
Chp 10

The warrior upon arriving at the village took note of interesting things as he passed. A channel carried the feces so that the people would not dirty their feet as they passed, taking them directly to the field to fertilize. He saw the people, poorly dressed, but clean in their appearance, laboriously cleaning the front of their houses.

He ate very little. These servile men did not know how to handle food and sinful women with the movement of their bodies wanted to unleash passions.

They all knew who he was. With cold distance they received him and with remoteness to his questions they gave answers, considered and measured, but nothing wanted to inform. Until a butcher, drinking cider, said without looking at him.

--Never nobody my leg hams paid, because it was the servitude that I had to pay...But my lady gave me coins...It is few. To tell the truth. But it is the first time in my life that my services were honestly served and fulfilled, so let her count on my arm for better or worse.

--Then she has coins," --understood the son of the desert, --"it is her stingy heart that does not want to pay....

Early in the summer morning of the hot summer, in front of the castle his presence was noticed. But the drawbridge was not drawn up for him and a guard from the gate of the moat did not invite him to pass.

--My lady sleeps. She was busy in her business until late at night. She reports that no letter, payment commitment, invoice, credit order or receipt was found. So she knows no one and therefore has nothing to pay. Good morning, do you have any other business to conduct?

Filled with anger, the son of the desert began to shout insults at the top of his lungs. It was outrageous. It was stupid to challenge the lords of the desert. All without exception would pay the affront. Neither the city of the humid selvad nor the king of the island of the pearls in person, from the war of the desert they would not be able to be saved. They were not legends. It was no threat. In a few moons the sons of the desert would be ready to devastate. At a fast gallop the warrior with the gossip went to deliver. By the beard of the gods of the perfect dream! How unhappy the news he had to deliver....


Mawa-sing was cloistered for life. For bastards her maidservants were thrown to die in the desert, without water, without clothes, an uncertain fate they were to face.

She understood. That the pleasurable piercing of her crotches took away her commercial value. She heard rumors that her beloved was cut up and his parts were given to the dogs to pay the personal affront...

A wall with a small hole in it so that food could be brought to him.

His personal slave approached and whispered.

--My daughter is mistress to an outspoken, ship captain. They are going to take you.

--I want to go far away, to Cipango, or to the empire of the white men.

--Unhappy news comes from there. Tartars and Manchus are invading everything. Your lord father is uneasy. These hordes may attack as far away as Baghdad. Kublai Khan comes at the head of his hordes.

--Those matters are not important. -She said in grief. She had just remembered that she was a de facto widow by her father's hand from that moment on.

--To you. To poor southern provinces you must go.

--I want to go to the Hamburg league. I'm attracted to blondes.

--You're a brunette. Dressed in silk you must not show yourself. The power of the chief of the blond warriors is very great. They hate the believers of truth...

--When shall I go?

--This midnight you are going to leave.

--And you? What will I do without you?

--I am old and tired. Someone has to pay," said the whisperer, "Don't forget. At midnight y--you must be ready.

The news came like a storm. A young woman had stood up to the sons of the desert. The efforts to liberate Lisbon were remembered, for there were many defeats of invaders at the hands of Don Sancho Ruiz de Vivar.

On this side of the world, Inflamed the spirit of brave men came to demonstrate. And the fragile beauty of the countess was an attraction that many wanted to experience. A Mongol appeared with his banners, and to demonstrate his bravery he killed two men with the strength of his hands. Crusaders and Templars, a huge Viking, a Breton, a Saxon and a Burgundian showed their swords and pitched their tents. The battle would be fought. With more than one in the front line would be for her to see the din of their arms. Now the girl was not alone. She had plenty of people to count on.

The young girl allowed herself to be shown. A very different attitude was shown by her servants. They raised their voices as they passed along the roads. They showed their hoes. Did the children of the desert want war? Well, they would be pleased. The girl came to the bridge. ...The brigde