
Bangladesh to Thailand: The journey of Nil and Strangers love [BL]

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy made his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises into lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
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63 Chs

Untold care of love

In the dimly lit confines of the interrogation room, the tension hung thick in the air like a shroud. Gamora, her once confident demeanor now shattered, found herself ensnared in the unforgiving clutches of suspicion. "Please, I swear I'm innocent," she pleaded, her voice quivering with desperation.Before she stood Inspector Wirat, a stern figure exuding an aura of authority, flanked by three female officers who observed with unwavering intensity. "Confess your crime, Ms. Gamora," demanded Wirat, his gaze piercing."But I didn't do anything," Gamora protested, her words falling on skeptical ears.Hom, one of the constables, interjected coldly, her cynicism palpable. "Every criminal claims innocence until proven guilty.""No, please, you have to believe me," Gamora implored, her voice tinged with anguish.As the atmosphere thickened with doubt and suspicion, a crucial piece of evidence arrived at the station in the form of a lab report. With trembling hands, Inspector Wirat perused the document, his expression morphing into one of disbelief and shock. "The bullet recovered from Nil's body doesn't match Gamora's gun," he announced, his voice betraying a hint of incredulity.The revelation sent ripples of astonishment through the room, prompting a collective realization that the case had taken an unforeseen turn. "How could this be?" murmured Wirat, his mind grappling with the implications. "Is there someone else involved in this sinister plot?"Turning to Gamora, Hom implored her to recount the events leading up to the fateful moment. And as Gamora recounted her version of events, her words resonated with a sense of urgency and fear. "At Lava's behest, I concealed myself behind the trees, a silent sentinel in the shadows. But throughout, I felt the chilling gaze of an unseen observer, a premonition of impending danger. And when Nil appeared on the balcony, I raised my gun with trembling hands, only to be met with the sudden crack of a bullet that had already found its mark."Hom stood in stoic silence, her gaze fixed upon Gamora with an inscrutable intensity as if seeking to unravel the truth hidden beneath her words.Meanwhile, Inspector Wirat remained contemplative, his features etched with a mix of concern and determination, pondering the implications of Gamora's startling revelation.As Gamora continued her account, recounting the fleeting glimpse of a suspicious figure fleeing the scene, a sense of urgency permeated the room."Why keep this crucial detail from Lava?" queried Wirat, his tone betraying a hint of skepticism.Fear and desperation etched into her features, Gamora confessed, "I was afraid she wouldn't compensate me if I didn't take the fall. I never informed Lava or attempted to investigate further. It was simply a transaction."With a solemn nod from Wirat, Hom escorted Gamora away, the weight of her actions settling heavily upon her shoulders.In the quiet aftermath, a tension lingered in the air, reflected in the furrowed brow of Inspector Wirat, his mind wrestling with the complexities of the case.Meanwhile, in another corner of the unfolding drama, a stranger stood before Lata and Nil, his hesitance palpable.Nil's response was one of stunned silence, his thoughts racing as he processed the unexpected request.However, it was Lata who offered a compassionate solution, extending a gesture of kindness towards the stranger. "For now, wear Nil's clothes. Later, Nil will take you shopping," she suggested with a gentle smile.Despite Nil's protestations, Lata's insistence prevailed, casting a warm glow amidst the awkwardness of the moment. As Nil and the stranger retreated indoors, a flush of embarrassment tinted Nil's cheeks, juxtaposed against the stranger's subtle smirk.Nil rummaged through his wardrobe, his mind preoccupied with Stranger standing in his room. "Stranger, how long do you plan to stay?" he inquired, his tone betraying a hint of unease."I believe I'll depart tonight," came the calm reply.Even as Nil busied himself, Stranger hovered nearby, his presence palpable. In an unexpected turn, their lips brushed against each other's, an accidental collision that held a curious tension between them. Locked in a silent exchange of gazes, Stranger's voice, barely a whisper, reached Nil's ears, "I won't leave until you agree."Stepping back, creating a deliberate distance, Stranger changed the subject, "Where might I find the bathroom?"A scheme brewed in Nil's mind, a subtle ploy to hasten Stranger's departure. He directed him towards the only bathing spot available, knowing full well its crude simplicity - a tubewell situated outside, devoid of privacy.As they reached the spot, Stranger's disbelief was evident, "Nil, must I truly bathe here?"A smirk played upon Nil's lips, "Indeed, you must.""But this...," Stranger faltered, searching for words."We all must," Nil interjected firmly.Nil watched from inside the house as Stranger, engulfed in a sea of discomfort, reluctantly made his way toward the communal shower area. The weight of the numerous stares bearing down on him was palpable. It was a stark departure from the opulent solitude of his own bathroom. Here, every movement felt scrutinized, every glance a lingering intrusion.Stranger hesitated, his unease was evident in the furtive glances he cast about. This was a scenario he had never envisioned himself in. As he reluctantly began to undo the buttons of his shirt, the collective gaze of the onlookers intensified, amplifying his discomfort.Just as Stranger reached the precipice of exposing himself entirely, Nil's voice pierced the tense silence like a dagger. "Stranger, stop!" he cried out.Stranger halted in his tracks, his senses on high alert as he scanned the surroundings, searching for the origin of Nil's urgent call. Before he could piece together the puzzle, Nil was already racing towards him, determination etched in every stride. With a sense of urgency, he took up position before Stranger, deftly fastening the buttons of his shirt."What's the matter?" Stranger's voice betrayed a hint of confusion as he surveyed Nil's hurried demeanor."There was a hiccup in my bathroom, but it's all sorted now. You're welcome to use it," Nil's grip on Stranger's arm was firm yet reassuring as he led him toward the sanctuary of his own bathroom.Just as Nil made to depart, Stranger's hand seized his own, halting him in his tracks. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Nil's veins at the unexpected touch, rendering the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Amidst the hushed silence, Nil attempted to extricate himself, his heart pounding with uncertainty."Let me go," Nil's plea hung heavy in the air, a testament to the inner turmoil churning within him.But Stranger's grip tightened, a silent declaration of defiance. Faced with the intensity of Stranger's hold, Nil found himself at a loss for words, his composure slipping away like grains of sand through his fingers.In a swift and unexpected motion, Stranger enveloped Nil in a tender embrace, the warmth of his touch a balm to Nil's restless soul. "How much longer will you keep pushing me away?" His voice, a whispered plea."Stranger, I don't love you," Nil's voice trembled with the weight of his confession, each word delivered with a heavy heart."You should leave as soon as possible," urgency tinged Nil's tone, a plea veiled in practicality, aiming to spare further entanglements."I don't want my family to know about us," the admission carried a hint of vulnerability, a glimpse into the intricacies of their hidden affection.But Stranger refused to relinquish his grasp on Nil's hand, his own fingers tightening around Nil's with an almost desperate grip. "Have you ever paused to consider my feelings?" His voice, a mixture of anguish and frustration, echoed in the charged atmosphere."Stranger, you're hurting me," Nil's plea was met with a wave of dismissal, his pain disregarded in the face of mounting tension."And what feelings are you talking about? There was nothing," Nil's bitterness sliced through the air, leaving a bitter aftertaste of unresolved emotions.With a resigned exhale, Stranger released Nil's hand, his gaze lingering on the doorway through which Nil had fled. "Soon you'll come running back, confessing your love once more," his voice, barely a whisper, lost amidst the conflicting emotions.Nil's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he stared into Stranger's eyes for a fleeting moment before turning and bolting outside. Left behind, Stranger remained rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed on the door.As the lunch hour descended upon them, the absence of a formal dining table only added to the communal charm of the gathering. Seated upon the floor, each member of the group awaited Lata's offerings with eager anticipation. The spread was simple yet inviting: golden-fried brinjal, steaming rice, Rohit's fragrant fish curry, and a colorful salad. For Stranger, every dish was a delightful discovery, his senses alive with the unfamiliar flavors.Across from Stranger sat Nil, their gazes locked in a silent exchange of curiosity and intrigue. But amidst the quiet camaraderie, an unexpected interruption jolted the tranquility. A fishbone lodged itself in Stranger's throat, triggering a violent bout of coughing. In a flurry of concern, Nil rushed to offer water, only to be preempted by Lata's swift intervention. With gentle yet decisive slaps to Stranger's back and a comforting offering of rice, she alleviated his distress. As Stranger swallowed the soothing grains, a sense of relief washed over him.With a voice filled with genuine concern, Lata addressed Stranger, her maternal instincts shining through. "Son, are you alright?"Stranger met her gaze with a profound sense of gratitude, his admiration evident in the depths of his eyes as he nodded in affirmation. Witnessing Stranger's recovery, Nil's own anxiety melted away, replaced by a warm smile of relief.As evening cast its gentle veil over the bustling streets, Nil presented Stranger with a simple yet significant gift: a mask. Puzzled, Stranger questioned the gesture, to which Nil responded with quiet determination. "For anonymity," he explained, his tone weighted with unspoken significance.Together, they embarked on a journey through the city's crowded thoroughfares, Stranger's gaze lingering on Nil with a mixture of wonder and curiosity. "How you've changed," he mused to himself, reflecting on the subtle transformation of Nil.