

Craig Hather has been cursed since childhood. After the sage of their village gave a prophecy concerning him,the villagers decided it is best to send him away. His parents decide to send him to an academy in order to protect him. Craig has to struggle with the curse ,the unfair aristocratic system of the academy and enemies who loath his very existence.

Antony_Odhiambo · Fantasy
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5 Chs


On a cold night the wind blew across the barren plain. A lone figure walked along a rugged path. The figure held the bundle it was carrying close to its bosom and covered it with a shoal to protect it from the cold bite of the wind. The figure constantly looked behind its back,as if it was being chase by somebody. It would constantly sit to take a short rest before resuming its journey. In the distance a wolf could be heard baying in the night. This caused the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes to cry. The person tried to sooth the baby as they continued with their journey. It was while she was doing this that two figures stood in her way. Startled the figure unsheathed her dagger.

"Relax Katherine,it's us," a deep voice said.

"What took you so long?"the woman named Katherine asked.

"We were intercepted by Lorther's agents,"the man responded.

"Which ones?"


Katherine sheathed her her dagger and handed the bundle she was carrying to the other person.

"Is this Tom's son?"a feminine voice asked.

" He is. His name is Craig Hather," Katherine answered.She then took out another dagger and gave it to the man.

"Tom said you should give Craig the dagger when he's older," she said, "Don't touch it by the hilt."

"Where is Tom ?"the man asked.

" He's holding off Lorther. You have to leave of here quickly!" Katherine urged.

"Lorther is here?"

"Yes. He is currently fighting with Tom. Jane and Andrea are currently aiding him ,but they are outnumbered," she explained, "you have to get out of here as soon as possible or Lorther's forces will soon be upon us"

She had hardly said those words when an arrow whizzed through the air and pierced through her leg. From a far a battle horse could be heard neighing as it galloped towards their direction. The two figures melted into the shadows just as the had come

Katherine painfully removed the arrow as she turned to face her opponent. He was a tall man clad in black armour. He had white long hair which contrasted with his black armour.His horse trotted back and forth in anticipation. It's cold red eyes stared at Katherine as if eager for her blood. The man looked at Katherine with disdain in his eyes. He slowly attached his bow to his quiver and addressed Katherine.

"Katherine Woods ,"the man said," you are accused of treason against the empire. You must come with me or be executed on the spot. I advise you to ..."

"Cut the crap," Katherine said acidly, "I'd rather die than surrender to you."

"Ugh, I guess it's execution then .I hope you don't regret it," the man sighed as he drew his sword .He then urged his horse to charge as he shouted a battlecry. Katherine likewise drew her daggers and lunged at him. Steel met steel as the two adversaries clashed, each eager to win against the other.