would gladly return for a meal that transcended the ordinary and touched the sublime.