
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

Sundayig · Realistic
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50 Chs

Chapter 31: Insufficient people's heart

   Seeing that it was Bledsoe Jayden who was making a fuss at Double Click Company, Gallo couldn't help but scolded Jayden, wondering what kind of nerve he was getting.

   Song Yang looked at Jayden, and he was almost the same as the person he had seen before. His hair had not been cut for a long time, his beard was unshaven, and behind his glasses were a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Seeing Song Yang, Bledsoe Jayden was even more excited, pointed at Song Yang, and shouted hysterically to the bald man standing beside him, "Frant, it's him, it's this one. Robber, stole everything from me, there should have been part of me here, but he stole it all!"

  Frant, with a strong body and a fleshy face, knew at a glance that he was a gang member on the street. Hearing Jayden's words, he raised his arms and looked at Song Yang with a bad expression.

Even if he didn't say a word, he was already full of threats. Seeing Flant's actions, Gallo stood in front of Song Yang. "Hey, what are you doing, who do you think you are?!"

   Looking at the office that was disturbed by Jayden and Fran, Song Yang's face was very ugly, he pulled away the tie he was wearing, and looked at Jayden, "What are you doing?"

Jayden didn't dare to look at Song Yang's eyes, so he looked away, but when he thought about the double-click company he saw in the media reports, it was worth more than ten million dollars. Laughing at his lack of vision in his ear, Jayden is not reconciled!

   After seeing Song Yang interviewing and reporting on Houston TV before, Jayden complained to Flant who happened to pass by, and said a lot of bad things about Song Yang. At that time, the two had some ideas.

   And this time, when I saw in the media that Netscape, Wang An, etc., all had to invest in DoubleClick, and when Song Yang might enter the ranks of multi-millionaires, Jayden couldn't bear it any longer.

For someone like Fran, who originally had to make trouble for nothing, but now they have the opportunity to knock a lot of money from Song Yang, how can they be willing to let it go, so the two specially chose to come here today, It is to let Double-click Company get back the compensation "belonging to them" from Song Yang when it is most critical with the investment company.

   "I want to get back the part that belongs to me, and part of this place should belong to me!" Jayden said to Song Yang with his head.

  Song Yang laughed with rage. Song Yang knew that some people would do anything for the sake of a beautiful knife, but someone like Jayden broke through Song Yang's imagination.

"what are you saying?"

Jayden's words made Gallo stunned, and then he came back to his senses and yelled at Jayden, "What are you talking about, we signed an agreement, and your fee was already given to you. , what else do you want, do you really think the Bruno family is easy to bully, do you want to try Lao Tzu's fist!"

   Gallo wanted to attack Jayden angrily. He didn't expect Jayden to be such a thing, but he was blocked by Frank.

   "That fifteen thousand dollars?"

"The DART system was developed by me, so I got 15,000 dollars to drive me away. I want to get my share of the equity!" Hearing Gallo talking about the more than 10,000 dollars, Jayden was even more angry.

   These words made the scene even more chaotic. Even Song Yang couldn't help it and wanted to punch Jayden in the face.

   "Enough, go out now!"

  Greek stopped Song Yang, and then shouted to Fran, "Go out now, do you want me to find a federal police detective to pick you up?!"

   "Let's go out first!"

  Frant raised his hands and said to Jayden, then showed a grin on his face, "We can go out, but the part that belongs to Jayden must be taken back, we will wait!"

  Frant left the Double Click Company's office, but stood at the elevator entrance with a look of perseverance.

  Song Yang turned his head and glanced, seeing Irene and other women in the office, all of them looked a little frightened.

   After returning to the office, Song Yang threw his tie aside. Song Yang never thought that something like Jayden would appear.

   "I didn't expect Jayden to be such a scumbag. If I had known earlier, I would definitely not have brought him here..."

   Looking at Song Yang who was standing by the window, Gallo lowered his head, rubbed his hands together and said, Jayden made a riot in the office today, and Gallo couldn't get rid of it.

   "What about the security of the building, what are they doing? We have to pay so much security fee every month!" Greg said with a big head.

   The entire Double Click Company had a depressed look. In Song Yang's office, Gleick and others gathered.

   After a while, the security personnel of the office building came over, and Greg said to the leading security director, "Do you want to give us an explanation for today's events?!"

   "Some things cannot be avoided!"

The security director also said with a headache, his salary is only a few thousand dollars a month, and he is definitely not willing to count on him to work hard with a bad guy like Fran, but facing Greg's questioning, the security director is also impossible. Don't admit it, otherwise he won't be able to get the thousands of dollars every month.

   "I promise, today is an accident, those people will no longer enter the building and interfere with your company!"

The security supervisor assured Greg, then hesitated, but looked at Song Yang. He heard from the property manager of this building that the young boss of Double Click Company may become a big man in the future. The security supervisor decided to remind him. other side.

   "However, I can't guarantee that the other party will do anything outside this building. I think you should be careful. Frant's gang can do everything!"

   Hearing the words of the building's security director, Greck's face that had just improved, became even more ugly, and waved his hand to let the security director leave.

   "Jayden can't take away the equity of Double-click Company. He has signed an agreement. There is no problem with Double-click Company's equity and patents. They belong to Song you only. Even if the lawsuit goes to the state court or federal court, I can guarantee victory!"

  Greek asked Ryan, Irene and others to leave, let the Double Click Company start to operate normally, and then talked to Song Yang about resolving Jayden.

"As for Fran," Greg also scratched his head a little. If Fran did it today, it would be okay to say, but this kind of non-action is actually the most difficult thing to deal with. "I can go to the federal police detective and warn Frank!"

   "Do you think it will work?"

Song Yang pointed to Frant's group who were standing at the door of the building again, and turned to Greg and asked, if it was a normal matter, it is estimated that Frant would leave automatically after being warned, but he wanted to. How could they, who made a lot of money from Song Yang and Double Click Company, retreat automatically after being warned a few words.

   "There will be a solution, Song, there will always be a solution." Seeing that Song Yang seemed to be preparing to use special means, Greg hurriedly said to Song Yang.

"Do we still have time?" Song Yang sat down and smiled helplessly as he watched Greck, "Wait until the WPP group arrives, if Martin Solo is stopped at the door by that guy Frant, you know What is that scene?"

  Greck was at a loss for words. This involved an investment of tens of millions of dollars. There was a slight misstep, and Gleick didn't know what the consequences would be.


Song Yang stood by the window for a while, a memory popped up in his mind, Song Yang turned his head to look at Gallo, who was still bowing his head, hesitated for a while, but said to Gallo, "Call Jax, I know you have his phone!"

   "Song!" Greg's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, "Do you know what you are doing, in order to solve a trouble, it leads to even more trouble!"

   "Is there a better way then?" Song Yang was also a little annoyed. If he could clean up Fran and his gang, why would he take the risk? How could he not know what Jax did.

"Song, are you sure?" Gallo looked at Song Yang eagerly with Greg's sharp eyes. He had already wanted to clean up that rotten Frante. Seeing Song Yang nodding, Gallo immediately turned around and went out. Start calling.

  Greek was very angry, looked at Song Yang and said, threw a word and left, "You will regret it!"

   "It's done, Jax and the others will come over, it should have been this way long ago, let that rotten Frant know that we are not to be messed with!" Gallo returned and said, waving his fists.

Song Yang took out a sum of money from the small safe in the office, put it in the envelope, and glanced at Gallo, "You must not do it, Uncle Greg is right, it may not be a good idea to find them. Idea, if it wasn't for now!"

   "But Jax and the others are different. As soon as I call, they are willing to help..."

  Song Yang stopped Gallo, "We can thank Jax and the Sons of Chaos gang, but we can't get too involved, you know what they do, and you want to join them too?!"

Gallo opened his mouth and sighed. A few years ago, he really envied Jax and the others for their reckless life, but now, the special Bruno family is about to become a multi-millionaire. Life is waiting for him, Mr. Gallo, how could he be willing to ride a broken Harley every day in precarious life?

After    hours, Song Yang, who was sitting in the office building, heard a low roar, even while sitting in the building, Song Yang could feel a shock.

   turned his head and looked outside, Song Yang saw a row of seven or eight heavy-duty Harleys, driving towards the Harbour Office Building with a low roar.

They were chatting and farting at the entrance of the building, and from time to time they were whistling to the white-collar female who came out. They also heard the movement. They looked behind and saw a row of Harleys passing by, especially the young man who was leading the way. After wearing a leather jacket with a skull pattern carrying an AK on his body, there was a badge with the same logo on the front of the leather jacket, and his face changed suddenly.

  Jayden also discovered Flant's anomaly. He had never seen Flante, who was always fearless, show such an expression. Jaden asked worriedly, "Who are they?"

   "Damn, how could it be them!"

Flant also had an ugly face, and cursed secretly, just praying that the group of people were not coming for him, but it backfired. A few people surrounded Frant.