

Craig Hather has been cursed since childhood. After the sage of their village gave a prophecy concerning him,the villagers decided it is best to send him away. His parents decide to send him to an academy in order to protect him. Craig has to struggle with the curse ,the unfair aristocratic system of the academy and enemies who loath his very existence.

Antony_Odhiambo · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Cloverleaf, Sovereignia .

A wagon made its way through the busy city streets. Its driver was animatedly speaking about the city with his companion who was fast asleep. He would excitedly point at the large buildings or talk about the huge farms. He was oblivious of the fact that his companion was almost falling off the wagon due to his sleep.

"Compared to Havenridge, Cloveheart has a lot of things," he said,"it has large towers and tall buildings. It is also known for its huge plantations which grow magical plants. It also has a huge stadiu...Craig ,are you even listening? "

The boy named Craig jolted up and rubbed his eyes.

"Yup," he yawned," I had every word."

"Can you at least pretend to be interested ?"the annoyed driver asked .

"I am interested ," Craig answered casually.

The driver sighed inwardly since he knew that Craig was lying. He appraised Craig for a moment. He was tall boy with a ruggedly handsome face. He was slightly taller than most kids his age and he even looked a bit older. He had long brown hair and light hazel eyes. He wore a maroon shirt and leather pants.On his hip a dagger was strapped.The driver had never seen Craig separated from him ever since he had received it from his father.He knew why Craig wasn't excited to be in Cloveheart even though it was the second largest city in the kingdom. But there was nothing he could say to cheer him up. The two companions rode in awkward silence. It was Craig who broke the silence.

"James, do you think it's my fault?," he asked, " do you really think I am to blame for the village's misfortune?"

James contemplated for some time before answering .

"Though I understand where they come from, I don't think it's wise to pin all the blame on you," he said, "but enough about that. We are about to arrive at our destination."

James pulled the reins and the horses slowed down to a halt near a tavern. Craig alighted and started offloading the goods as James entered the tavern. Only when he was finished did he take a chance to look at his surroundings. An sign swung above the door of the tavern. There were words roughly inscribed which read:




Craig slowly opened the door entered the tavern.

As soon as he entered the building the whole room became silent. All eyes focused on him as he closed the door. Craig subconsciously gripped the helm of his dagger. He scanned scanned the room and saw James talking animatedly to a gigantic man. The man would occasionally roar a huge laughter that could be heard throughout the tavern hence revealing two black incisors. Together with James the gigantic man approached Craig.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Blacktooth," the man said as he shook his hand," you look like your father."

"You know my father?" Craig asked surprised.

"Of course I do. The man hoaxed me of all me money!"

"Why don't we go inspect the goods?" James interjected.

"Sure," Blacktooth said as he lead the three outside.

Once outside James opened one of the barrels of wine. Blacktooth poured a little bit of wine in a cup whie he had brought with him and tasted it.

"Roran sure makes the best wine, Blacktooth said as he savoured the wine.

" Aye," James agreed.

Blacktooth then called some workers to carry the barrels to the storage room

"And take the opened one to my office," he added. He then addressed James. "Okay James, let's go have our discussion in my office."

"Sure", James agreed .

And with that the two men walked back to the tavern. Before entering James gave Craig a thoughtful look.

"Don't get into any trouble ,okay?"he warned.

" I can't promise you anything "Craig replied as he met hostile glances from the customers in the tavern.

* * *

Inside the tavern three men discussed in low tones. They were constantly eyeing the boy with the dagger who was now leaning on the wagon. They didn't notice a fourth man watching them. The man wore a dark cloak and was also looking at the boy with the dagger. After discussing the three men decided to walk out of the tavern to accost the boy. They found him still leaning on the wagon with his eyes closed and surrounded him.

"Hey there kiddo,nice dagger you got there ," the first man said, "do you mind selling it to us?"

"I do," the kid said.

"Don't be like that ," the second man coaxed, "we'll pay a good price."

"Sorry, it's not for sale," the kid insisted

While the first and the second man tried to coax the kid,the third man was mesmerised by the dagger. He was captivated by the blue gleaming sapphire stone on the helm of the dagger and the ornate symbols on the sheath. Greed overtook the man and he reach for the dagger Craig saw the man coming but remained still.

As soon as the man gripped the dagger he felt he felt a sharp pain in his hand. His palm smoked as if he had touched a red hot iron rod. He grimaced in pain as he knelt down. The other two men did not know what had happened. The third man's shriek startled them and they decided to attack the boy.

Craig reacted faster. He dashed to the first man and punched him in the abdomen. The man doubled over in pain. The second man charged at Craig in an attempt to grab him. Craig sidestepped and placed a leg on the man's way and quickly moved it in a sweeplike motion. The man fell on the ground with a huge thud. Craig kicked the man's nose with his foot and knocked him out cold. The third man had already recovered from his pain and was charging at Craig. Craig dashed at him and grabbed him by the collar and punched him on the nose. The man sprawled over as a mist of blood erupted from his nose.

"Hey kid," the first man said as he unsheathed his own dagger, " I also have one of these." He charged at Craig and slashed wildly at him.Craig dodged and caught the arm with the dagger and kicked the man in the groin using his knee. Before the man fell to the ground Craig drove another knee to the man's stomach.

Inside the tavern the cloaked man watched the fight outside. He had the same agenda as the three men but he decided to observe things first before making his move. There was something about the kid's eyes that made him hesitate. He took a swig of his beer as he watched the kid pulverize the three men. Who knew that a kid could fight like that?

* * *

James and Blacktooth were talking in his office when Blacktooth's maid burst in through the door panting.

"What is it Clarisse," Blacktooth asked,"you almost knocked the door down. "

"The...there's a commotion outside," she said between pants,"I think a fight broke out."

James didn't let her finish. He quickly dashed outside with Blacktooth hot on his heels. As soon as he stepped outside he was met with a shocking scene. Craig was holding a man by the collar who was holding a dagger and had gone limp. Two other men were laying on the ground unconscious.

"I told you you not to cause any trouble!" James retorted.

They started it. I was only defending myself, "Craig said.

James just sighed and shook his head.

"Blacktooth, I'm sorry for the trouble. We'll be going now," James said apologetically.

"No problem. Craig ,please pass by when you have the time," Blacktooth said.

"I will"Craig promised as he boarded the wagon.Blacktooth watched as the wagon was driven away.

" Clarisse, prepare my weapons, "Blacktooth said darkly," I'm sure those hounds will be on his trail."

* * *

After riding for sometime the two finally reached their destination.

"This is as far as l can take you," James said, "and remember..."

" 'Don't cause any trouble' "Craig mimicked

"That's impossible for you.Don't cause too much trouble."

"I'll try,"Craig said without much conviction.

" Alright, I'm going now, "James waved

James turned the horses away and started heading off.Craig watched the wagon go until he couldn't see it anymore then turned to face the beautiful golden gates. He looked ahead and saw a beautiful white castle. The gates had words inscribed onto them which read:


" Maybe it won't be so bad,"Craig thought as he passed the gates to begin his new life.