
Chapter 8.

Charlotte POV.

I woke up and he was gone, there was no sign of him anywhere. He just used me. I can't believe he didn't have the guts of facing me. He's just a coward always running from the truth.

I saw a page on the table and I quickly opened it to read it.

"I left my car keys, so rather take my car and just park it outside your house. I'll bring your car to you tonight. I'll drop it at your house. Make sure my car is open and the keys are inside. Thanks, take care of yourself.'

Your ex DK."

What a coward, all he wrote about is his stupid car. We'll see how you like your car when I'm done with it.

I quickly got ready and took the car keys. I took the stairs and quickly ran in a hurry. 'I feel so sorry for your car Damien knight'. I started driving at speed. I don't even care if I die or not. I went straight to my house, took a long bath thinking about how to get rid of his car for him.

I got dressed and started dialing Layla's number. Layla is my number one best friend even though everyone thinks I love both Layla and Cassandra the same.

"Hey, bestie." I greeted her so happy.

"Was your date last night so great?" She asked, instead of just greeting me back.

"Come over, I'll tell you everything." I told her and she quickly disconnected the call.

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly ran to open the door.

"That was qu-- Brother." The person who was standing in front of me was none other than my brother. It's not that I didn't want him here but how can I lie to him after everything he has done for me.

"You look surprised." He said walking pass me and I closed the door behind me not locking it. After all who would want to be a fool breaking in my house in the daylight with Benjamin present.

"If you came to check if I'm back on drugs or something then you wasting your time Benjamin." I told him and he just shook his head smiling at me.

"I know you not back on drugs sister. I just come to see how my favorite sister is doing." He sat on the couch and looked straight into my eyes as if I have anything to hide.

"I'm your only sister Ben, and I know you didn't come over for that only."

"Well, I want you to cancel it." He mumbled. I definitely knew Layla would tell him about it.

"I have to Benjamin, it's the right thing to do." I told him as I sat on the couch praying Layla would show up.

"Just take a video and post it on social media. I promise you Charlotte the journalist won't take it easy on you, they going to make sure they dig about your dirty secrets. In fact they will make sure they ask about your relationship, why you never showed up at any of the parties and where you were last year." Benjamin told me as if I knew nothing about these stupid useless journalists. All they ever do is create lies about people.

"I'll just tell them I was on holiday last year. I missed all the parties because I was busy." I answered shrugging my shoulders.

"Where exactly were you on holiday for a whole year?"

"Obviously Rehab." I laughed and he looked at me with a serious face. He definitely doesn't know what's a joke. "Fine, I'll be prepared for them. I promise I'll make sure they don't get under my skin happy."

"Make sure you never say anything about drugs." He told me and I nod my head. "Did you tell anyone about that by the way?" He asked and I nod my head

His definitely going to kill me.

"Who did you tell, If it's Damien then he will use it against you."

"It wasn't Damien. I would never tell him, the only people I told is Dad, Layla and Cassandra."

"What do you mean you told Cassandra?" He asked getting up angry. I don't know why everyone hates her so much when she's my best friend and he knows it. "Congratulations idiot, you just ruin your life."

"Why do you hate Cassandra so much, she wasn't even a problem until a few years ago. She's my best friend brother."

"She's a manipulative bitch that only cares about herself. She would do anything to get what she wants even if she uses you Charlotte, and you just naive think--"

"I think that's enough Benjamin." Layla said interrupting us. None of us even knew she come in. "There's no use warning Charlotte against Cassandra, they best friends."

"Come on Layla, don't tell me you blind to see that Cassandra would use charlotte to get to me." Benjamin said to Layla and she just nod as if she was sad.

"If you so embarrassed about having me as a sister then it's fine, after all I'm just your stepsister. But please just leave Cassandra alone and I mean it."

"No one is embarrassed about you Charlotte. Just please don't trust her as much as you trust Layla and I." My brother said trying to hide the fact he was hurt by my words. I hate telling him am just his stepsister but I also hate the fact he doesn't care about anyone except for his family.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him and he just nod his head faking a smile as he kissed me on my forehead and did the same for Layla.

Layla is like a sister to him, we met her when she was eight. She's the most sweetest person and I just love her so much.

"Bye, and get rid Damien's car." Benjamin said as he quickly left. How the hell did he even know it's his car.

"So why did you tell me to come over?" Layla asked me.

"I slept with Damien." I told her waiting for a reaction but she just laughed.

"For a second there I thought you were serious. Anyways tell me why I'm here?" She's definitely planning my death right now because she knows I would never joke about something like that.

"I'm serious." I said biting my lower lip.

"I know that but what were you thinking. Were you drank? Did he take advantage of you?" She asked jumping to conclusions.

Layla liked Damien when we first started dating. We even did a double date, she and Carlos and Damien and I. But ever since the day he broke up with me she started hating him.

"I wasn't drunk, Layla. I slept with him because I love him, he didn't force himself on me. "

"So does he love you now, are you guys back together?" She asked as if I know if he loves me or not, but I know one thing if he loved me he would've at least called me by now.

"No." I uttered looking at the floor. I didn't want her to know why we actually slept together.

"That means, he used you. He knew he doesn't love you and yet he slept--"

"I'm sorry about your parents, I really am." I interrupted her giving her my condolences. I can't believe I wasn't there for her when they died. I know this isn't how you bring up a topic like this, but it was also the only way for me not to lie about Damien.

"Thank you, but you can't seriously change the topic Charlotte. Damien used you and he needs to pay for what he did to you. I know you love him Charlotte but you have to also move on."

"I know I wasn't there for you. I was selfish because I was on drugs and I didn't even bother being there for you when you lost both your parents at the same time. I promise to alway--"

"Charlotte will you just stop changing the damn topic. Yes, I know my parents both died at the same time on that plane and I know you sorry. I don't blame you for anything. Your brother was there for me and I know you would've been there for me if you could."

"I was out of rehab and I didn't even bother to support you."

"You needed time for yourself. Your brother explained everything to me now will you just stop please."

"Okay." I said smiling at her. "How about a girl's night tomorrow."

"I have a date, how about tonight?" She asked but I can't tell her about having a date with Damien's car.

"I have a date." I stated, hoping she wouldn't ask more questions about the date.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Damn you, Layla.

"His beautiful, fast, and everything that's all you have to know."

"So I'll have to leave for you to get ready." She said and I nod my head smiling of how I'll decorate Damien's car for him. "Well just don't rush things okay." She told me as she left.

I quickly looked for my old bet, my sprays, and went outside. I first started smashing his car windows, Side Mirrors, and started hitting the car with my bet. I was taking my frustration and anger denting his car, and it actually helped.

I took the spray and start spraying 'One day, you'll feel how I feel for you, and I just hope that that day you don't regret anything.'

I opened the car door and before I could damage it I saw three boys staring at me. "Hi." I waved awkwardly and they just waved back.

"Is that paint you guys have?" I asked and they nod. "Can I have it, I'll pay triple."

"Sure." One of the boys carrying the paint answered and I quickly went into my house and fetched money to pay them. "I paid 200 dollars, so you'll have to give us 600 dollars." The other boy said lying. These boys think they can rob me but they so lucky I wouldn't mind paying them a thousand dollars for the paint.

"Here's a thousand dollar. Don't waste it on rubbish okay." I handed them the money and they gave me the paint. I hope they don't use drugs because I wouldn't want my money to be used on drugs.

"Let's help you with the car, we know how to damage cars." One of them suggested as the other two nod their heads.

"No, thank you I can take care of it." I said but then I quickly changed my mind. It's getting dark and I definitely don't want Damien to catch me in the act. "You guys can help only if you have pocket knives."


"So what's your name Mr obviously?" I asked and he just rolled his eyes.

"His Dante, I'm Will and this other one is Vince." The sweet one named Will said.

"Nice meeting you all." I ignored Dante who was just staring at me angry. I literally hate guys with D. First Damien now this Dante. "Now, can you guys just damage the car seats. You have to hurry, he will be here very soon."

"Whose car is it?" Vince asked as he and Will got in the car.

"Her ex, obviously." Dante replied before I could say anything.

"What's your problem with me Mr obviously?" I asked him as Vince and Will started damaging the car seats.

"He hates you because of his sixteen-year-old sister." Will said getting out of the car. "His sister is a big fan of you."

"Shut up Will." Dante snapped.

"Why do you hate me because of your sister, and how do you guys know me?"

"You one of the top fashion designers." Dante replied. "You were gone a whole year, why ?"

"I-I-" I couldn't even say anything. Benjamin was right, I'm just going to ruin my life if I do it. I can't even answer this boy. "You not what if your sister is such a big fan of mine. I'll give you something to give to her."

I ran to my house and went upstairs checking for a dress that would fit her perfectly. I checked my whole wardrobe and couldn't find anything that would be perfect. He will definitely hate me more if I tell him I'll give it to him some other time.

I finally spot a dress that I designed when I was fourteen. It's one of my favorite dresses that's why I never showed it to anyone but I'll just have to give her this because no other dress of mine would fit her.

I took a picture of the dress and went back to the boys. "What the hell Dante." I pushed him. I wanted the car damage but I didn't want them destroying the whole car.

Damien will kill me.

"Here's the dress, now you guys run and make sure you don't tell anyone about this." I told them as I handed the dress to Will because I knew Dante would never take it from me.

"Is he going to hurt you?" Will asked concerned about me.

"No, but he will kill you three if he comes now." I warned them.

"Let him come, we are not scared." Dante said.

"Please just go, you don't know him." I begged, trying to get them to move from Damien's car but they wouldn't move.

"We not scared of anyone Charlotte. We nineteen not nine, and plus your brother will probably just save us." Will giggled.

It's really their time of death.

"My brother won't stop him, you idiot. It's Damien's car." I shouted scared, and they just started laughing together. Dante even joined them.

"She's crazy." Dante laughed and I ran to get my phone for them. They really going to die because of me tonight.

"Look." I gave Dante my phone and he stared at the picture of me and Damien when we were together. "Do you believe me now?" I asked him and he nods his head.

"You have to come with us." Vince said.

"No, I can take care of myself just you guys run and make sure if you see a diamond car you don't stop or anything. Just keep running until you get home." I can't believe I am scared. "Take care of yourself please." I saw them all ran and I closed my door and locked it. I quickly went upstairs to waited for Damien to come and get his car.

I watched as my car arrive after a few minutes of waiting. I saw him get out of my car.

He's definitely going to burn my house with me in it.

He looked at his car and quickly looked up at my window and found me staring at him. I waved awkwardly staring at him and smiling. I'm scared of him right now but I actually don't care if he kills me.

Who the fuck told him to mess with a Carson?

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