
5. Chapter 5

Here's the next chapter! I hope you like it!

Three days later, Maya was still struggling with pain, a lot more than she was hoping she would be. She was back to only taking her narcotics at night, but during the day, she was cranky because of how much she was hurting.

It was Saturday, and Carina was going to pack her apartment with the help of Teddy and Amelia along with Travis and Ben who all volunteered to help.

Andy and Vic were going to hang out with Maya and help her rearrange the apartment. Carina had already started helping her, but with work, the past few days had been too crazy to make much headway.

"I wish I could come with you," Maya said as Carina got ready that morning, "I hate that I'm stuck here, not able to do anything during such a big step in our relationship."

"You get to do what you do best," Carina said, going over to the bed and giving Maya a kiss.

"Which is what exactly?" Maya asked, looking at her.

"Bossing everyone around," Carina said with a smirk.

"Shut up," Maya said, shoving her a little as she smiled.

"I will see you in a few hours Bella," Carina said, giving her another kiss, "And Andy and Vic will be here if you need anything."

"I'll be fine," Maya said, shaking her head.

Truth be told, she had woken up in a lot more pain than normal and she wasn't feeling very well, but she wasn't about to tell anyone. She got out of bed, wincing at the pressure on her knee from gravity. She headed into the living room, still dressed in her pajamas because she didn't feel like getting dressed.

"Hey," Andy said from the table where she and Vic were eating breakfast, "How are you feeling today?"

"I've been better," Maya said coughing a little as she crutched into the kitchen and opening the fridge, grabbing a yogurt and putting it in her pocket before grabbing a spoon and going to the table.

"Still in a lot of pain?" Andy asked as Maya sat down, wincing as she adjusted herself into a semi-comfortable position.

"More than I was hoping to be at this point," Maya said, "It's been five days. I should be feeling better." "Give it time," Vic reminded her, "It'll get better."

"I know," Maya said, opening her breakfast and taking a bite.

They ate, Maya taking some Advil with her food before they all got up, Vic going to clean the kitchen while Andy and Maya went into the bedroom.

"So, I already started moving stuff before I got hurt," Maya said, sitting down on the bed, "But can you help me go through my closet and get stuff ready to donate?"

"Sure," Andy said, going to the closet and pulling out Maya's clothes, putting them on the bed.

She started holding them up one at a time for Maya to decide. Vic joined them a few minutes later, sitting down on the bed next to Maya.

"Is this your Olympic uniform?" Andy asked, holding up a track suit with red spandex shorts and tank handing inside.

"Yep," Maya said, nodding, "That can get put in a box. It does not need to take up space in my closet. Or maybe I'll donate it to some Olympic museum somewhere. I don't really want it."

"Why?" Vic asked, looking at the uniform, "You literally won Olympic gold in that outfit."

"Yeah," Maya said, looking down at her hands, "But that's not really a day or time I like to think about anymore."

Andy and Vic didn't push, knowing her running career was not a topic Maya enjoyed talking about. The finished going through the closet, Maya getting rid of a lot of clothes she didn't wear anymore, making room for Carina's stuff. They then went through her dresser, clearing out half the drawers for Carina, although the Italian already had about a third of them already.

By the time they were done, Maya was starting to feel worse. Her knee was throbbing and her head hurt, but she continued to power through. They went out into the living room, clearing some of the shelves and going through the coat closet.

All of this took about four hours, and just as Andy was taking her last box to the car to drive to Goodwill, Travis, Ben, and Teddy all pulled up.

"Carina and Amelia are still finishing packing and cleaning," Travis explained as they started unloading, "But this is just about everything."

They brought everything into the apartment, Maya directing them where to put everything. In the middle of it, she broke into a coughing fit but figured it was just from all the dust they were kicking up by moving everything.

Vic ordered pizza for them which arrived around the same time as Carina and Amelia.

"That's the last of it," Amelia said, bring in a few boxes.

"We officially live together," Carina said, smiling as she walked over to where Maya was on the couch. Maya nodded, leaning in to kiss her girlfriend.

"Let's eat," Vic said, coming in with several boxes of pizza, "And then we can start unpacking."

They all got up except Maya, grabbing food, Carina bringing her girlfriend a plate before sitting down next to her.

"Thanks," Maya said, shifting a little to make more room for her girlfriend.

They all ate, chatting and enjoying themselves. Carina noticed Maya was quiet and not really eating.

"Are you alright?" the Italian asked quietly in her ear.

"I'm just tired," Maya said, "And my knee hurts."

"Do you want to go take a nap?" Carina asked, noticing Maya looked rough.

"No," the blonde said, "I'm fine, but could you grab me some Tylenol?"

"Si," Carina said, getting up and returning a few minutes later with the requested meds.

They finished lunch before they started unpacking, Maya guiding them in the living room while Carina did the rest. The blonde kept trying to get up and help, but everyone insisted she needed to sit down and relax. She snapped at a few people before Carina stepped in.

"Bella," Carina said, sitting down next to her, "What's going on?"

"I just want to help," Maya said, rubbing her eyes as she coughed a little, "I feel completely useless. This was supposed to be a special day, a big step in our relationship and I thought so much about what it would be like when you moved in and this is not what I wanted it to be."

"Bella," Carina said, bringing Maya into a hug, "It doesn't matter what today looks like. This is about our future. Sure, today isn't what you wanted, but you want our future to be together, don't you?"

"Of course," Maya said, nodding, "More than anything."

"Then let your expectations of today go," Carina said, giving her a kiss, "And just let it be what it is, and in a few weeks, when you are feeling better, we can set aside time to celebrate this day the way it should be celebrated."

Maya nodded, just staying in Carina's embrace for another minute before Carina went back to work.

By dinner time, they had finished everything but the bedroom, and while Carina knew they were going to have to do some rearranging, she was happy it was almost done. They ordered dinner for everyone to thank them, Carina opening a few bottles of wine for everyone.

"Do you want some Bella?" Carina asked Maya.

"Not tonight," Maya said, shaking her head, "I think I'm gonna have to take my narcotics again."

"It's that bad?" Carina said, abandoning pouring wine for everyone to go check on Maya.

Maya nodded, trying not to let the tears in her eyes slip down her cheeks.

"Let's get you into bed," Carina said, grabbing Maya's crutches.

"We have guests," Maya said, shaking her head, "And we should be celebrating tonight."

"Maya, you had major surgery less than a week ago," Carina said, "No one will care if you need to rest. And we can celebrate when you are feeling better."

Vic noticed her two roommates had pulled away and went to check in.

"Everything ok?" she asked.

"I'm trying to get this one to go to bed," Carina said, pointing to Maya, "She's not feeling well."

"Go Mai," Vic said, "And you can too Carina. I'll entertain everyone."

"Are you sure?" Maya asked.

"Yes," Vic said, nodding, "Go to bed. You look like hell."

Maya nodded, letting Carina help her up. They went into their bedroom, Carina grabbing out clean pajamas for Maya.

They climbed into bed, Maya putting her head on Carina's shoulder. It was then that Carina felt the warmth rolling off her girlfriend.

"Maya," Carina said, putting a hand on her forehead, alarmed at how warm she was, "You have a fever."

"I do?" Maya said, sitting up.

"Si," Carina said, getting up and going into the bathroom, grabbing the thermometer.

"102.4," Carina said, eyes wide, "Maya, that is not good. And with all the extra pain you've been in."

"I might have an infection," Maya said, groaning, "What should I do?"

"Let me go talk to Amelia and Teddy," Carina said, knowing she probably needed to take Maya in, but hoping to avoid it if possible.

Carina came back in a minute later with both her friends.

"We're going to unwrap your leg and check what's going on," Amelia said, "Any redness or signs of infection, we are going to have to take you to the hospital."

Maya nodded but before they could do anything, she broke into another coughing fit.

"That cough doesn't sound good," Teddy said, frowning as she and Amelia carefully removed the brace and bandages from Maya's leg.

"Well, the good news is there doesn't appear to be any signs of infection," Teddy said, looking carefully at the leg as Amelia and Carina did the same, "Everything looks good."

"Then why do I have a fever?" Maya asked, trying her best not to cry as they rewrapped her knee.

"I'm betting you picked up some bug at the hospital," Amelia said, "That cough sounds awful. Do you have any other symptoms?"

"I've had a headache all day," Maya said, wiping the tears away that were pouring down her cheeks from all the pain she was in, "And I felt congested, but I thought it was just the dust from moving everything."

"Yeah, it sounds more like you picked up a virus," Teddy said, "If you want, you could go to the hospital and I'm sure someone would check you out. I would even go and do it if you want."

"No," Maya said, shaking her head, "If my knee's not infected, I just want to stay here."

"Alright," Carina said, nodding, "Well then I will get you some meds, and you can rest."

"Thanks guys," Maya said as Teddy and Amelia left the room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling sick?" Carina asked as she handed Maya one of her narcotic pills.

"I told you," Maya said, "I thought it was just the dust from moving."

Just then, there was another knock at the door.

"Hey," Andy said, coming in, "I was just about to head out, but I wanted to say goodbye first."

"Thanks for all your help today Andy," Maya said, smiling at her friend.

"Of course," Andy said,

"Sorry you feel so terrible. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks," Maya said, wincing as a wave of pain ran through her knee.

"Get some rest," Andy said, squeezing Maya's shoulder before leaving.

Carina climbed into bed with Maya, holding the sick woman close.

"Sorry I ruined this special day," Maya mumbled, "I envisioned the day we moved in together so differently. There was a lot more kissing and a lot less clothes."

"We will celebrate when you're feeling better," Carina said, kissing Maya's forehead, "For now, we just need to focus on you getting better."

Maya nodded, the pain meds already making her sleepy. "But we are going to celebrate so hard when I'm better," Maya said.

"Of course," Carina said, laughing a little, "We will have a lot of making up to do."

There it was! I think this story has 2-3 more chapters to come!