
Bad Boy!

In this time there are things such as demons and others as celestials. Celestials protect humans from these demons, but some demons, such as bakugou, can disguise themselves. But once they are found they are sent to a special place for demons of such. These demons need a certain ammount of blood each day, and if they don't they turn into their spirit animal. Bakugou's spirit animal is a pomeranian, scary, right? After Izuku accidentally saw Bakugou transforming out of his animal form, he is dragged into this never ending adventure of hiding and sheltering Bakugou from these celestials. Although Bakugou was not very fond of this protection before hand, he eventually gets very used to it and even starts to feel something more. What will happen next on their journey. Will Bakugou be caught, or will the two boys live forever being hunted?

baku_dekufam · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 9


"Did your mom freak out on you, Bakugou?" Izuku asked next to Bakugou. It was after school and they were on the football field laying in the center of it. The area had a clear view of the sky. They've been staring at it for 30 minutes now, Kacchan must be mad about something... Katsuki moved his head to look at Izuku who was still looking up at the sky. Turning his head back he hummed out a response.

"Yah, she always does." He grumbled. Yesterday he must've been in a good mood. Probably sitting by himself for a couple hours made him that way. Now he's just as grumpy as he was always. Izuku ignored it though and tried to stay positive.

"Mrs. Iida freaked out when I walked in. I didn't know she cared so much about me." Izuku continued. It was his turn to look at Bakugou. "She squeezed me so hard, I almost suffocated." He then giggled and looked back up to the clouds watching them zoom over. I wonder why she cared so much, my parents never really did. Izuku shook it off and watched the sky again. He pointed to a cloud that looked like a face and Katsuki pointed at one that looked like a dic- Izuku's face caught fire and turned redder than a tomato. He lightly slapped Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki only let out a raspy chuckle. Izuku layed back down and turned his head to Bakugou, a small smile was remaining on his face. "It makes me feel happy to see you smile." Deku said. He casted a bright smile to Katsu.

Katsuki blushed and pursed his lips. "Hey! You stupid nerd, I wasn't smiling." He lightly hit Izuku's arm. Izuku laughed. And looked at Katsuki who was now sitting up.

"Seriously, you need to smile more." Izuku said sternly. Katsuki turned his head back to Izuku and looked at him. His ruby eyes reflecting the sky. Deku put his fingers on both of his cheeks and lifted making his lips circle into a small smile. "Like this!" Katsuku gnarled and pounced on Deku. His hands pinning Izuku's to the ground. Deku's face was full of shock.

"I know how to smile nerd!" Kacchan growled. Izuku blushed at the position they were in, this made Kacchan's mind fill with dirty thoughts. Katsuki ripped himself away and blushed madly. He then covered his face and turned away from Izuku. "Sorry..." Katsu muttered out, getting muffled by his arm. Izuku smiled then laughed.

"Its okay, you only shocked me. I was not expecting that." Izuku responded. Katsuki placed his arm on his crossed legs and looked up again towards the sky. A heart shaped cloud. Coincidence much? Izuku also saw it and pointed then jumped up and giggled around in circles. Kacchan watched Izuku spin in circles under the heart shaped cloud, he couldn't help but crack a small smile. Stupid nerd.

Izuku clamed down and sat in front of Kacchan. They were close enough to the point there knees were touching. He took Kacchan's folded hands and cupped them. Then looked up into his eyes. He titled his head, hair falling to the side as well, and smiled. A heart felt smile. And as soon as it came, it left. "What's wrong Kacchan? You seem off lately. Your in and out of nice and angry..." Katsuki's eyes widen. How does this nerd know everything!? I don't really want him to know, but maybe he can give me advice...

Katsuki lowered his head. "My dad is coming over soon, he's been overseas for 3 years now. Last time I seen him, he disowned me. And now since he's coming, I don't know what to do..." Kacchan said lowly. "But this doesn't mean I'm weak Deku! I'm strong!" Katsuki suddenly yelled making Izuku jump. He realized and looked down as an apology.

"Well, just tell him how you feel. Tell him how he made you feel. Maybe he'll change. If he doesn't you can stay at my place for a bit. Don't be scared." Izuku said lightly. Kacchan nodded and blushed a bit. He knew he was right so he wanted to trust his words.

Deku stood up and held his hand out. Katsuki took it and got up as well. They started to walk to the front of the building in silence, only the wind and birds made noise. And panting? Deku turned to Katsuki. He was hunched over and panting heavily. Deku panicked and ran to his aid. Katsuki pushed him to the ground. Izuku rested his weight on his arms and used his legs to kick his way backwards. Kacchan shriveled to the ground and mist surrounded him. Oh no, hes turning. Izuku heard barking come from the mist. He must be pissed off.

"Alright then..." Izuku breathed out. He stood up and brushed off the dirt and leaves. "I have to pick you up... sorry. You might get caught by animal control." Izuku apologized. He then grabbed the spiky blonde floof and held close to his chest. The warmth of it sank into his clothes making his return a smile. He then continued to walk in front of the school. Home is far away.

He passed many stop signs and walk crosses. Little shops decorated each side of the road, every shop had lots of shoppers. So it was a busy day. Whenever someone bumped into Izuku, Katsuki growled or barked. Izu found it funny but also in a way, nice. He practically had to deal with this everyday though since of his height. He was about 5'3 and didn't have much muscle, but enough to hurt someone. So Izuku was used to getting bumped into or trampled. Kacchan however was about 6'0 (not really but deal wit it), and he had a lot more muscle than Izuku did, so he was the one knocking over shorter feeble people.

"Oh my god!" A girl screamed in Izuku's ear. "Your dog is soo cuttee!" She exclaimed again. Then about 3 more girls ran over. Must be her friends... "What's it's name?"

Izuku looked down at the fluff ball in his arms and smirked a bit. "His name is Kacchan." Izu chirped. They squeal.

"Can we pet him?" They swoon. Izuku nodded and smirked at Kacchan. The girls moved closer and Kacchan growled. Deku frowned and smack his snout. "Knock it off." Izuku gritted. He then smiled at the girls. "Sorry, he's very protective of me." They giggled and started to pet him. Once they were done Izuku wished them well and waved goodbye.



"What was that for!?" Katsuki yelled at Deku. They were currently at Izuku's place in his room. It took 2 hours for him to change back. "Why'd you let them pet me?!" He yelled once more. Izuku groaned and layed down on his bed.

"I figured if you bit one of them, you'd get taken away and put down. So that's why..." Izuku explained kicking off his shoes and combing back his silky hair with his fingers.

"And protective!" Katsuki yelled.

"Well little dogs are protective and territorial so I said you were protective." Deku explained once again. He took a deep breath. "I don't get why you're so mad?"

"I just don't like being touched like that..." Katsuki said taking a seat next to Izuku. Deku sat up and looked at Katsuki. He smirked and jumped on Katsuki.

"Like this!" He then started attacking his hair, rubbing it and sliding his hands through it. Deku's thighs were hugging Kacchans waist while his hands were in his hair. He wore a big smile and laughed a big laugh. Katsuki's face burned up red. Izuku stopped and looked Kacchan in the eyes. "Woah are you feeling okay? Your face is super red!" He then felt his cheeks and forehead. Katsuki pushed his hands off. Deku rolled off of Katsuki and fell back on the mattress.

"I'm fine." Katsuki said blushing like crazy. Why am I like this? Katsuki gripped his head and squeezed his eyes shut.



Thanks for reading

Have a great night/day
