
Bad Boy!

In this time there are things such as demons and others as celestials. Celestials protect humans from these demons, but some demons, such as bakugou, can disguise themselves. But once they are found they are sent to a special place for demons of such. These demons need a certain ammount of blood each day, and if they don't they turn into their spirit animal. Bakugou's spirit animal is a pomeranian, scary, right? After Izuku accidentally saw Bakugou transforming out of his animal form, he is dragged into this never ending adventure of hiding and sheltering Bakugou from these celestials. Although Bakugou was not very fond of this protection before hand, he eventually gets very used to it and even starts to feel something more. What will happen next on their journey. Will Bakugou be caught, or will the two boys live forever being hunted?

baku_dekufam · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7


Bakugou was not willing to put up with that nerd everyday, but he did understand where he was coming from. If someone sees, those celestial bastards would be all over him in seconds, then he'd be sent back to the Demon Universe. Where everything and everyone is shitty. On the plus side that nerd doesn't suck as the rest of their class. Other kids are too dumb to understand the difference between pears and apples. And yes, he was thinking of Kaminari. It took him nearly 20 minutes to notice the different shape. Isn't that the first thing people notice that is different.

Izuku trailed behind Bakugou with both earbuds in, listening to relaxing music. Bakugou sensed the nerd following, so he arched his head towards him and stopped in his tracks. Izuku's head was lowered to his phone that was in his hands. His earbuds were in so he couldn't hear him. Izuku bumped into Katsuki and shot his head up, Katsuki looked down at him and scoffed. His eyes were so big they were almost adorable to the hot head. His lip quivered in disgust and he ripped the earbud out of Izuku's ear.

"Why are you following me nerd?" He asked suddenly making Izuku move his eyes to meet the ruby ones that already peirced through him. Izuku processed the question silently in his head and turned his head sideways like a puppy.

"My house is also that way?" He said in more of a question than an answer. Katsuki grunted at his response and shoved the earbud in his ear. The music that was playing was soft music that calmed his senses instantly. The music was nice for a change, his group usually listened to up beat songs and rock, but this was soothing.

He looked down to see Deku looking back at him. Izuku smiled widely and kept walking forward. Katsuki did the same and they peacefully walked in the direction of their houses. They lived two houses away so it was an easy walk home. Izuku felt a feeling of becoming closer to Katsuki, he was happy.



"You're in a good mood Izuku." Uraraka chimed in. It was lunch period and the group was sitting down at their table, lunch had just started so people were still entering the cafeteria and some were exiting to go outside.

"When am I not?" He questioned her smiling brightly. She nodded her head and giggled. Kirishima moved a bit and looked towards Izuku.

"I mean yesterday you did seem off." Kirishima added. Izuku tried playing it off smoothly with putting his fingers under his chin and pretending to be thinking.

"That was nothing. Don't worry." Izuku replied. Kirishima nodded and went back to studying. Izuku can't tell them that he was out with Katsuki or they will be suspicious.

All of a sudden Izuku felt a rough tug at his collar, confused he turned around to see a sweating Katsuki. He looked terrible, his face was ghostly pale and his cheeks were slightly pink. "Help." He whispered. So long for hiding their little secret. Kacchan dragged Izuku away to the boys restroom and strewn him against the wall roughly.

"K-kacchan class is going to start soon." Deku whined. Kacchan growled lowly sending shivers down Izuku's spine.

"This'll only take a second." Katsuki grabbed Izuku's wrist harshly and brag it to his purser lips. He then let out a husky moan smelling Izuku's blood. He licked his wrist forcefully and looked up to see Deku's bright reddened face. "I need blood." He said in moans, "Your blood smells delicious."

"B-but Kacchan. I'll turn into one!" Izuku whined. Katsuki grew more pale as blood rushed away.

"I have to be 21 for my teeth to gain the trait." He growled. He then sunk his teeth his wrist and sucked up some blood. Then licked it afterwards. Izuku cried out in pain. Katsuki felt blood rise to his cheeks and body. He then looked up to see Izuku. His mouth was open wide and drool dribbled down his chin, his cheeks were red and his eyes carried pain. Katsuki looked away fastly and blushed harshly.

'Why am I blushing?' He asked himself. "What the heck was that?" Izuku asked washing his wrist clean of spit and blood. Katsuki ran out of the bathroom covering his bloody nose and blushing face. Izuku was left confused. "Whatever, better get to class."



For the rest of the day, Katsuki's mind was filled with dirty thoughts of Izuku's face underneath him. He was getting aggravated that that nerd was in his head. He tried thinking of other things but the same image was always there. 'What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm straight! I shouldn't be thinking this way!' To let off steam he walked outside of the classroom without the teachers notice. He sat outside the classroom door for the rest of the period and when it was over he gathered his stuff and left. Everyone made sure to avoid him as he stomped angrily down the hallways. He was making his way to the back doors to go to his peaceful hangout that he liked to hang out at when he needed to let out steam.

He found a nice place under the bleachers in the football stadium. No one usually goes there after school, so he was alone to yell and scream if needed or sometimes cry and break shit. That was only on special occasions when he was really sad or needing to feel something better than mad. His tears were always hot and burning down his cheeks. It was a nice way to let go of something. A nice way to let off steam and aggravation. He would go there at least once or twice a week, but this is the first time he went this week.

Katsuki strewn his bag next to him and sat down. He pulled out his phone and earbuds and plugged them in. He wanted to listen to the song he listened to last night when he walked home with Izuku. He knew it would calm him down all over again. Once he found it and layed down and let his left arm rest near his head and his right arm on his heart his phone pressed into his chest. He finally felt relaxation. He felt good. Smiling he breathed out a heavy sigh.



Thanks for reading

Have a great night/day
