
Basketball King

This is a story about a man who had a dream not as selfless as that other man but nonetheless he had a dream. He is given the chance to go back on his life after a brush with death. Follow his journey as he attempts to do better with the second chance he was given. Will he be able to accomplish his dreams or has the world other plans for him? This is The Basketball King Thank you for giving my novel a chance I’m quit new to this so I hope you enjoyable read in a world of my creation.

TrikoRex223 · Sports
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22 Chs

Chapter 17 First Day Tings

{This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/TrikoRex. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel. 

Currently, there are 10 advanced chapters for you to read, I hope you enjoy them. 

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.} 


May Lyon had a rollercoaster of a first day, as nothing went the way she had expected. Initially, she thought she would teach a few Econ101 classes and then work with Coach Radler on the new season. Who would have thought that Coach Radler would have a heart attack last night forcing her to be in charge. 

Luckily the old man was okay and would just have to lay off the bacon and eggs. That still left her to meet the team by herself and conduct the first day of trials. Unlike the basketball team, their trials would be composed of a week-long elimination process. 

This is largely due to the football culture within America but it's got more to do with Florida's own football culture. Not the NFL but more but the local Swamp Kings legacy from 2005 to 2010. Anyone who play's Florida football wants to be a Gator thus she has to pick 50 players out of 120 candidates. 

Having just finished going through her paperwork she left her office and headed for the door. She wanted to check on her son whom she hadn't seen all day and a few texts were not enough for her liking. She has seen him spend hours on his phone doing god knows what but when it comes to holding a conversation via text with her he does the bare minimum.

"Hopefully his day went better than mine," She muttered to herself as she walked through the familiar halls of her old high school.

In those days she couldn't have ever imagined that she would ever come back here and as a teacher/coach to boot. She didn't hate her high school days in fact some of those were some of her best memories. She sometimes misses those carefree days, but those teen hormones sure tortured her well. 

Right now she hopes that her son's puberty hormones are more forgiving. Luckily he seems to have matured a lot over the summer and shouldn't get anyone pregnant anytime soon. Although happy that god gave her a son, she doesn't wish early fatherhood upon him. At least not until his path into adulthood is charted, whether that be him joining the league or getting a degree.

Lost in her own thought she subconsciously jumped when someone suddenly called out to her. "May is that you?" Turning towards the voice she noticed it was coming from the basketball gym. Somehow she managed to walk past her destination not that it would help since everyone but the coaches seemed to be gone.

"Hi," she said after gathering her nerves peaking through the open doors at who had called out to her. What met her eyes was a tall dark-haired man with a slight beer belly. "Mike is that You?" She asked taking a moment to recognise who was standing in front of her. 

They both went to school at the same time with him being 3 years her senior. when she was just a freshman he was part of the wrestling, Basketball and football teams. Safe to say that he was a pretty well-known fella and despite being built like a bear he is one of the nicest people she has ever met. 

"hahaha that's me, you haven't aged a day," He responded with a hearty smile before pulling her into a a quick hug. Normally she would have avoided the hug not liking her personal space to be invaded but the man's innocent charisma disarmed her. 

Plus she knew that he didn't have any romantic feelings towards her already having a loving family. Part of the reason she felt comfortable returning to work at the school she used to attend was that he was here. Mike is a sort of local hero, a family man working as a teacher and sports physio for the Basketball program.

"Hello, Coach Lyon I'm the new head coach Garcia," The Latin man who had been watching their interaction introduced stretching out a hand to her. He looks much more formal than this big friendly giant next to her who probably still plays pranks whenever he is bored. 

"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you over the dinner table," I told him with a light chuckle remembering the interesting discussions about this very man. Shaking his hand I took a seat on the empty chair since I wanted to find out how Hakim did today. 

"Hopefully only all good things," he replied with a sheepish smile but also held a hint of nervousness. "Well, that depends on whether you can lead the Mustangs to state," I honestly told him not bothering to bring up the varying opinions about him around the table. 

Everyone seems to have a certain kind of expectation for him and the new team he will build. "State is still the plan as last time I checked," He replied taking it in stride, having probably heard similar comments ever since taking this job. 

"Good to hear, I know my son is excited to play in the new season," I told him hoping he would be a good enough coach for him. God knows he needs one after moving 355 miles and leaving coach Kenny. 

"Talking about your son, he is quite the ball player," He replied subtly, guiding the conversation away from himself and to why they called her. May smiled, feeling a surge of pride at Coach Garcia's words. "I'm glad to hear that. I hope he's been training hard over the summer."

Garcia nodded, his expression serious. "We can see that he has a lot of potential, but we just don't know enough about him," Mike, who had been listening with interest, chimed in, "You got any of his game tape, It's hard to judge his fit for the team without it?" he asked pointing out how they have experienced seniors lined up for the shooting guard position but Hakim became a wild card. 

"I do have some of his game tapes from last season, but he just underwent a major growth spurt and his playstyle drastically changed," I offered, hoping that would help them see what he is capable of despite the fact it probably isn't useful anymore. "He's got a lot of training tape from over the summer which I can send you as well,"

Mike nodded appreciatively. "That would be great, May. We must get a full picture of his skills and how he can fit into our system." Coach Garcia added, "We want to make sure every player is in a position to succeed and help the team. From what I've seen so far, he defiantly is a talent and he's young too," 

Hearing their answers a feeling of relief washed over me knowing that Hakim would still get to play varsity this year. I know he was looking forward to playing for Kenny and he probably would have done well now that he had his first growth spurt. 

"I appreciate that, Coach. I'll make sure to get those tapes to you as soon as I get home," 

"That would be Perfect," Garcia said smiling brightly, before stretching out his hand for a handshake. "Now, if you'll excuse me I need to get home," I told the two of them eager to get home and draw a warm bath so I can finally relax. 

"Of course go ahead, it was good meeting you," Garcia said with a smile shaking my hand to say his goodbyes. "I'll get out of your hair," I said with a light smile, Before leaving I turned to face them again. "Thanks again, Mike. It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, May. Don't be a stranger," Mike replied with a warm smile pulling me into another hug. Leaving the two behind I headed out with a small smile on my lips, proud at what my son was able to achieve.





To Be Continued...