
Back Into Your Arms

"I can't believe they chose you!", I said. "Oh, so you think I knew about all this? Marrying you was the last thought in my mind ", he spoke coldly. "Look, if we are marrying each other, we have to find a way to stand each other. I can't take any more troubles in my life. So after this whole marriage thing, let's just travel our own paths, not shoving our noses into each others business. Deal? ", I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Deal", he said with a smirk "as long as you truly keep yourself to only yourself. " I narrowed my eyes and said "As if. " and walked away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashley Payne had the perfect life. A nice family, with a cute sister, loving mother, protective father, a straight A student, and the best boyfriend in town, Liam Anderson. Both the families knew each other very well, going to Sunday brunches and weekend tours together. But everything falls apart when one night, at a party, Ashley finds Liam in a room, naked with another girl. Never in her life had she thought that her life could turn out like this. After that, the situations got pretty worse but both decided to keep it a secret from their families, to not break their ties of friendship. Now, two years later, Ashley has finally decided to get married. But only for her family business and maintaining friendship. It's with Liam. Both are hungry for revenge and hatred is all that they see between them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N : It's my first book and hence I'm just getting accustomed to all the new things on Wattpad. So please bear with me on this journey <3 Love, Candy ❤️

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Chapter 11


I was sitting on my bed and tapping my foot. Liam is ten minutes late. The arrogant a$$ calls himself a business man and still can't maintain the time. I rolled my eyes and lied flat on my back, looking at the ceiling.

I rolled the ring that stayed on my finger . I'm engaged. Feels so different and yet not much so. The alarm clock still rings at six, the sun still sets in the west. Then why are you making such a big fuss, Ashley? If you could get through what you went through at 15, you'll get through this fake marriage as well. Eyes on the prize, Ashley, eyes on the prize. Revenge is what you need and revenge is what you'll have.

A loud honk pulled me out of my thoughts. I slowly took my suitcase and went down. The honking became louder and irritable. But I yet took my time. The a$$ thinks he will come late and then force me to hurry up? Nuh Uh. Not happening.

I kissed my mother's cheek and held my father in a tight hug. It's true I'll miss them. I mean, who doesn't? Every time I went on outings or long trips it was with them and my sweet sister. This will be my first trip without them.

Coming out I saw the black car of Liam's and walked towards it. Again, taking my time.

" Can you hurry the heck up?", Liam shouted.

I smirked and sat on the passenger's seat after keeping my suitcase at the back.

" Oh I'm sorry. You see, my darling fiancé took so much time doing his make up that he reached fifteen minutes late ." , I gave an innocent smile and turned around.

He glared at me but concentrated on the road. We reached the airport in twenty minutes and took out our suitcases. I started walking towards the main entrance but someone pulled my hand and I hit something hard. Looking up I saw Liam staring at me and that it was his chest I hit. Bloody hulk.

" What was that for? ", I questioned him.

" Follow me. "

" We are late Liam! The plane will take off without us! "

He rolled his eyes and held my arm tightly and pulled me along with him.

" What the hell! Liam let go! What are you doing?! Li -", and then my eyes fell on a plane that was standing in front of us. It was a small one.

Oh hell yes. Of course Liam has a private jet. He just has to brag and scream rich. I yanked my hand out of his hold and began walking towards the plane.

" Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson. Good afternoon, Miss . I'm Jake, your captain for today. I hope we have a safe journey and a lovely experience. "

I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was cute with brown eyes and brown hair. And the way his eyes crinkled a bit made him even more cuter.

Liam just ignored and went inside. I let out a sigh and followed him. Why can't he just smile a bit? Arrogant arse.

The inside of the plane was something I dreamt of having as a house. It was HUGE.

And well decorated. It screamed rich and had a smell of sophistication.

He just ignored me and sat on a seat. I too made myself comfortable and looked outside. I hope I can bear this week. God help me.


The ride was getting boring and Liam was doing something on his laptop. He was on the other side of the aisle and hence I couldn't see what. Not that I wished to. I was looking at the endless sea of clouds and now I was sick of this.

"When will we reach? ", I asked.

" Well, technically it takes 18 hours and 54 minutes. Do the math. ", and then he looked back to his laptop.

I narrowed my eyes and him and got up, " I should've asked Jake ."

I started going towards the cockpit when suddenly Liam said, "We should reach there by 10 am tomorrow, if every thing goes right. "

" If everything goes right ?", I asked feeling an unusual panic.

" You know, if the flight suddenly doesn't get out of control, or it doesn't have an emergency landing anywhere, or it doesn't fall in the sea while we're trave- "

" Okay stop! " ,I was now breathing heavily, " Jake seemed professional and experienced. Nothing will happen of that sort. "

His eyes got a shade darker, "Look at you. Just hours since we got engaged and you're already trusting another man with your life. "

" Why are your pants twisting? ' As long as we mind our business ', remember? " , I said quoting what he said on the day of engagement.

I still went forward not wanting to stay near him. I found a door that slid open. Guess they have sensors. It was a kitchen.

Finally! The best place in the plane!

I got in and found a fridge along with other kitchen stuff. It was like a proper kitchen.

I opened the fridge and was greeted by the sandwiches, chocolates and other dishes that just needed to be microwaved.

I pulled out two salmon sandwiches and put them in for heating. Both for me, of course. After I was done, I took out two Hershey's bar and went back to my seat.

Liam looked at me and his eyes fell on the bars. His stomach immediate growled and I smirked at that.

" Oops! Did you want some? ", I feigned innocence, " But hey, lemme guess, you can't have this cause it's high calorie, high sugar blah blah blah. Princesses can't put on weight. "

Satisfied with my speech I made my way back to my seat. But a strong hand grabbed my waist and I immediately fell on a soft cushion like thing. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Liam looking at me with anger prominent in his eyes. Looking around I saw that I was on his lap and our faces were too close. I struggled in his grasp but he only held me tighter.

" Now I wouldn't say that. " , he said referring to ' princess ' .

I struggled harder but he still kept me down.

" And I wouldn't do that either." , he said as he smirked.

My eyes widened as I could feel his hard member poking my butt. I could feel heat rise my face and my ears felt hot.

" Unless....." , he trailed off.

" Please let go of me. "

" Sure. " , he smirked.

I felt ashamed of myself as I had begged. I never left without a fight. I had to make myself stronger if I wanted a revenge.

Liam too got up and made his way to, I guess, the kitchen.

Trying to forget what happened I looked outside but it was pitch black now and I could only see my own reflection on the glass.

Slowly I felt my eyes drooping and the second Hershey's bar fell out of my hand.

A little later I felt someone hold me bridal style. The smell made my heart ease a bit and I snuggled closer. My body made contact with a surface too soft and I felt my lips tug a bit. I moaned out in pleasure of having such a soft bed. Softer than the one I have. Damn these people were rich.

And I drifted off to sleep.