
Bad Boy!

In this time there are things such as demons and others as celestials. Celestials protect humans from these demons, but some demons, such as bakugou, can disguise themselves. But once they are found they are sent to a special place for demons of such. These demons need a certain ammount of blood each day, and if they don't they turn into their spirit animal. Bakugou's spirit animal is a pomeranian, scary, right? After Izuku accidentally saw Bakugou transforming out of his animal form, he is dragged into this never ending adventure of hiding and sheltering Bakugou from these celestials. Although Bakugou was not very fond of this protection before hand, he eventually gets very used to it and even starts to feel something more. What will happen next on their journey. Will Bakugou be caught, or will the two boys live forever being hunted?

baku_dekufam · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 16

"Heeyyy Bakubro!" A familiar voice yelled. A sigh emitting from a blonde's  mouth. He really didn't want to deal with anymore naggy idiots today. All day Kaminari and Kirishima have been trying to get Katsuki to go to the festival on Saturday. There's a ton of reasons why Katsuki doesn't want to go but one that really pulls him away from going. His dad is going. "Soo Bakubro, are you going-"

"My final answer is no." Katsuki said taking Kirishima's arm off his shoulder. Eijiro frowned at the male and sadly turned back around walking the other direction.

"I was about to say Midoriya is coming, but whatever." Kirishima replied, throwing up a peace sign behind his back. Katsuki stood still as he watched the boy walk away. Why would he think that would make me want to go?

"Hey, Kirishima! Wait!" Katsuki called out chasing the red head down the corridor of the school. Kirishima slowed down after hearing Katsuki's voice. "Why would you think that stupid nerd would change my mind about going?"

Kirishima only smirked and turned around slowly. "It's pretty obvious Bakugou. You like him." Katsuki backed up and blushed holding his face.

"E-eh, why would you think that!?" Katsuki yelled out, clearly mad. Kirishima put a stern hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Well, lets see. Whenever Izuku mutters behind you, you smile. When he's around any other guy you clearly get jealous. Do you want me to continue or no?" Kirishima stated. It was all true, but Bakugou was never going to admit it.

"None of that is true!" Bakugou exclaimed, flustered about the situation. All Eijiro did was laugh and mock him.

"Yeah, and if you didn't like him you would come to the festival. I mean unless you don't want him to know about your secret little crush." Replied Kirishima. A growl came from Katuki as he perked up.

"Fine, I'll go. But this does not mean I have a crush on that nerd! Got it!" Katsuki yelled. Eijiro smirked and nodded.

"Alright then, meet us at the arcade. We will walk from there. 7:00 pm, don't be late." Kirishima said while walking away.

Katsuki looked down at his hands. I don't like that nerd, do I? Katsuki snorted and chuckled to himself. He was just messing with my head huh? Katsuki agreed and walked off.


Izuku trudged into the classroom with a bright smile on. Tomorrow's the festival! He thought. He has been waiting for the day for forever. Filled with excitement he skipped over to Katsuki's seat and slammed his hands on his desk. Katsuki stared up at him confused.

"Kacchan!" He exclaimed with a smile. Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to the festival tomorrow?" He questioned the confused boy. Katsuki tensed when he heard the word festival. He was secretly scared to go, he didn't want to bump into his dad. It scared him thinking about what he would say to him. He'd probably go off about how much of a disappointment he was or how he was a mistake. The thought brought shivers down the boys spine.

"Yeah." Katsuki grumbled lowly. Izuku smiled, but sensed a strong sad feeling about Katsuki. Slowly Izuku crouched down looking Katsuki in his eyes. There eyes clashed together and just stared at one another. Izuku frowned and took Katsuki's hand and smiled sadly. Blood rushed to Kacchan's cheeks by the sudden action.

"Are you alright Kacchan, you seem like you don't want to go..." Izuku asked. Katsuki looked away from Izuku, but Deku wouldn't have that so with his free hand Izuku moved Katsuki's head to look at him. "Kacchan?" Just the saying of his name brought blood to Katsuki's cheeks. "Did Kirishima force you, cause I'll-"

"No, Deku. My dad is going." Katsuki said quietly. Izuku ohed silently and frowned. Katsuki sighed and looked at Izuku's hand on his. "I don't know what to do if we bump into him."

"Katsuki." That hit Katsuki differently. Butterflies tickled his stomach as that name flicked off Izuku's tongue. This made Katsuki's attention flood to Izuku. "I'll handle it, if we do I mean. You don't have to worry. I'll be by your side." This made the butterflies thicker. Katsuki smiled a bit and then sighed.

"Deku... thanks I guess..." Katsuki said looking away. Izuku smiled and hopped up.

"Anything for you Kacchan!" Izuku squeaked hopping into his seat behind him. Katsuki definitely felt better about going now. All of the pressure fell off his shoulders all thanks to a nerd behind him. What is this feeling... Katsuki questioned.


Tap... Tap... Tap... Izuku's finger tapped the game as he waited for everyone to show up. He wanted to come early so he could play games before leaving. As you could guess, it was Saturday. The day of the festival and alone sat Izuku at an arcade game at 6:30. As sad as that seems, Izuku was extremely excited and happy for the festival. But his facial expressions swayed the opposite way. He looked lonely, afraid, sad. And so a man approached him, sitting beside him. Izuku not noticing at first until a voice was heard.

"Hey kid." A man said behind him. Izuku turned around frightened from the loudness in his voice. The man smiled and held his hands up. "Sorry for scaring you, I couldn't help myself to come over. You look sad. What's up?" Almost immediately Izuku got weird vibes from him, but he didn't want to be too skeptical. With that being said Izuku put on a fake smile and greeted him.

"Hi sir! I didn't see you there." Izuku exclaimed. The man chuckled. "I'm not sad, I'm just really excited for the festival." The man ohed and stared into the greenettes eyes.

"There's something about you that dragged me here." The man said. Izuku nervously nodded and scratched his neck. "The names Dabi." He stretched out his hand and Izuku took it.

"Izuku." Replied Deku. Dabi shook his head slowly and continued to stare at his features.

"So, what are you doing here by yourself?" Dabi asked. Izuku looked at the game he was sitting at, seeing the name Kacchan scroll up as number 2. He smiled at that and replied to the man.

"I'm waiting for my friends." The man only nodded and continued to stare making Izuku more and more uncomfortable. Dabi groaned and bit his lip. Izuku got up off his seat and motioned to the door. "Actually I think I see them now." He then turned around and walked fastly to the door, Dabi only watched.

As Izuku ran out breathing heavily, he gripped his chest tightly. That man was creepy.. Izuku shook it off and sat up against the building waiting for anyone to show up. He didn't want to risk going back in there and getting molested or something. Izuku sighed and looked towards the sky, it was still bright as day outside and still had some time before the sun set. He felt a presence sit next to him. He looked over and saw Katsuki. With a smile he rested his head on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Glad you came." Was all Izuku said. Katsuki looked at the greenette on his shoulder and breathed out heavily. His eyes caressed the freckles lining his pink dusted cheeks, it lead up to the boys eyes that were like emeralds. His eyes then traveled down to his plump pink lips. Katsuki looked back up to the sky waiting for the others to arrive.


"Guys!" Exclaimed Kirishima. He was running with Denki, Mina, and Uraraka by his side. As they reached Bakugou and Izuku they noticed that they were both sleeping. Izuku's head on Katsuki's shoulder and Katsuki's head on Izuku's head. Mina smiled brightly and snapped a picture of the two. Uraraka laughed and giggled with Mina. All Kirishima did was smirk and shake Bakugou awake. Bakugou shot his eyes open to see Kirishima's smirking face. Anger washed over him.

"KIRISHIMA!" He yelled.

"Kirishima you better run." Kaminari commented.

Bakugou chased Kirishima all the way across town. The end.


Thanks for reading

Have a great night/day
