


That girl was crazyl She just beat us up one by one on her own! Seven on one and she won...Wang ShaoYan.

I watched her walk off as I struggled over to the rest of the guys after I had got up Was this how all the kids felt when we bullied them?

ShaoYan POV*

I strolled into class and took my seat where the teacher directed me. Just as I dropped my bag on the floor, the door flung open and a boy ran in. "V? Why are you late?" the teacher asked as I looked up to see that he was one of the guys I had just beaten up. My god, please don't say the truth

He looked over at the class and then his eyes focused on me. "Me and BTS got into some trouble before school." he explained as he took his seat. Luckily, he was no where near me. Class ended and I picked up my things so I could go to dinner but someone slammed their hand on the table and stood in my way so I couldn't leave.

"You completely humiliated BTS back there." I looked up to see V.

"Well, you shouldn't have picked on her." I stated coldly. These guys seriously are stupid.

"You don't understand that new kids are the one's to get bullied. Not the bullies." Anot her guy said. "BTS runs this school and you will surely pay for what you did today." He added. I didn't really care what they were saying and to be honest, I wasn't really paying any attention

I shrugged and went to walk past thenm but they blocked me. "Unless you want repeat of this morning then I suggest you move." I growled. V and his friend moved out of my way and let me past. They are so pathetic! 'BTS run this school' Yeah right!

*Taehyung POV*

Me and the guys went to the back of the school to hang around for a bit. "V? V? What's wrong with you, man?" Jungkook said as he shook me.

Huh?" I said as I came back into reality

"You were totally out of it! Who you thinking about?" Rap Monster asked sneakily.

"Don't tell me it was that new girl?" Jimin growled body hurts!"

"No! I'm just tired and my body hurts!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my arm. The truth was, I really was thinking about her. I don't know why...I guess there's just something about her that makes me want to think about her.

The guys kept looking at me teasing me about me zoning out but I gave them an evil stare to tell them to shut up. "Taehyung oppa!" An ear piercing girl squeeled as she ran over. This wa:s

JinHee. My ex. I finished her ages ago but she still thinks we're dating even though I have been out with about 10 other girls since then! "JinHee."I stated as I looked up to her as she stood smiling at me.

"I'm so hungry..." she whined as she played aeyg.

"Go eat then." I growled as I looked away from her before standing up. She just laughed at me.

"No silly! I want you to buy me lunch!'" she said as she tugged at my arm

JinHee is the most popular girl in school which means she thinks that she can date anyone she wants. But I wish that it was anyone but me. I only dated her for a week because she got on my nerves so much! It was oppa this and oppa buy me that...She's a spoilt brat and I can't stand her! I'd prefer to date ShaoYan than her.

Wait. That sounded as though it was a bad thing. Omo, what am I saying?! Ahh! I mean it's not a bad thing but I don't like her in that way! Really...Forget it

No. Get lost JinHee." I growled asI shook her off me.

"Tiger?" she pouted.

"I'm a lion not a tiger." I whispered angrily. "Look. I don't like you and I never did. I only dated you to shut you up but I don't like you and I never did!" I exclaimed in anger.

She looked sorrowful at me. I rolled my eyes as I walked off. "Prove it. Why don't love me?" she shouted as I stopped. I turned around. There were many mean things that wanted say couldn't be bothered to make another girl cry. I've made two girls cry already this week and it's only Thursday!