
Ban in one piece

A 15 year old boy dies and gets reincarnated in one piece with bans powers, looks, and the best of all his immortality.

HYDRA · Action
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3 Chs

Meeting Luffy!

Jason:Well it seems I'm finally here. Wow this place looks way better than the anime and look at that I look just like ban, maybe I should change my name to ban Yea I think I will.

Ban was walking through the town and he saw luffy and coby on that wall looking at zoro.

Ban:Guess I better make my appearance, I want to join the strawhats.

That's when ban sees the little girl thrown over the wall so he jumps and catches the little girl.

Little girl:Thanks mister!

Ban:No problem kid.

Coby:thanks for catching her sir.


Luffy:Your pretty fast, join my crew.


Coby:WHAT! Your just gonna accept just like that.

Ban:uh yeah is there a problem with that?

Coby:No it's just your gonna accept being a pirate just like that?

Ban:Sure why not got nothing better to do anyway.

Luffy does the same thing in the anime and gives zoro the food. and luffy punches the guy like normal.(sorry if I'm a bit lazy I don't really want to write out scenes from the anime that doesn't involve ban).

Luffy goes to ask zoro to join and zoro declines luffy goes to find the swords.

Ban:hurry up and get the ropes off him kid.

Coby:I'm trying! wait ain't you strong why don't you do it.

Ban:because I'm on guard duty.

Morgan:I am marine captain axe-hand morgan and I sentence you all to death! take aim and fire!

Sounds of gunfire

Zoro:wait what happened you have wounds all over your body.

Ban:What wounds! I don't see any.

Morgan:What! who are you?

Ban:I'm undead ban and there's nothing in this world that can kill me.

Luffy jumps down and unties zoro so they start Fighting the marines. Morgan comes after ban and swings down on him but he just catches it and throws him.

Ban:That all you got?

so all the marines have been defeated and they head back to the bar

Luffy:So ban your really strong I'm glad I asked you to join

Zoro:So what did the captain tell you to make you join?

Ban:Nothing I got nothing else to do.

Zoro:I see so captain do you have a boat?

Luffy:Yea right there!

Zoro:Really that?

Luffy:Yep but don't worry we'll have a big one soon just you wait!

Marines walk in.

Marine:Are you pirates?


Marine:Then I'm gonna ask you to leave


Ban:The kid here is not a pirate so don't worry about him. points to coby

ban and the rest all leave and get on the boat.

Ban:That was fun captain.

Luffy:Yea sure was.

and that's how bans adventure in the one piece world began.