
Ch 9

The warrior arrived at the castle gates and asked for the drawbridge to be pulled up. He had business to discuss. His surprise was great when a guard asked him the reason for his visit.

--I have no business with inferiors. I have business only with the ruler. --The warrior ordered with haughty smugness to the soldier who was watching him from the distance of the half-raised drawbridge.

--Whoever governs does not know him and does not expect a visit from anyone on his property,"-- replied the old guard.

He haughtily informed that he had come to report the amount to be paid.

All night in the cold he was obliged to spend the night, for the countess did not open the door, nor did she offer him lodging. However, very early in the morning he was notified that he could enter.

Filled with anger, he entered to be astonished to see a beautiful young woman sitting hieratically on the countess's armchair.

He made the formal greeting, his business informed with a disdainful smile and clear voice said what he wanted to inform; 1 sack of coins had to be delivered, otherwise 25 apt waiters to work or the whole county had to be delivered.

He waited for an answer and crossed his arms in defiance of the young woman.

She said something in the ear of her guard who descended the three steps and informed him.

--You will have to excuse the young duchess. To address you directly she cannot answer you, because she is a young single woman and does not know you for conversation.

--I need her answer. I have matters of greater interest that I must face," --said the officer contemptuously.

The young woman called the guard. She said something in his ear and looking at him nodded. The man swallowed thickly. Seeking to give firmness to his voice he informed another at the foot of the stairs.

--The duchess says that such matters are not known to her. You will have to look for the information on the subject that the count left behind. In her correspondence she will investigate and according to that information will be given to her,"-- said the guard, while the countess nodded at each of the words given.

--But who does she think she is? She is a servant... A poor starving woman, who has her freedom thanks to the kindness of my lords.

The young countess, indignant, immediately got up from her chair, turned her back on him and left the room, leaving the other man standing there. The warrior was stupefied, seeing her as she left him alone in the middle of the now clean and immaculate Main Hall.

--You must excuse me. Breakfast is not to be given, for the castle is not a boarding house. Besides, your insult removes any courtesy intended for you. I suppose your food must have been brought,"-- reported the guard.

-I have had a tiring journey. Courtesy I should receive," --protested the son of the desert.

--And you have it. We can escort you to the boarding house. Tasty meat and bamboo pulp steaks and rice in peasant style, with abundant rations of vegetables and wine to pour.

--!For my lord!... I don't have to drink wine.

--Well, you lose it. No one can force you..." --said the guard pointing to the door...-- "In the afternoon or tomorrow you will be given an answer.

--My patience will last no longer. In the morning I will come and I must find good answers, otherwise the wrath of my lords will be known in a way that no one is capable of thinking. ...