

Elijah's life was moving swiftly or that is what he thought until his life got entangled with Riley also known as the troublemaker. ***** Riley knew that everybody hated her. It wasn't like the feeling wasn't mutual but the universe had to be so cruel and pair her with Saint Elijah, the guy she disliked the most. Elijah hated her and it never bothered her or that is what she thought until she is put on a project with him as a punishment. She loathed the idea of spending time with the self righteous Elijah more than anything in the world. It was stupid and she knew it, she shouldn't have kissed Elijah. She shouldn't have fallen ever for him. The price she has to pay for her sins are just so high. Which bad girl ever fell for the good boy? The ending is bound to be a disaster. Stick around to read more of the story of Elijah and Riley.

marjo_rhinah · Teen
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As soon as the door opens, I anticipate who the culprit is. It is already fifteen minutes since the lesson started and the only person brave enough to waltz inside the room at such at time during Miss Frida's English period is Raven Saltzman.

Raven freaking Saltzman is the school troublemaker. When I say troublemaker, I mean she's associated with all the illegalities like drugs, vandalism, cigarettes, fights, cuss words. She is just everywhere breaking the rules.

I can't count the number of detentions she has got since the year started. I am even surprised she has not yet been expelled. It might have to do with the reason that her parents died when she was only six and since then it has only been her and the old Lolita.

Pretty great the old woman hasn't died of a stroke or something with the record Raven has all over town.

"Miss Saltzman, you are late." Miss Frida mutters hard.

"I know." she replies cooly. I am not surprised she is acting like that. That is the way she has been since I have known her. Rude, arrogant, disrespectful and annoying. I might not like Miss Frida but she deserves some respect.

When I hear a detention from her mouth, I am not going to be the least surprised or anyone in particular. Sometimes it is like the stupid girl revels in detention her entire life. It is like she has an urge to be punished or she just hates school. I think both but hell, who doesn't hate school? She is not any different. The only difference is we at least don't freaking show it infront of everyone. I am surprised she doesn't fail any of her classes.

"This is the third time in the row you are late. I thought we had a talk about this behavior last week young lady." Miss Frida's brows creases. Raven stands by the door least fazed. It doesn't matter whether the teacher is raged or not, what the consequences are, she always does what she wants.

I hate her for that. I have hated her for that since I can remember. She knows the consequences of her actions but for some reason she continues with them. I don't know if she pushes off authority for pleasure or there is solace for her in detention.

Raven has been nothing but a total prick to everyone. She has no friends, not that she needs one with her behavior. Am convinced she is bad influence for anyone who gets near her and my parents support me on that. No one dares to cross her path, that is how dangerous she is.

I don't remember the day I have seen the girl smile. It is either a sneer, a glare or a grimace on her face something that must be so depressing. She also never dresses in normal girl clothes. It is always hoodies, sweats and ripped jeans. She has always been the unruly one out of everyone. The girl had a tattoo at fourteen. I am pretty sure there are more she covers with her hoodies.

"You said what you wanted to say that day, I didn't get chance to." Raven replies calmly. Everyone in the room watches quietly with a wary  expression.

"Are you disrespecting me Saltzman?" Miss Frida's lips turn into a hard line.

"We've not got to that part yet and you are already accusing me. You are something woman." Raven frowns.

"I have heard enough I think. To the principal's office. I will meet you there." Miss Frida orders.

"Gladly. See you soon." With that, she walks out of the room and the class continues.

"Do you think Saltzman is getting another detention?" Kirby, my girl best friend asks as we settle at our table for lunch.

"I would be surprised if she isn't expelled that's all." I shrug.

"I doubt the expulsion. Principal Tanner has a soft spot for her. Do you think those two are..." Jackson wiggles his brow suggestively.

"Ew Jack!" Kirby murmurs with a disgusted look.

"I don't think Principal Tanner would stoop that low. In other words, I have seen the way he treats her wife and kids." I wave off Jackson.

"Just saying. You never know." Jackson murmurs.

"Eli." I turn at the voice. I am surprised when my eyes find the person who sought me out.

"Hey." I mutter nervously. I mean I knew at one time we would bump into each other or circumstances will bring us together. It is just my body's reaction that surprises me.

"Principal Tanner needs you in his office." she says curtly. I frown.

"Do you know why?" I ask curiously. She shrugs before she walks away.

"Elijah, are you alright?" Kirby's soft touch awakes me from my thoughts.

"Yes. I am just surprised the principal needs me." I force a tight lipped smile.

"I think it is about the new project." Jackson supplies.

"Yeah. I think so too." I murmur. A few minutes of silence pass before Kirby asks.

"Is this still about her?"

I tense suddenly but recover immediately. It has been almost four months. I should be over the stupid break up by now.

"Naomi? I am aver her Kirby." I vouch just before I stand up.

"Nice lunch you guys. Catch up later." I walk away from the cafeteria to the principal's office.

"Elijah darling, how are you?" Miss Beth, principal Tanner's secretary greets politely.

"Am doing fine Miss Beth." I reply..

Suddenly a familiar figure waltzes inside the room. Saltzman? What the hell is she doing here?

"How is you mother? It had been long since I last saw her." Beth asks.

"She is good. She has been out of town for work lately but she is back."

"That is great."

"Is principal Tanner inside?" I ask.

"Yes. He is actually waiting for you both." Beth turns to me and then to an unbothered Saltzman.

"You mean us, like me and her?" I ask confused.

"Yes. Go on, he is already waiting." Beth smiles opening the door for me. I thank her politely and look back to find Saltzman heading for the office.

"Mr. Matthews." Principal Tanner acknowledges.

"Good afternoon Principal Tanner." I greet.

"Miss Saltzman is here too. You both may take a seat." I settle in one of the chairs and so does Saltzman.

When I lift my gaze to hers, I find a glare directed towards me.

"You both might be wondering why I called you in my office. I am not going to beat around the bush then." Principal Tanner starts.

"Discipline is one of the best virtues in our school and Miss Saltzman has been having difficulty following through with that." I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his wording. In simple terms, miss Saltzman has been nothing but trouble.

"I have come to a resolution for the problem and decided that the best way for her to change is assign her to some charity and social work for example the project you are working on Elijah."

"No!" I refuse immediately.

"This is the perfect way for miss Saltzman to discover herself and I think this project might be a good opportunity." Principal Tanner explains.

"With due respect principal, this project is about helping people not recruiting trouble makers." I mutter hard.

"Miss Saltzmann has promised to be on her best behaviour." he says. Saltzman snorts.

That is what I am talking about. I don't want someone like her on my squad.


"It is decided Mr. Matthews. Miss Saltzman is on your team and under your responsibility." Principal Tanner dictates. I groan inwardly. She glares harder my way.

"You both are dismissed." I rise up immediately not wanting to be in the same space with her anymore. I have worked for so long to be far from Raven Saltzman. Now that I have to work with her for two weeks, I might die already.

"I need progress Mr. Matthews." Principal Tanner calls after me. I quickly walk out of the office his following behind. Does she have anything to say about this? It is all her fault I am in this position.

Fuming, I stop abruptly turning to her. She looks poised while she chews on her gum looking at something on her phone.

"It is all your fault you know." I accuse furious. She lifts her gaze to me.

"My fault I got a baby sitter?" she lifts a brow at me.

"You have the nerve, you know?" I hiss.

"You need to calm down. Is saint Matthews losing his calm?" I am one second away from losing my temper.

"I am not going to deal with you right now." I murmur walking away.

"Like you should."

Lord save before I lose my mind.