
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 16: Let's go, Brandon

After the manager left, the group of people immediately rushed forward. "Diana, what did the card you just received look like? Let me see!" Maddie reached out to grab it, but Diana pushed her hand away and stuffed the card into her pocket. Maddie's hand was left hanging awkwardly in mid-air.

"Diana, what's going on? Why did he say you're a VIP here?!" Noah asked, voicing the doubts of everyone present. Diana didn't say anything, but her emotions were churning inside. Of course it was because of John. This man was really too good to her. The Diohn Club, Diana-John, even his businesses carried her mark. The Diohn Club was originally John's, but last year, its ownership changed to her.

On her 18th birthday, Diana snuck out to meet Luke, which enraged her father. He not only refused to throw her a birthday party, but also grounded her. To make her feel better, John gave her a large gift - ownership of a club called Diohn Club. He told her that if she ever got bored, she could contact the manager and go play there anytime she wanted. 

At the time, Diana snubbed the transfer document and didn't bother to read it. She completely forgot about it until Brandon brought it up today. Diana tried to suppress her unusual emotions and thought of John's handsome, yet gloomy face. Hmm... she suddenly wanted to thank him in person. 

"Diana, are you listening?" Maddie pushed her anxiously when she didn't respond. 

Diana glanced over and slowly said, "I met the owner of this place when I was with my dad before." 

Her answer was vague and the others didn't believe her. However, Diana didn't care. If John didn't want to reveal that he was the owner, there must be a reason. She wouldn't reveal too much either.

"No matter, since we can go in, let's hurry," Noah's face showed a hint of excitement. He had heard of the reputation of the Diohn Club and had long wanted to come and see for himself.

"Not so fast." Diana's gaze turned to Brandon, who was standing nearby, and then she showed a teasing expression. "Shouldn't you apologize to me now?"

At her words, everyone looked at Brandon. Can it be true? Is Diana really making him apologize and lower his head?!

Brandon followed behind, ready to enter the room. However, upon hearing Diana's demand, his face immediately turned sour. He couldn't believe that Diana had actually succeeded in making him apologize. But to ask him to back down? Not a chance!

"Apologize? Ha! Diana, who knows what tricks you pulled to get your way. I'm not going to back down to you!" he retorted.

"Are you backing out now?" Diana narrowed her eyes at him.

Brandon caught a glimpse of her disdainful gaze and, in a fit of anger, decided to throw caution to the wind. "Yes, I'm backing out. What are you going to do about it?"

Diana couldn't believe how shameless and unapologetic Brandon was being. She was at a loss for words. This was the first time she had ever encountered someone so brazen.

Upon seeing what was happening, Maddie tugged on Diana's sleeve and said, "Diana, let's just call it a day. We're all friends here, and this is getting unpleasant."

Diana turned to her, looking surprised. "Maddie, when Brandon asked me to apologize earlier, you didn't say that. Why the sudden change?"

Maddie was taken aback. "What are you talking about? I'm on your side, of course."

Brandon took out his invitation card and snorted, "Diana, if you want to show off, go ahead. I don't need you. I'll get in on my own."

Ava immediately hooked her arm through his and chimed in, "Yeah, we don't need her to get in. Let's go, Brandon."

After speaking, the two of them started to walk inside. Diana spoke coldly, "Brandon, if I'm here today, you can forget about Diohn Club!"

"We have an invitation card, what business is it of yours?" Ava rolled her eyes at her.

Diana looked at her as if she were looking at a fool. Invitation card? What use was that! She was still the owner of Diohn Club!

Diana reached out and took out the business card that the manager had just given her, waving it in front of them. "What do you think will happen if I call the manager of Diohn Club right now and tell him to ban you from entering?"

At her words, Brandon stopped in his tracks, turning his head to look at her in disbelief. He had seen the manager's attitude towards Diana earlier. He was sure that if Diana didn't want them to enter, the manager would definitely comply! Damn it, how did things develop into this!

"Diana, you're being unreasonable! We have invitation card, why won't you let us in?" Ava couldn't help but raise her voice.

"I'm willing to," Diana tossed out three words lightly, making the two of them so angry that they were about to vomit blood.

"Diana, don't you think you're going too far?" Maddie looked at her with a victorious posture and felt very unhappy.

Diana said calmly, "It's not impossible to go in if you want to. Brandon, apologize!" Trying to act unfairly with her? Huh, impossible!

Ava was so angry that she turned her head and said to Brandon, "Brandon, let's not go in! It's just a Diohn Club, what's so great about it? Let's go!" 

After speaking, she reached out and pulled Brandon's arm, but she couldn't move him. Ava was puzzled and asked, "Brandon, what's wrong with you..."

"Shut up!" Brandon couldn't help but growl at her. This stupid woman! She was driving him crazy! The Diohn Club-related tweets he had posted were already buzzing. If he couldn't get into the Diohn Club today, all his friends would know he was talking big.

If he didn't go in, he would be embarrassed in front of all his friends. But if he apologized to Diana with his head down, he would only be embarrassed in front of the few people around them.

Brandon took a moment to weigh his options and then made his decision. He pushed Ava's hand away and walked a few steps towards Diana. "If I apologize, will you stop holding a grudge against me and let me in?" he asked.

Diana sneered. "Well, unlike you, I don't go back on my word," she said. Brandon's face turned red and then white with anger. He wanted to lash out, but he didn't dare.

Ava was shocked by Brandon's behavior. "Brandon, why do you have to bow down to someone like Diana? Can't we just leave?" she exclaimed.

Diana laughed like a fox. "Oh, I admire your girlfriend's spunk. Do you want to join her and be tough too?" she asked.

Ava's words felt like a slap in Brandon's face. He glared at her furiously. "Just shut up!" he snapped.

Ava was taken aback by his outburst and meekly closed her mouth. Brandon took a deep breath as if he had summoned all his courage. But when he spoke, his words were as tiny as a mosquito's. "Yes, I'm sorry. I was wrong."

Diana placed her hand next to her ear, with a perplexing expression. "What? What are you mumbling about? I can't hear you!" 

Brandon became angry, thinking that Diana should not mess with him in the future, or else he would kill her!

Brandon clenched his fist and loudly apologized, "I'm sorry! It was my mistake!" This time, his voice was very loud.

Diana nodded in satisfaction, unable to contain her smile. This conceited man who usually showed off in college also had such a day! Seeing him look like he had eaten shit was really satisfying!

Brandon's face was filled with shame, from his neck to his ears turning red. Shame, it was too shameful! He saw that Diana wasn't satisfied, gritted his teeth and said, "Is that enough?" 

"Enough?" Diana turned her head and looked at him incredulously. "You said it three times just now, and now only once? Come on, continue!"

Brandon felt like he was about to vomit blood. "Fuck!!" he thought. He had to get revenge, otherwise he would never be able to swallow this anger!

After some turmoil, Brandon finally apologized awkwardly. The few of them finally called a truce and started to walk into the Diohn Club one by one. Except for Diana, who was in a good mood, the others didn't look too good.

Ava remembered the embarrassing scene that Brandon had just made and couldn't help but complain, "Brandon, what was that all about? Why did you apologize to Diana? It's so shameful!"

Brandon looked embarrassed. "It's all because of you!" he said.

"Because of me?"

"Yes, because of you," Brandon said. "If it weren't for you wanting to come here, I wouldn't have apologized to Diana just to avoid disappointing you!"

Upon hearing Brandon's words, Ava looked at him with surprise. "So it was all for me that you were considering, Brandon... I misjudged you." Ava hugged Brandon's arm, revealing a touch of emotion on her face.

Maddie walked in front of the two, hearing their conversation clearly and couldn't help but mock them in her mind. Ava really had no brain, believing all sorts of nonsense. But it was precisely because of this that she could take the initiative to be her best friend. This way, Maddie only needed to move her mouth to instigate Ava to do things.