
4. Chapter 4

Here's the next chapter!

She woke up about an hour and a half later, her knee throbbing. She realized it was time for more Advil and Tylenol so she got up, stopping in the bathroom before going into the living room. She found Vic sitting on the couch.

"Hey," her roommate said as she crutched into the kitchen, "Do you need anything?"

"I need to take more pain meds," Maya said, "And I need to eat something so I can do that."

"Want me to make you something?" Vic asked, getting up and coming into the kitchen, "Or I think there's leftover lasagna in the fridge. I could heat some up for you?"

"I'm just gonna make some toast," Maya said, "My stomach has not been feeling well. Carina thinks its from all the meds they gave me in the hospital."

"I can make it for you," Vic said.

Maya thought about arguing, but the pain was starting to get worse so she just nodded, going to the couch.

"You're in pain," Vic said, sticking two pieces of bread in the toaster.

"Yeah," Maya said, nodding, "Both my pain meds have worn off at this point so it's not great."

"What are you taking?" Vic asked, grabbing Maya a glass of water.

"Tylenol and Advil," Maya said, "They're on the counter."

"That's it?" Vic said, jaw dropping, "Maya, you literally snapped part of your knee in half 48 hours ago. They didn't give you anything stronger?"

"They did," Maya said, "I just don't wanna take it. It makes me sleepy and feel weird. I take them at night, but that's pretty much it."

"Are you sure?" Vic said, seeing Maya wince as she shifted on the couch.

"Can you just bring me some Tylenol?" Maya asked shortly, "I can take that before I start eating and then it will start to kick in."

Vic nodded, bringing Maya the water and two pills. Maya took them, closing her eyes as she tried to ride out the pain. Vic brought her her toast a few minutes later along with three Advil. Maya ate some of the food before taking her pills.

"Are you still ok if the team comes over?" Vic asked, seeing how pinched Maya's face looked from the pain.

Maya nodded, not moving or opening her eyes.

"Can I get you anything else?" Vic asked.

"Can you get me some ice?" Maya asked, "And Carina's blanket off my I mean our bed? Man, that feels weird to say."

"The smile on your face right now is adorable," Vic said, laughing as she went to get the requested items.

"Shut up," Maya said as Vic threw the blanket at her before going to get the ice from the kitchen.

Just as Vic handed her the ice bag, there was a knock at the door. Vic opened the door and their entire team came in.

"Hey Maya," Travis said, walking in first with a plate of cookies.

Andy, Jack, Ben, and Dean along with baby Pru followed with their own assortment of gifts.

"Hey guys," Maya said, pushing herself up a little bit, moving the pillows so her knee was still comfortable.

"How are you feeling?" Ben asked, setting down a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen island.

"I'm alright," Maya said, shrugging, "The pain got away from me for a little bit, but I think the pain killers are finally kicking in."

"Are you going to fall asleep then?" Andy asked, sitting down in a chair near her friend.

"No," Maya said, confused.

"No," said Vic, coming into the living room, "Because this crazy woman is only taking Advil and Tylenol."

"Less than 48 hours after that surgery?" Ben said, shaking his head, "Damn Bishop."

"I'm fine," Maya said, shaking her head, "Embrace the pain right?"

Everyone sat down, chatting about their shift, Pru going from person to person, cracking everyone up with her silly expressions. Maya smiled as she listened to her friends, trying to ignore the pain that was getting worse as she sat there.

Vic was keeping an eye on her roommate, noticing when after about two hours, she closed her eyes, her face pinching ever so slightly in pain. Vic grabbed her phone, knowing that Maya would never cop to being in pain in front of everyone. She texted the blonde, watching as she read the message before looking at Vic, giving a slight nod. The younger woman got up, going into the bedroom and grabbing Maya's heavy duty pain pills.

"You need to eat before you take this," Vic said softly, pressing the pill into Maya's hand.

"Everything ok?" Andy asked, watching her two friends.

Everyone stopped their conversations and looked over at the captain.

"I'm just in some pain," Maya admitted sheepishly, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize," Travis said, shaking his head, "You just had surgery. Pain is expected. Do you have something to take?"

"Right here," Maya said, holding up the pill Vic had just brought her, "I just need to eat."

"What can I get you?" Andy asked, getting up.

"Just a handful of pretzels or something," Maya said, trying to breath through the pain that was getting worse.

Andy grabbed some pretzels from the spread of food they had all brought, handing a plate to Maya.

"You don't all have to watch me," Maya snapped, not liking how vulnerable she was feeling.

"Sorry," everyone mumbled, turning back to their conversations.

Maya nibbled on the pretzels, her stomach still not feeling well, but she knew she needed to eat to feel better. She got down a few before throwing the pill back. She started feeling its effects within about ten minutes.

"Hey guys," she said, everyone turning and looking at her again, "I'm probably going to fall asleep pretty soon so if I don't wake up before you leave, thanks for stopping by."

"We can all go if you want to rest in peace," Ben offered.

"I don't care," Maya said, yawning.

"Why don't we get you into bed?" Vic said, getting up.

Maya nodded, knowing she would sleep better in her bed. Vic handed Maya her crutches, helping her up. She and Andy both guided their friend into her bedroom, Maya stopping at the bathroom before they helped her into bed, giving her a hand with the pillows under her knee.

"Thanks guys," Maya said, her eyes already starting to close.

They both left, heading back to their friends. The next time Maya woke up, it was dark outside. She grabbed her crutches, going to the bathroom before going out into the living room.

"There's sleeping beauty," Vic said, smiling as she and Travis looked up, "I hope it's ok that Travis stayed."

"Of course," Maya said, crutching over to the couch, rubbing her eyes as she sat down, "Did everyone else leave?"

"Yeah," Vic said, "Not long after you knocked out. How are you feeling? How's the pain? It's about time for more Advil."

"It's not awful," Maya said, shrugging, "But Advil sounds good."

Vic nodded, getting up and getting Maya both Advil and some graham crackers.

"Thanks," the blonde said, "Could I maybe get some leftover lasagna? I think I might actually be hungry."

"Of course," Vic said, nodding.

The three of them hung out for a few hours, Vic helping Maya to stay on top of her meds.

"What time is your hot doctor lover getting home?" Travis asked, looking at Maya.

"Tomorrow," the blonde said, "She's got the night shift. And then she's going to her place to start packing."

Travis nodded, smiling a little at the look of pure happiness that crossed Maya's face.

"It's getting pretty late," Travis said, looking at his watch, "I need to get going. Feel better Maya."

"Thanks Travis," the blonde said, offering a sleepy smile.

Vic walked Travis out before turning to her roommate.

"Time for bed," Vic said, grabbing Maya's crutches.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Maya said, standing up, "Can you get me a cup of water and some crackers or something so I can take my meds in the middle of the night?"

"Sure," Vic said, going into the kitchen as Maya went into the bathroom.

The blonde got ready for bed, changing her shirt, but deciding to leave on her pants, not wanting to deal with the hassle of the brace.

"Here you go," Vic said, setting down the requested items, "Do you need anything else?"

"I think I'm good," Maya said, shaking her head, "Thanks."

"Of course," Vic said, helping Maya get her knee up on some pillows, "I'll keep my phone on tonight. If you need me, just text or call."

"Thanks for everything Vic," Maya said, throwing back another pain pill.

"Get some rest Mai," Vic said, closing the door as she left.

Maya texted Carina, telling her goodnight before getting as comfortable as she could and falling asleep.

The next day, Maya woke up in a lot of pain. She took some Tylenol and grabbed her phone, realizing she had a therapy session in about half an hour.

Vic had texted her about ten minutes before, asking if she was feeling up to some breakfast. She texted her back, asking if she would bring her some toast. A few minutes later, there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Hey," Vic said, coming in with a plate of toast and fruit, "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly," Maya said, pushing herself up, "Pretty awful. My knee is killing me."

"Why don't you take some of your pain meds?" Vic asked, frowning.

"I have therapy in twenty minutes," Maya said, taking a small bite of her breakfast, "And I would prefer not to sleep through it. I'm probably going to take it after though."

"Alright," Vic said, nodding, "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Thanks," Maya said, trying to breathe through the pain.

She popped a couple of Advil after she ate a little, but she knew therapy was going to be rough. She called Dr. Lewis through the app that she had been sent.

"Good morning Maya," Diane said, smiling, "How are you feeling today?"

"Physically or emotionally?" Maya asked, rubbing her hand up and down her thigh, trying to alleviate some of her pain.

"Both," Diane said.

"Well, physically, I'm in a lot of pain today," Maya said, "And my stomach had been feeling pretty terrible the past few days. Emotionally, I'm exhausted."

"That's understandable," Dr. Lewis said, nodding, "How are you dealing with your injury?"

"It sucks," Maya admitted, "I haven't been sleeping well, and I've been feeling pretty anxious. I don't know what to do because I can't run."

"Ok," Diane said, nodding, "We can work on some exercises to help with that."

They spent the next half hour working on some deep breathing and other things Maya could try to help her calm down.

Normally, their sessions were an hour long, but Maya was really struggling with her pain.

"Why don't we call it for today?" Dr. Lewis said, "You look miserable. Go take some pain meds and let your body rest."

"Alright," Maya said, barely able to concentrate because of how bad she was feeling, "Can we do a video call again next week?"

"Of course," Diane said, pulling up her calendar, "Same time?"

"Works for me," Maya said, nodding, "I've got no plans."

Diane laughed a little, nodding. "Well, I hope your pain lets up soon," Dr. Lewis said.

"Thanks," Maya said, hanging up.

She texted Vic, asking for some water.

"You're really not feeling well are you?" Vic asked, coming in with a glass of water.

"The pain is pretty terrible," Maya said, nodding, "I'm going to take something."

"That's a good plan," Vic said, "Want me to hang out for a little bit?"

Maya nodded, wanting the company. Vic grabbed her laptop, putting on Netflix as she sat down next to her friend.

Eventually, the blonde's breathing calmed as the pain meds took over, allowing her body to relax. The next time she woke up, Carina was sitting in bed where Vic had been

"Hello Bella," Carina said, seeing Maya's eyes open, "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're home," Maya said, smiling at her girlfriend, "How was packing?"

"I only did a little," Carina said, "Teddy and Amelia are going to come over this weekend and help me get a lot of it done."

"I wish I could help you," Maya said as Carina leaned down and gave her a kiss.

"I wish you could too Bella," Carina said, smiling at her, "How's the pain? Vic said it's been bad today."

"It's not too bad right now," Maya said, rubbing her eyes, "But it was not great this morning."

"Days two through four are usually the worst post-op," Carina nodded, "Take you pain meds if you need them."

"I will," Maya said, moving closer to Carina.

"How's your stomach doing today?" Carina asked, wrapping her arms around Maya.

"It still doesn't feel great," Maya said with a sigh, "I just want to feel better."

"You will soon Bella," Carina said, holding her close.

The two of them just hung out in bed for the rest of the day, Carina brining Maya a smoothie at one point and some plain pasta around 9 pm when she was finally awake and semi hungry.

"I'm glad you're moving in," Maya said sleepily after Carina had helped her take another shower and get some more pain meds, "I kinda like having you here to be my own personal servant."

"Don't get used to it," Carina said with a laugh, "Once your better, you are going to owe me big time."

"Deal," Maya said, eyes slipping closed as Carina kissed her.

So there it was! As always, I will happily take any ideas for this story or any Marina fic in general!