I know how curious you might be when you see this topic because virtually everyone wishes to save money, either you're currently making enough money or not it is almost every one desire to save some money at the end of the day, week, month or year. No matter how little your income might be, the need to have savings can not be underestimate as it will save your future, A wise man once said, And I quote Swedish proverb ( HE WHO BUYS WHAT HE DOES NOT NEED STEALS FROM HIMSELF )
While we don't know who precisely first said it and exactly when he made this quote, this is one of my favorites, because it speaks directly to learning the difference between wants and needs. Of course, there are times everyone buys things simply because they want them, and that's OK. It's when it becomes a way of life that it puts your financial future in jeopardy. Speaking from experience, thinking of this proverb any time you're about to make an impulse purchase can be a game changer. For as long as money existed, people have had thoughts and opinions about it. And you will agree with me about the best ways to earn, save and spend money, as many wise people have evaluated it in their thoughts over the years. In this chapter I will share with you a few tips on how to save money as a raising star/musician that will save your career.
Here the fourth wealthiest person in the world talks about money, it really makes a lot of sense to listen. Knowing that his life simply has a true example but despite his means, we couldn't agree more with this bit of advice from Warren Buffett. If you don't make saving money today that can save your career for the future a priority. You'll never get around to doing it. And when you need it, it won't be there. Starting and sticking to a savings plan is something you'll never regret. Let's consider joining posting real content on all your social media handle for instant, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook Etc.All this social network will in time general a massive income, this means that your efforts to grow your fans base will be very important as much as making money and saving money which should be a priority.
This quote is not about money, it is about taking positive steps to make changes, and that's what we're all about. If your finances aren't where you'd like them to be, now is the time to start making changes. No one is born knowing how to handle their money and personal finances. We learn these skills over time, through trial and error. There's no doubt money mistakes can be great teachers, but they are not the only way for you to learn. You can play a part by modeling positive financial habits and regularly talking about financial issues. For Example
Planning a budget is a necessary financial skill for all, every raising star/musician trying to stand out in the competitive entertainment era, Fortunately there are countless budgeting apps that make it easier than ever to track money coming in and going out.Using it as a tool to track spending and manage a budget makes perfect sense. And if you're not already following a budget yourself, it's the perfect time to start so you can practice while you implement this skill
We've all heard how young people think they're invincible and nothing bad can happen to them. Of course, the reality is that emergencies have no age limit. One of the most important things you should know as a raising star/ musician is the importance of saving at least 3 months of living expenses for emergencies. The sooner you can adopt a "pay yourself first" mentality, the better. Start to save for emergencies now, you will have that money waiting when you really need it.
Many raising star/ musician take on debt without fully understanding the responsibilities and potential consequences involved either you're planning your next video shoot, album, collaboration or live in concert, debt isn't to be taken lightly and being in debt can slow your progress toward pursuing goals like owning a home or getting married.
This founding father was onto something when he dropped these wise words. While credit cards didn't exist in Jefferson's time, it was still very possible to go into debt. And the inability to pay that debt had heavy consequences, including debtor's prison. Then and now, spending money you don't have is never a good idea. If you can't pay cash for something, save up for it until you can. Some times you might want to buy something which you initially never planned nor budget for though not all added expenses are bad if you are sure of generating income from doing so, for instance, for a couple of times I personally attended an event with nor initial plans of making expenses but fortunately when I noticed that the event has the kind of personalities I would affiliate with then I went extra miles, which cost me some money but the profit is more as I will gained more recognition which will in time pay off with more business that will come from those affiliation I had at the event.
Breaking bad budgeting habits starts with an honest discussion. Have a family or team financial meeting once a week, or at least once per pay period. Congratulate yourselves on the savings goals you've made so far and the progress you are making toward future savings goals and look ahead at the month's expenses and prepare yourselves by adjusting budget amounts as needed, saying no in some places so you can say yes where it really matters to you.
Children can even benefit from this, too. Spend a few extra minutes to discuss with them how they plan to save and spend their allowance, recognizing their efforts and congratulating them on their growing savings. Take the time to discuss upcoming events where you are expected to pay, such as birthday parties and after school activities. If needed, help set your children's expectations now, to help avoid disappointment later on.
If you are entirely independent Artist find a finance coach or confidant who can help keep you on top of your savings and financial goals. No need to lay out every financial detail if you don't want to; just find a savings fella who understand your goals and will help you stay on track when you face the temptation to spend.
If you are entirely an independent Artist find a finance coach or confidant who can help keep you on top of your savings and financial goals.