
Balance Is The Foundation

Existence runs on balance, and some people try to disrupt the balance but balance is the only truth. You can't have one without the other. P.s. The cover is by Amaterasu on Pinterest (if they would like me to take it down let me know)

Bumfuzzel96 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Deal Talks

It was a humanoid silhouette of light with its outline being black like the abyss the only feature he had was its mouth, thinking death was after his life he started pleading to not be taken yet, then he heard it speak and it was the most horrendous sound he has ever heard almost making him blackout with just its voice.

But the next second he could strangely understand it but it sounded as if everyone in the world spoke in unison, it was pain and distortion every word it spoke felt like it could shake the very foundation of reality. Caeci was able to make out a sentence after trying to rack his brain around everything going on. It spoke with the softest voice it could muster "Worry not my child for I am not the reaper who guides."

Hearing this Caeci regained a semblance of composure and with a trembling voice he asked "~what the fuck are you?" Unbothered by his actions it simply said "you called I answered, but if you must know you can just call me El."

After hearing this Caeci was ecstatic that something heard him, Caeci then quickly said: "then you must know what I want to give me Immortality or my youth, if not please let me retry again everything please." Watching his actions El simply put his hand up and stated "what will you give me"

This shook Caeci for a moment then he thought 'right everything in this world has a price on it' Thinking with all his might about what he could give the one called El he started getting nervous because he still wanted what he had but he quickly came to the conclusion that life is more important. Caeci spoke in a loud, quivering tone "I-I'll give you anything, my fortune, anything you want I'll give it to you." After thinking for a bit El gave a slight smile but it quickly vanished without Caeci knowing El then spoke up and said "anything?" to which Caeci quickly said with eagerness, "yes yes, anything." And a few moments but what felt like an eternity to Caeci El then spoke again.

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