
Bangladesh to Thailand: The journey of Nil and Strangers love [BL]

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy made his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises into lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
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63 Chs

Signatures and Emotions

In the quiet confines of the office, Stranger, immersed in signing important documents, was interrupted by Shian, who stood by the table with a significant message.Shian, looking at Stranger, conveyed,"Kaoo, Mr. Somchai wants to meet you personally before signing any contract with 'Neptune Musics.'"Stranger, visibly surprised, inquired,"Why?"Shian, with a hint of hesitation, responded,"Because he thinks you've lost the focus of your work as before. So, before committing to any significant project, he wants to personally collaborate with you."Stranger's pen halted, and he considered the proposition. After a moment, he decided,"Okay, then fix our meeting tomorrow at the Sun Shine hotel in the evening, hmm."Shian, taken aback, questioned,"What am I hearing? Am I wrong?"Stranger, wearing a faint smile, reassured,"You heard right, Shiann."Shian, shocked, reached out and cheeked Stranger's forehead, expressing disbelief."You've changed so much. I can't believe you're the same Kao Neptune."Stranger, still smiling, mused,"The bond of a relationship lies in the heart. Just as we don't let go of life's hand, we shouldn't let go of our partner's hand, even in business. And if Mr. Somchai wants a personal meeting, then I will certainly oblige."Shian, silent, continued to observe Stranger with a mix of surprise and curiosity.In the quiet ambiance of Stranger's cabin, Lava and Kalup entered, finding Stranger engrossed in reviewing essential documents. Kalup, getting to the point, spoke up,"Sir, I need your signature on this document."Stranger, after a quick perusal, signed the document, and Kalup left promptly. Yet, Lava lingered, her gaze fixed on Stranger. While Stranger focused on the paperwork, Lava couldn't hide her intentions. Finally, she spoke up,"What do you need, Lave?"Lava offered a subtle smile, her voice carrying a hidden plea,"I need you, Kao."Stranger, caught off guard, responded,"I'm sorry!"But, sensing a twist in her words, he heard her tremble as she continued,"Actually, Kao, I've been wanting to see Nil for a long while. Would you please take me there?"After a brief contemplation, Stranger, without making eye contact, shook his head slightly. Lava, undeterred, smiled knowingly. However, as she was leaving, her eyes caught sight of some nail scratches on Stranger's neck, and the smile vanished from her face. Lowering her head, she questioned Stranger with a tone of disappointment,"Kaooo!"Stranger, still focused on the documents, responded nonchalantly, "hmmm."Approaching Stranger, Lava gently waved her hand over the scratches, inquiring,"Kaoo, where did the scars on your neck come from?"Uncomfortable, Stranger withdrew her hand, met her gaze, and lowered his eyes, responding politely,"I fell in the bathroom this morning."Stranger raised his collar to conceal the scar. Lava, however, saw through the lie, realizing that Nil was the source of those scars. She walked towards the door of his cabin, casting a final glance back at Stranger, who was now touching the scars and grinning. Angrily, Lava exited the room.In Nil's room, Achara arrived, visibly tense. Concerned, she inquired,"P. Nil, have you talked to my brother?"Nil nodded and responded,"Hmm."Achara, eager to know more, pressed,"What did he say?"Nil reassured her,"He's agreed now, but he's a bit disappointed with you, Achara."Achara, with a saddened expression, lowered her head. Nil, trying to lift the mood, spoke cheerfully,"Achara, you know how possessive and loving your brother is. Whenever Stranger opens the room door and enters, you don't have to say anything; just go and hug him. He'll forget everything, hmm."Touched by Nil's words, Achara embraced him without uttering a word. Merry, who was sitting beside them, watched astounded. Achara, noticing her gaze, asked with curiosity,"Marry, what are you looking at?"Marry, somewhat disappointed, confessed,"Actually, I didn't understand what topic you both were talking about."Nil and Achara burst into laughter at her confusion. Nil teasingly remarked, "You won't ever change." Suddenly, Achara shifted the conversation to Techno.Achara, in a friendly tone, asked,"Leave us. Has Techno proposed to you?"Marry, with a sad face and rolled eyes, replied,"Nope!"Nil intervened playfully,"Techno is quite thick-skinned. This time I will talk to him directly. Marry, you also have to show your love and care for him."Marry, with a disappointed tone, explained,"What do you think? Didn't I try to show it? Last night I tried, but he got angry with me."Achara, looking at Nil, suggested,"It's too sad, P. Nil. You should talk to Techno about this."In the office, Stranger summoned Shian. Upon entering the cabin, Shian was handed a list of numerous ingredients. Observing the list, Shian was taken aback. All the items were for cooking Khichdi and Payesh. Astonished, he asked Stranger,"Kao, will you cook now?"With a slight smile, Stranger redirected the question,"Shian, I don't have time to explain. I need all these ingredients in the office canteen within 30 minutes, okay?"Shian nodded and left the cabin with a smile. Following this, Stranger called Than. Busy with modeling assignments, Than, upon seeing Stranger's call, was almost scared and thought to himself,"Oh God, what did I do? But I have to answer his call."With trembling hands, he answered the call, saying politely,"Sawat dee kharup, Kao sir!"Stranger, with a soft tone, instructed,"Hmm, come and meet me at my office canteen before 12:30."Astounded, Than questioned,"Why, now?"Stranger, maintaining his polite demeanor, asked,"Are you busy?"Quickly, Than replied,"No, no, I'm not."Stranger concluded,"Then come at the right time."And with that, he ended the call, leaving Than in great tension and gratitude, pondering on what Stranger might want to discuss.